

Fool me once shame on you, Fool me Twice-Shame on Me!

We've been had yet once again by the DC and the Visitors. The last big one a year ago, as we all remember, how they took us for a ride then and many smaller ones through out the last Years. They are very good at deceiving us, over and over again. Its almost impossible to tell the real Allies from the False one. This Comet/Ship Ison was a big one. They once again hog washed us into beliving that what did not occur last ear would now happen,Ships in the sky's, colorful light patterns, even small meterorites falling to the ground with precious minerials and gems in them as Christ-mas gifts to us all. This was all supposed to happen starting on X-mas and becoming stronger each day as the tail of Ison was supposed to last til mid Jan.014. But all we have seen is a few orbs in the sky's at a long distance, so they are small when we see them on the vids. We got a few minutes of what was left of Comet Ison on vid as the 30 mtr. piece of rock that was left passed over the mid west of the states. And a few meteroite showers that is also normal for this time of year. We did get a bit more this year because Earth is passing through a Astroid belt. But nothing nowhere like what was promised to us and no ships up close in the sky's or light show, we've been had !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,

      And what does all of this mean to us? Have we learned our lesson yet, ? I sure have, for I stuck my head out there yet once again like last year, even though I was more cautious, this time around. They still made a fool out of us, I asked for and recieved more confirmation, same as others on this Comet Ison, and we got back up from JC, GFL,Ashtar and the Spirit realm, or so we thought we did, we were instructed to go out and tell everyone that "for sure" this time its going to happen. To warn them that nothing harmful will happen just a beautiful light show with some ships to show that we are not alone. Well I did this and more I made up a poster and posted them around town and I even went down town and announced it over my mega phone. I still had great doubts ;for bitten once ,twice shy. But I figured that it was better to warn them so that if it does happens then they wont be so scared, than to not warn them and they become in shock and go crazy.

    So I stuck my neck out and got it bitten off as people again point the finger at me and say, hey, what happened, you were wrong again. I can only say thats its been postponed once again but that it will still happen but I will not say when. If and when the next big one comes ,I am sure that I and others like me will wait until after it happens , then we can say I told you so. I also feel sorry for Bloosom Goodchild and others like her who channelled both last year and this year this False flag, she has a good heart and was deeply hurt last year and stopped channeling for ahwile, but I don't feel sorry for Suzanne or Beth T. I think they knew from the get go that it wasn't true, there statements were to out landish, they are quiet now at least for awile and I re-posted Bloosoms last blog yesterday as she attempts to find out what has happened, why another False Flag, from the GFL ?.




 I now personally believe most of the channelling concerning Disclosure, Contact, NESARA and the Free energy and money is all a scam. Has ben and will continue to be, so long as the DC are in power and working with the Visitors and the Archons. I believe the Archons have a two mile long super computer to channel out such stuff as Salusa and others. The Visitors do the False channeling as a mind hive a collective of many different DC aliens. I have re-posted many blogs about them given to us from out true allies called the "Allies of Humanity" SO I of all people should have known better to fall for this the 2nd time. Although I was not caught up in the many smaller False Flags. And the question arises again, why do they do it? I think that they do it for many reasons. But the main reason is to Discredit us Light workers and the many sites like this one where we are helping to awaken people both for the Ascension plan and the Earth Changes and also to discount the possibility of the over throw of the DC.

        It also cause a lot of people to Disbelieve in the whole New Age Ascension movement. It does cause even the light workers to argue amongst themselves what is going to happen and why it didn't happen. And to test our belief systems and our Mission in General as to why we were not told the Truth by our Allies, such as the real GFL, Ashtar command and the Ascended Masters and others of the Spirit realm. Why didn't they tell us it was another False Flag ?, they could have at least done that for us as our Allies. It has been very quiet on the net and this site as well about this new False Flag, part of the reason was because of the time line mid  Jan. I have broken the silence just like last year with this blog and my comments on the blogs posted still by them as of yesterday and I will continue to do so until I get some answers and some feedback. The feedback has already started from my comment on Ashtar.

        So the ball is rolling. All of this has also taken away the drive and inspiration from the light workers including myself. I have been visiting this site sence it started and became a member nearly four years ago, not only to post my blogs that I have written but to help guide it in the right direction as I was told by Spirit to do. We have had many ups and downs here, much Debunkers and Trolls, shrills. We have been pulled in many different directions and yet we are still here. Our Pre-Programing before our life here has made our Mission Strong but it seems that we are not over the hump yet. That is until we get rid of DC and all of this False channeling that is throwing us off course. And the last question is where do we go from here. I think maybe all this false channeling has thrown us off the trail , in that I think things are going to get worse before they get better.

   They are misleading us so that we sit back and take it easy, when in fact things could take a turn for the worse and if we are not ready for that possibility then truly we are in deep trouble. The spirit realm is starting to hint at us that there may be some hard times ahead, a bumpy road if you may. And that we should start preparing by becoming more self sufficient. Providing our own energy if possible and our food and put away food and supplies and come together in spiritual communities as more great Earth Changes as the earth now sits in 5D. And this goes triple for those who are sadly in the USA, things are going to fall apart there by Feb.7 as the US Dollar and Govt. will collapse at that time and it may be awhile before we get a new money system for the world. I will report more more on this in part 2 of "Galactic News Update;5D Earth Changes" Be Safe my friends and remember we are all one. And it is our mission to Finish our Ascension Mission ASAP indeed, for in Truth its all about LOVE and Light isn't it, huh. May God Bless us all. Adonai, Rev. Joshua Skirvin

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  • I just added the Transcript link to the vid. That's all I can do it! You may re-introduce it with adding your comments.

