due to a few replies on the subject, i will give my take on it.
I am part of the Ashtar ground crew and it is my job and life to help bring light to the world , my own, to whoever is there who wants to listen. i am a personal counsellor, energy Healing facilitator and Channelller( Ashtar, Pleiadians, Arcturians, Sirians, and yes, some good reptillians also come trought as i am channeling and facilitating healing and help in wich i an greatfull to then , specially when it comes with DNA problems in wich their are masters at fixing,thought some other reptilians come and try to interfere and i have to ask then to be removed by the higher forces of light).
I aslo got a very good spiritual friend of mine who is also a reptilian(i saw his eyes changing in my ocasions) and is working towards light.
My issue here is with those ones in power on this planet who are taking all our money, exploiting our planet for personal gain and abusing our children(if you do a bit of research , you will see that to be true , being exposed by many people for many years) and laughing all the way to the bank while WE suffer , and people starve all over the world. in the financial crisis they gave trillions of dollars to the banks and other companies around the world, those institutions are still broke( coz the elite stole the money) and the people that really could use that kind of money so survive, get healthy and a get decent life got nothing.
so, are you ok with that? many kids and people around the world go missing everyday..do you wonder where they all went?trillions of dollars around the world also go missing everyday..have you also wonder where that go?? and when those people are speaking in public and someone stand up agaisnt then, they are remover imediatelly form the site.. wonder why? why can they unswer honestly?
Adn do you know why they are still there? because many people are too complacent, lazy and dont have the courage to get off their a**s and do something about!
Did we atracked then here by being complacent and giving our power away? yes. do we have to stay that way? NO. it is a free will Universe and we can change by deciding to do so. i did. will you? or u just gonna be there pretending that nothing is happening and saying, oh this is propaganda, oh, poor then is their lesson, let then get on with it(while we suffer and strugle) and by the way , their "lesson" will have consequences later on(law of karma) not because i and others want(i dont) but because is the divine law of karma(you reap what you planted), and for this very reason, and for ours and their own good, all of this have to be stop and now.
Its easier to just seat on the sidelines and wait for God do his judgement(wich wont happen as this is a free universe) then take responsability for your own, destiny, life, and your planet.
and i know i am doing the right and on the right path as i am doing this exposure out of love for then and for the planet.
If wasnt for their behavior and actions, disclosure would already had happened, our children would be safer and our lives would have been already much better. but it still is at it is because they are not honest with everyone, dont come foward in public with their intentions and laugh behind your back and called you" those humans" and those in church call you peasants...hmm..dont know about you but i am sovereign, free and want the same for the all planet. and some say, its just not then, we have been manipulated by others..its your choice to just be complacent and wait for the next race to come and exploit you, feel sorry for then while they do their dirt work , but its my choice to be free and owner of my own life and inspire other who wants to listen to do the same.
When we ascend , i want to go and look back and check all i have done to help this planet a better place and see that i helped to make a diference and not stay behind waiting for the next race to come, to manipulate me, and give my power away..and they are coming, because many people still are not done with this experience and have asked for more when an energy split will occur..but i have decided to have a more loving and beutifull experience and live in peace and thats why i have been doing this work. yes some people are offended over this exposure because truth hurts and its not easy to get out of you comfort zone(let alone know that you been lied to and manipulated all your life).
We are battling here for disclosure for many years and their very presence if disclosed could put and end to all this here on this very day. if they didnt get read of everyones money for their own gain, everyone would have a much better life this day. we need our children protected. we deserve a better life, and its only gonna happen when we ourselves do it.
Its your decision what you want to do.
I am from the light and always have worked towards it and i am being guided by higher forces and i know from then that i am doing the right thing, it feels right. but it didnt feel right when i was pretending that nothing was happening and turned a blind eye to all of this and think that targeting, labelling and exposing then would be interfering with their path.common! if someone abuse you children, would you just turn a blind eye and pretend that nothing happen and give you love to then without exposing then? someone robs if you your money and destroy your planet you just gonna bless then and say , oh its their lesson?? what are you doing with you life? why are you not taking responsability?
Its time to wake up. everyone one else is.
Sending love to those in power doesnt help because those people dont work on the love frequency and dont know what love is..( you can see by their actions)it needs to be show to then after they are exposed..they are like young kids that their mistakes have to be pointed out so they can understand their mistake and come back doing the right thing again.
Love and light to all races.