☀ Feel the warmth of the sun on your face, the crunch of Autumn leaves beneath your feet, the wind through your hair and the transformative effects of the water element, as you dive deep beneath the waves. This is a magical time, energetically speaking. The Earth is being showered with new, upgraded frequencies which have the power to profoundly affect our physical DNA and our emotional and spiritual well-being. Regardless of where you live or how hectic your day-to-day schedule is, it’s important to squeeze in at least a few moments here and there, in order to be positioned out of doors – the most effective way in which to absorb these blessed gifts in their purest and most unobstructed form. The Angels are excitedly encouraging us to get up off the couch, and to go outside and play!
☀ Today’s card comes from the Goddess Guidance deck, and features the lovely Cordelia. Cordelia is a Celtic nature Goddess, and she watches over the flowers and trees. You may call upon Cordelia to help you to strengthen your natural connection with the Elemental Realms. These Divine connections can often be forgotten, and get put on the backburner as we go about our busy everyday lives. Cordelia may also be helpful in infusing smoothness and harmony into stressful relationships and situations.
☀ I am also receiving a very strong message from my Team, whereby I am to encourage you all to start thinking about how best you can assist the Earth’s environment. By this I mean for you to examine your personal lifestyles and habits, and then tweak any areas that you think could use some improvement. Have you ever thought about getting involved with a local environmental group – one which focuses on the issues you’re already passionate about? Are you setting a good example for your children, and the people around you? How can you best be of help to Gaia, at this critical time in her ascension process?
☀ Spending time outdoors is healthy and fun! Also, you never what new friends you might meet as you frolic about in nature – a fairy, a dolphin, a mermaid perhaps? The planet is alive with endless possibility!
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Copyright © Bella Capozzi. All rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.