  • Its a shame he only got 97 hits on that vid. I think the reason why is the same reason why I didn't watch it at 1st.either. The title is in Italian. People think it is in Italian only but there are sub titles. It a good thing you resurrected it. I am thinking about doing a review on it as it is so important and such well done , a master piece that must not slide down the drain.. Also I could not find it nor yours a couple of days after it was on the vid spotlight, strange they should take it down so quickly and when I hit the more link , nothing was there, I will do my best to keep it alive at least for a little while longer. I also put it on my other Ison blog to keep it going,huh.


  • Another member already posted it as a video. So, you may refer to this in future!

  • Oh yes, I forgot to ask, can you put up the whole vid here instead of just the link for all of those lazy people who need to see this. I can't ,my notebook wont do it or else I would for I think this is one of the greatest vids I have ever seen and it answers all of our Questions. People will comment on it if they see it is so, indeed. Adonai

  • Dear Rev.joshua, I've posted two messages including slightly contradictory short message from Tolec. But as I understood, Tolec seems to be not completely negative on the Romanian vid. Just complaint on somewhat degrading of the reliability of his messages due to the vid remark. Seban.

    1) The Ison ~ The Reason why Tolec and Cobra positions were Contrary (Transcript Added!)

    2) Tolec's Update 1.19.14

  • I think I posted my 1st blog on Ison late Aug. or early Sept and I had planed to write a blog on it by the end of the yr. but 1st I wanted to get as much info on it as possible. But it seems we were divided into two camps or maybe 3. 1ST was the camp of those who believed it was just a comet but a special one. 2nd was those who believed it was a mother ship pr two and the 3rd camp was those like myself who believed it was both. The pic and blog that I put up in late Sept. clearly showed that. On top of that problem of ever changing camps we had all the dis-info to Create False Flags like Susan and Beth T. Who were so outlandish in there claims that no one of uf us here would believe them and we let them know that. But our biggest Problem came from the DC and the Visitors who used conservative false info to leading us into believing that it was going to be much more and we had no way of telling any different. Thats why I wrote this org. blog not just to show that we have been duped again but to also come up with a solution, a answer as to what really was going on.

    But Drekx took it into another direction of conflict that really upset me as we then could not pull or pool our minds together to find the correct answer. But the vid that you posted below did give all the answers that I and hopefully we all have been looking for. I was sorry that I only got to see part of it last wk but last night I watched it all. And it explains everything, a bit complicated, one needs to see it several times but it was all there. but now this blog is slowing down and not enough people to see it and comment on it, which would have balanced everything out. I was relieved after watching it and was able to sleep well. Again thanks for posting it, did you get many hits and comments on it. I would like to find that post and comment on it, because the answer is there. What was the name of the blog that you posted. I saw that you had the writing as well as the vid. Adonai

  • Dear joshua, anyway although we have suffered somewhat problems regarding this subtle issue, we still hope as postive ways. Though many theories prevalent on the Internet, we are steadyfast willingness to ascend every Humanity. So, let's  continue our mission "unchanged" and "belief" to SOURCE toward Love and Light on New Earth coming to be accomplished as we already have in mind. Seban.

  • Wow I just watched the whole vid this time. It is truly wonderful, its great. It is most assuredly the best yet. Its the only one that truly explains what Comet/Ship Ison is and why it is here. It is truly a must see vid. It answers all questions!!! Adonai


    I will discuss it TM as it is way pass my bedtime. All I can say is you got to watch this vid. Thanks Seban for posting it. Its just what we need to help us find the truth on Comet/Ship Ison. I am so relieved, amen,indeed, Adonai


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  • Dear Cherish Soul, Drekx, Eglish Sector Commander of Ground Crew


    As like many recent channeling messages claims as you already may read it,


    Just let it go!


    Don't repeat such a kind of exhaustive nonesense!


    I love your soul, so you should follow my adivice "severely at this time,"

    so you just stop it any more and we can further discuss in future as positive ways as lightworkers.


    We did not blame anyone, and you should not blame anyone, so we everything understand each one and everyone as lightworkers on the ACC.




    Although you did not present your actual picture to everyone, I felt you were on aboard with me same mothership eons of times ago!  We are ONE!


    So, stop it and we should further work as in a positive ways. 


    Just Let It Go!! Whether We are TRUE OR NOT!!! That Concept is naturally prone to biased as in the 3D life belief system.


    So, Nobody is not True as in keeping in the 3D life style!!!




    Love and Light!




  • Yes ,Nancy, we are like Comet/Ship Ison. We were supposed to be gone but we are still here and things are still happening. Even though we have a kid stalker who doesn't know when to quite. Who is only making himself look worse each time he comments.It looks like Ison is moving up to another level. To bad we had all those False Flags on Ison, blowing things way up out of proportion but we had that to last year when they did it to us at Ascension time. Both of these Events did come true but in a much smaller way than what the DC and Visitors had told us. We recovered and we are now recovering over this one to, which doesn't seem to be over just yet. Seems many have given up cause we got hurt again. But us rebel warriors are still out there trying to figure out just what is really happening with it all, and what it all really means. We have realized that the false flag was to cause dissension in our ranks, but no more,indeed !! Adonai

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