
Everything you have been hearing  about the cosmic energy day,Dec.26,016 is True an yet there is much of it that is not True! Astral Scientist, light workers, bible thumpers, awakened and UN-awakened people are all trying to figure out just what is coming down the pipe. What we are talking about here is termed as a Cosmic Event of great proportion. It seems that a giant star in our Universe went Super Nova and at the same time a giant Black Hole came and swallowed it up but it was to much for the Black hole and so he spit it out again and shot out great amounts of Plasma energy, gamma rays energy and charged particles. Now this Cosmic Event happened millions or even billions of years ago but the light from that explosion just recently reached us and of this wk. 19th Dec. and heavy over the entire Earth Dc.21 winter solstice.This mixture of energy has reached Earth as it first passed through the Photon Belt which we have talked much about over the years. As it passed inside the Photon Belt it also picked up other types of particles and anti-particles much like charged particles.

We are being told that this great mixture of Cosmic Energy is part of the Divine Plan by our Creator Michael to restore his Kingdom and his sovereignty of this Universe that he Created. The Spiritual Realm and Angels is highly involved in this Restoration along with ascended masters and  our ET Brothers both on this planet and off. And all those living inside the earth such as the Resistence Movement, the positive SSP and military plus many other groups such as all the different Dragon Families around the earth.The idea is to free the earth and all other planets that have been held in slavery for the last 350,000 yrs or more by the Dark ones. This War of good verses evil has been going on for millions if not billions of years in this and other Galaxy's. Enslavement by the Evil ones seems to never end but now there is an end in sight. As now the spiritual Realm has joined the fight for it our Creators wish that the Dark ones rule no more, we are to be freed but to do that we must first be awakened, for as the saying goes; you cannot Free a Slave if he does not know he is a slave !

This awakening first took place 2000 years ago from the ascended master Jesus, who started the New Age Movement to awaken us so that we can be freed in these end times of the old earth and to escape from this 3D duality and the evil that has entrapped us sense Lucifer and Satan made this planet there headquarters 250,000 years ago.In doing so they also attracted other evil minded aliens who came to this planet to rape and pillage and enslave mankind and they all worshiped a Dark God over controllers who sought to teach Earthlings to do the same and those aliens who came and went.Many of the positive earthlings went underground and ET's went into the inner earth to keep there spiritual believes alive and evolve into a higher state of being. But those poor souls on the surface were enslaved ,body ,mind and soul. And for these to be freed in these last days of the old ways , mankind first had to be awakened and to do this many souls on the spiritual realm that we now call light-workers were called forth to reincarnate upon this plane and were trained in spirit realm schools to do this. First to awaken themselves by using there past programing to over ride the negative programing the cabal has installed all over this planet.

To free the people of this and many other planets the people had to awaken and realize that they were part of a Matrix that was very Dark and that not only controlled the MSM, schools,money,industries, religion, governments but also there minds through all of this and much more such as all the Implants that was put into every persons body and maco-nites and nano-nites that was put into there brains trough the Chem-trails for the last 18 years world wide and over 60 years in test areas.The Dark Cabal that was installed, Then began a program called the Illuminati, that had over one hundred black lodges and put there millions of people in key positions in company's, schools,military, police and other top positions of governments. These minions did the dirty work as minions of the DC. The families were torn apart, divided each generation even more so. The Matrix had worked but to keep them in line they used the Medias propaganda, Hollywood movies and movie stars, music stars,TV stars as there idles brain washing the youth and the couch potatoes. The Matrix had worked, no one knew who they were nor any idea that they were slaves.

The Mass had to be awakened before the liberation of the planet could take place and that job was mainly the light workers themselves. We knew our job but the odds seemed impossible but Inspiration came through in the form of the Ascension plan, moving up the ladder of multidimensional from 3rd dimension to 4D and on to 5D.But we could not go by ourselves, we had to take our sleep-walking brothers who were under the Matrix program of the DC and the NWO. our inspiration came from the ascension plan of Dec.21,2012. But that too was taken from us by the DC whom we later found out was also a minion of the Dark Gods we now call the ARCHONS, who came down to there DC minions here in 97 and put up a holographic energy field that locked everyone under a dome so that no one could get out. They did this by joining time lines together, that is overlapping 2 alternate earths together, we later learned to call this the Mandela effect.It seemed that the evil Archions had sealed us in for good and there Matrix, there mind control was all powerful but the spiritual energies was coming through from the spiritual realm and our ET allies. So they sent in other dimensional astral beings to influence and infiltrate us in a negative way, especially the light-workers, then they set up plasma and toplet bombs in and around the energy field that they had set up in there holographic defense field, that could go off if and when entry was tried that could not only destroy earth but our solar system and much more.

The Archions created there own minions, solders and slave controllers. Like the story of the Annunakis creating us (which was false) they spliced genes together to create the Drako's and the Reptilians and they in turn created hybrids and together they controlled  and became the DC. The Chemerons joined the Archions as there allies and together they controlled  the DC who now controls the entire earth up until recent times as the war against them has taken on a lot of new allies and a uprising of great proportions is now winning the war against our enslavement and overthrowing the DC but the Archions and there astral allies have proven to be very tough so reinforcements has been sent in by Divine order.And now we come back to the cosmic energies coming from the center of the universe which is hat this blog is really all about....

This energy that has arrived and can be seen on background radar called the MIMIC Map as seen on BP Earth watch  and other vids. This cosmic energy is said to be able to uplift mankind's evolution by raising not only our DNA but our form of consciousness into the higher Dimensions of 4th and 5th Dimension and to awaken even those sleep walkers who have under the programing and influence of the DC. and this is to take place starting on Boxing day Dec.26th 016.
lasting two weeks, from the 21st of Dec.The effect of these energies coming through the Photon Belt will be stepped down so people can handle it but even then there will be many side effects that many are not aware of in both the body and the mind but we should get through it without to much trouble as the whole of humanity will be awakened and in doing so realize the Matrix that they have been under for many thousands of years. We should then be able to break free as these energies have a dual purpose and that is they will neutralize the Archions and there allies and minions both on this plane and the astral plane. They will become complete helpless and stopped in there tracks then removed from this earth and all the other planets they have enslaved. They will be rehabilitated or returned back to source to be de-evolved back into the lower dimensions. Earth is the last planet to be freed from the DC and Archons and what ever happens here will be an example to the rest of the planets who still have some form of slavery to brake away from. There is or may be some earth changes like earth quakes that may take place on earth at this time but it is a small price to pay as we pave the way for ascension in the coming  year or two.Awaken now, we are soon to be free, indeed !!!!!!!!!!

Adonai, rev. Joshua Skirvin

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