Project Blue Beam a Go?
It’s interesting that in the past couple of weeks “Project Blue Beam” references have been everywhere on the alternet.
SecureTeam10 put out this video which was supposedly filmed in Arizona.
And I couldn’t help but notice Hon. Paul Hellyer’s warning about PB.
This morning, AK/Terran shared this bit below from the Sphere Alliance supporting what we’ve been told repeatedly: that they will not be permitted to pull this off—at least nothing that would result in putting Earthlings in fear of our Galactic families.
So we’ll see what happens. If anything does, it could just backfire, as so many of the controllers’ tricks do, and spill the beans about the cabal’s Secret Space Program; lending itself to our agenda for “Disclosure”.
Our friends upstairs could perhaps “enhance” the experience, leaving no doubt as to just who we’re seeing.
If they try it, I can’t wait to hear how the lamestream media handles it—or Obama. ~ BP
SPHERE ALLIANCE MESSAGE #223 Project Blue Beam has been Activated
Posted: 06 Dec 2016 08:15 AM PST
Denice: Just laid down to close my eyes for a bit. [Commander] Jai was at a console making contact. He said “BLUE BEAM IS ON”.
[other data redacted for now]
Terran to Denice: Followup note to Thor: Can you request your new Sirian and Arcturian friends park their chariots until this Blue Beam is over. This illusion needs allusions to make it work, and those craft we have seen here in Austin.
Terran: In gratitude to you Thor! Terran end.
Terran note: It is unknown how this might be used, could be a fake celestial “2nd Coming” style event or an fake ET invasion. With the exception of the Arcturian and Sirian ships we saw in Texas, almost all actual visible ships within the Earth Sphere are of Earth manufacture. In particular the “tube” and “triangle” ships.
It will not go as they expect, it will only expose more of the controllers.
Nabrac do you have data on Blue Beam?
The Space Fence – Ahriman’s War in the Heavens! ~ Dark Journalistby galactichuman |
Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt and Geoengineering author Elana Freeland talking about the mysterious and obscure covert program for a massive Global Surveillance System that can track the population down to the DNA level named 'The Space Fence!'
Although the Space Fence is a highly technological project that combines elements of HAARP and SDI Star Wars Technology along with a complete program to Ionize the Atmosphere to mutate the human immune system, there are also psycho-spiritual aspects embedded in the project as it represents a deep level of esoteric understanding and manifestation.
As early as 1907 Austrian Anthroposophist Rudolf Steiner had envisioned an ominous spirit of technology invading the human soul and psyche via a deep dependence in culture on emerging scientific trends that bears an exceptional resemblance to modern Artificial Intelligence.
He named the force ‘Ahriman’ from the dark lord of Persian Mythology that battled the fabled hero of humanity Ahura Mazda.
Steiner eventually set up a center for Spiritual Science to teach Anthroposophy in order to combat the effects of an overwhelming bombardment of scientific materialism upon a society further and further removed from its mystical and cosmic religious roots.
The presence of UFOs in Earth’s orbit and flying in our skies has caused the National Security State to implement measures to monitor and control the situation while keeping the presence of these mysterious craft from the public.
One of these programs was the SDI Star Wars Program set up in the 1980’s under President Reagan.
Ostensibly set up as a missile defense program against the threat of incoming Russian missiles, it has been rumored to have been constructed with a dual purpose of defending the planet in the event the massive numbers of unidentified flying craft were hostile or unpredictable.
Now the Space Fence program, set up under the auspices of a Secret Space Program, is the fully realized version of the original, but with one special addition: it can be used to survey and catalog the entire globe and the physical life upon it down to the DNA level!
Visit http://www.DarkJournalist.comz
Sorry about the gold print,2nd try but could not get it out. Anyway what this blog did not link but others did , was that the Space Fence was to be used together with Project Blue Beam, so that when the DC plays there last card and boost up the Blue Beam Project from the amount that they are doing now, project Space Fence would send down the Audio part directly into peoples head so that they would believe that what they are seeing and hearing is real not just a hologram, which it is. The Trumpet and screeching sounds and others are from the Space FENCE and the weird pics and vids of objects in the sky that cannot be explained goes 20 yrs. back to the Mother UFO's over PHINOX Arz. in 1997 also the Norway Spiral 2008-9.from Project Blue Beam !
Bear in mind that Planet-x /Nibiru is now here but so far we don't know how much of what we are seeing is real and how much is from these two projects as one. Some of the planets-moons-comets -suns ect. could be coming from them but not all. So we have to question all that we see and hear, go inside to determine Truths from Untruths.we are living in very strange times! Indeed. KEEP AN EYE ON THE SKY and the other on this holographic Earth ll.We are all on,indeed Adonai
For those of you who are not up on this Project Blue Beam. It was designed by the industral complex for NASA AND THE DEFENCE Dept.back in 1964 code name was ''Firesign'' it is a holographic laser in a mobile box that has been enhanced over the years, that can now project in the sky100-1000 miles up a picture or moving object such as the blue planet seen near ISS the last couple of wks. And as I stated above it is designed to work together with the Space Fence, for the audio.Also HAARP and The Chem-trails are involved in this process. HAARP works with the audio part and the Nano-bots in the Chem-trails infiltrates our brains to provide the sound, to make it all real to us or rather to those who do not know what is really going on.
There goal is to project different reglious figures around the world to frighten the people about the end times, which we are in. The other part will be a False Flag UFO Alien invasion to scare the rest of the people so that they can then put in there NWO. but our ET allies together with the Resistance Movement including the positive SSP and military will STOP this from happening, it will Fail and soon the War with all of the DC will end in our favor,indeed Adonai
For those of you who are not up on this Project Blue Beam. It was designed by the industral complex for NASA AND THE DEFENCE Dept.back in 1964 code name was ''Firesign'' it is a holographic laser in a mobile box that has been enhanced over the years, that can now project in the sky100-1000 miles up a picture or moving object such as the blue planet seen near ISS the last couple of wks. And as I stated above it is designed to work together with the Space Fence, for the audio.Also HAARP and The Chem-trails are involved in this process. HAARP works with the audio part and the Nano-bots in the Chem-trails infiltrates our brains to provide the sound, to make it all real to us or rather to those who do not know what is really going on.
There goal is to project different reglious figures around the world to frighten the people about the end times, which we are in. The other part will be a False Flag UFO Alien invasion to scare the rest of the people so that they can then put in there NWO. but our ET allies together with the Resistance Movement including the positive SSP and military will STOP this from happening, it will Fail and soon the War with all of the DC will end in our favor,indeed Adonai
Sorry about the gold print,2nd try but could not get it out. Anyway what this blog did not link but others did , was that the Space Fence was to be used together with Project Blue Beam, so that when the DC plays there last card and boost up the Blue Beam Project from the amount that they are doing now, project Space Fence would send down the Audio part directly into peoples head so that they would believe that what they are seeing and hearing is real not just a hologram, which it is. The Trumpet and screeching sounds and others are from the Space FENCE and the weird pics and vids of objects in the sky that cannot be explained goes 20 yrs. back to the Mother UFO's over PHINOX Arz. in 1997 also the Norway Spiral 2008-9.from Project Blue Beam !
Bear in mind that Planet-x /Nibiru is now here but so far we don't know how much of what we are seeing is real and how much is from these two projects as one. Some of the planets-moons-comets -suns ect. could be coming from them but not all. So we have to question all that we see and hear, go inside to determine Truths from Untruths.we are living in very strange times! Indeed. KEEP AN EYE ON THE SKY and the other on this holographic Earth ll.We are all on,indeed Adonai