Hell is within and so is Heaven
4. April 2014
channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
Beloved Ones,
It is time to call the three demons of time by name:
1.) The Ego-Addiction!
2.) The Hate!
3.) The Fear!
No demon can exist by itself; they depend on each
other like ebb and flood. They are, what they are:
Hostage-takers of human Beings, which create harm
in whatever disguise they present themselves.
The Ego-Addiction
Today everything is subordinated to the ego for those
human Beings, who are far from ascension. Without bounds
and almighty these human Beings serve the imaginations,
needs and wishes of the ego and in most cases – without
noticing this themselves. The “I AM” is far and “HAVING”
is near. The ego-addiction is the first reason for all faults
in this world.
It is the ego of a human Being that is addressed by
the dark energies whereby the feeling of lack in a Being
is created. So it says: “fetch this” or “get that”, “you are
worthy of it” and already one runs after worthless things
and situations.
The ego-consciousness of a human Being,
as it is not controlled by the higher consciousness,
can terrorize the whole human Being.
And it does that presently, as a human Being withdraws
his attention from his Higher Self and it guides the limited
Being of humanness. The ego experiences envy and lack, the
Self is free of it. In these days the ego-consciousness of human
Beings lifts to new flights of fancy, because at no time has the
separation from the Source been experienced so intensively like
today, and that by all human Beings. It is like that because of
the high light flooding.
While the ascending ones used this opportunity for
their purification and practice dedication to God, human
Beings, who have nothing to do with the ascension, find
their resort in the acting out of their ego.
Human Beings experience themselves as separated from
each other, people see the population of a neighbor as an
alien and enemy, and the dark forces intended exactly these
conditions. Instead of appealing to the capacity for love in
human Beings, the need for love and unity, instead they
appeal to the greed of the ego and therefore where originally
the unity in multitude existed, separation is created.
Become conscious of this, and stem your ego.
This also applies foremost to those human Beings,
who have turned toward the path of spirituality,
but yet regard their first insights as common knowledge
and therefore block their own progress.
The esoteric scene is filled with human children motivated
by the ego, who dare the first steps into the light; yet shy
away from profound insights, like a shy animal backs off
from the unknown.
The ego holds human Beings in its grip!
Release this chain and you will be liberated.
The Hate
As soon as the ego has taken over the power in the life of
a human Being, hate can spread, because it finds an extremely
fertile ground for it. Hate appears as soon as the ego experiences
resistance, as soon as it cannot freely discharge, as soon it is
hindered or blocked in its activities.
Then the ego feels threatened and it begins to create hate,
in order to reach its original goal through emanation of horror.
This end-time is permeated by fields of hate energy,
which discharge now. People are built up against each
other and human Beings make war where wars seemed
to be extinguished from the consciousness of human
Beings a long time ago.
And the dark energy fields stoke this hate, fields,
which still reach this mankind. Divide and conquer is
the principle and behind us the Flood.
Hate is the most destructive power in the Universe and
for each human Being it is called for to overcome it sooner or later.
“Overcoming by acceptance”! Accept your own hate – this is the
way, and this is the first step toward healing. Taking it in,
accepting it and to release it into the Light, so that there is
peace. