Welcome aboard friends.The Galactic News seemed more correct as a name ,for much of the news is about us the light worker-warriors. We are the stars as the stage is set and the show is ready to start . Seems much is happening with the GFOL and we are being pulled in many different directions at the same time. But all is well for we are family and will work things out amongst ourselves. The Disclosure Game is the number one subject. And we are divided into two camps, those who believe it will happen soon  and those who believe it will happen late or very late, maybe to late for the mass who have no Idea what is happening.We think we know but as you have seen in the last mo's many plans failed and others just plan didn't happen. The DC refuses to let go of the power it thinks it has. So from the outside world it looks as though things are going as planed for them, collapsing the economy,War and rumors of Wars . Much violence and may-ham, all brought to us by the controlled media.Of course we on the inside know they are loosing the fight but still they refuse to give it up. The sheeples of the controlled society has no idea of what is really going on. And for this I feel sorry for them.If they knew what you and I know many would not be able to handle it. And that's why the GFOL has been dragging there feet. Most people are not ready. But ready or not here it comes.

So the Disclosure game gets a bit heavy here as the two camps, continue to correct one another. Of course all of us lightworker-warriors want it to happen soon, some just don;t think it will. Especially after all the posting I and others put up about what ADAMU from the Pleiadian civilization , Commander of the Pleiadian consul. He released a blog through Zingdad.com. That was all about NO Disclosure.He claimed that it wasn't going to happen until after Ascension Dec. 2012. So as you can guess that upset a lot of people and there was much discussion on this site and others. I myself was caught in the middle. So far the GFOL has not come through, so I am in doubt as to how soon it will happen but it has to happen for there to be a Rescue of the mass people of earth. The way Adamu talked and others of the same ilk is that they just wont make it.First there will be Ascension and then Disclosure and Rescue for those who are still around and can handle it.I guess the rest will die the bodies and reincarnate somewhere else. What a shame to miss such an opportunity as this one. Its one in a life time to be able to get off the reincarnation wheel of Karma. But be that as it may. He did have a beautiful speech on STO's and STS; service to others and service to self reality of the way the universe works and he also explained a thirid camp of those that don't make any choice, who refuse to choose, one way or the other.Of course the service to self were usually what we would call the bad guys.For me the Dark Cabal came to mind instantly. But he cautioned us not to judge them so harse or at all, as it seems we all start off in that Camp and then move up to the no choice camp, through many reincarnations ,before we are able to someday move into the STO's camp.

And I can relate to that because I have been doing a lot of lucid Dreaming where I visited many of my past lives in these last 10 yrs.I also visted many of my ''other'' lives in alternate Dimensions and time frames. The ones in the multi dimensions where pretty much like myself now, with some changes here and there. most were working towards Ascension, some very serious and some moving slowly and a few didn't seem to be moving at all. this is called the monad soul, where we split up into many persons to better our chances of ascension survival. And on a subconscious level we transfer that info to each other. Whoever finds the correct way first tells it to the others. And now for all those other lifes we have lived in the past.The fist ones were more like me today. The bodies were a little different but there was some movement forward in this STO's. But the further back I went in past lives the more it became mundane. I could see that the person I was then was a slacker of sorts, not goal orientated nor was there much spiritual interest. You could say I was just surfing through life. I noticed I was in many different sorts of human bodies ,some you might call alien and once I was a large dark haired female. Now when I left that camp ,I began to think about all the Karma that was happening to me today. Lots of accidents,and near death experiences and lots of disease and disablement. So I knew I had also not been a nice guy as well. I found myself in the STS camp, with lots of violence, then killing started mostly all for protection and survival in gangs & mafia, then the military ect. Anyway I wasn't planing evil like the DC but I sure was involved with the bad guys and a few times I was proud to be a soldier. I then understood where all my strange Karma was coming from.So in the last 5yrs I have been studying how not to judge people, to learn to see them as sinless and that's really hard. That's also what  Adamu was talking about. That the Creator doesn't judge them and neither should we. And that's hard for most of us to do and I still have to work on it every single day. So when we stop judging we move up another level of understanding. When we have been there ourselves, how can we truly judge or condemn, for we are them & they are us. We are all a part of the Creator father, he is part of us and we are a part of each other,we are one.

Now back to Adamu and Disclosure.I presented his blogs because I felt they had some kind of merit. Not because I belived it would not happen until late in the game but because we should consider the possibility, it may not. Then along come the GfOL right on top of it the next day saying Disclosure is coming soon, several different ones .Then the ascended masters sorta affirmed it. Then in jumps another faction of space brothers, Cammander Grener  president of the Intergalactic consul, from the star ship Neptune. And he says No, No Adamu is not correct. There is going to be Discloser and they have a new plan of how to bring it about. Now sense the powers that be, don't want to give in to Defeat and Discloser, they will just go around them. To do this they plan to take up on board 25 chosen people from earth, mostly from the states I gather.The next day they say they will choose another 100 to 200 from around the world. They will go on board with camers and recorders of all types and record the space brothers not only in the ships but they will take a tour around the Universe. After 10 days they will bring them back with there cameras and recorders full and release them to the press. First it will only be the alternative media then the regular media will have to except it, because they have the prof. This then will be the real beginning of Disclosure from here it should spread like wild fire,especially if there really is 200 people from around the world. There will be no way to silence or discredit that many people. The cat will out of the bag,They wont be able to put the Genie back into the bottle.I would think that many of those will be light-workers from these GFOL forums .I would like to go up again as well.So if this should happen then that will be the end of the Disclosure issue, for it will have begun, finally!

Moving on to the last discussion, the one this site takes it name from''Ashtar command'' It sounds like maybe the mystery has been salved . There has been whole lot of discussions over who he really is in the last months. I also wrote about him sense I have been following ''Ashtar'' for 30yrs. In the beginning he was commander Ashtar. A older gent wearing a funny helmet hat. He was channeled by Tuella. I still have severl books from her but my favorite is the one called ''Project Earth Evacuation''. I made a coy of the front cover and blew it up and made a poster from it that still hangs on my wall today beside a mid 90's photo of Jesus Sananda and a mother ship. Anyway the main theme back then was to prepare man for the Rescue sometime around the millennium. But that didn't happen.Then there became two Ashtar's a young one and a older one. Alexsandriah Stahr claims to be his daughter, who is here on earth and claims to be representing the original Ashtar with the funny hat. But at the same time the story of who he was changed. He was still ahead of the Galactic Federation but he now was from earths far future and something has gone wrong there so they have come back to this time to try and fix it, without interfering directly. He is quite upset that there is another Ashtar so he changed his title to Ashtar of the solar star command. And there is no Rescue plan anymore and no Disclosure for it. But there is still the Ascension Plan.Boy o Boy, what next. Well next we have Jesus-Sananda and Astar Sheran in command of the GFOL. Where there is both a Rescue plan and the Ascension plan, which aslo means a Disclosure and contact event must happen for the Rescue plan to work.

But who is Ashtar Sheran? and that was the topic here in this site end of last year. I thought maybe he was the son of Ashtar ,not a junior,sense he had a second name and that was my guess of who he could be. He took over his Fathers place of command and his father semi retired to a smaller post. Other people had different ideas of who he was, but no conclusion's were made. Then around the beginning of the year AA Michael s name was added to the blogs that was posted . we all thought they were working together. Then it was revealed to us that the two of them are one person. I guess its sorta like the mystery of Jesus and Sananda being two persons and then one again, hard for one to understand. But come to find out  this week that the person of Ashtar Sheran is AA Michael and the name Ashtar Sharen is a title that means most high commander or commander of the most high. Well now we know, don't we.. But there is still a little problem I have.I found the channeled material from Michael to be more credible and spiritual. For instance, the blog put out by both AA Michael/ Ashtar Sharen last mo. said that the DC had destroyed the 4th dimension somehow and that we couldn't travel through it anymore. That we had to skip over it straight into 5D. That it was a black void and hard to maneuver inside of it. Then a short time later a blog was posted by AA Michael by himself saying that most of us were now in it and that they were about 7 to 10 steps , grades, levels to get through it. And it was alive and well. So here again folks we have different stories. I tend to believe AA Michael, whom I also pray to for protection. Which brings me to another question. The Urantia book says no angel has ever incarnated into human form as a human. But they can take on human form for brief periods of time to do work here, usually rescue but also spiritual work. So the question is, has he given up his post as the 2nd highest angel, or can he do both at the same time or has the rules in Haven been changed so he can be human. Only AA Michael can answer these questions for us. In the mean time we stick with what the last statement says. That he is both. Its hard for us to understand such things, maybe that's were faith comes in. Thanks for your time folks and I hope a gentle Discussions will come from this. Blessings, ADONAI

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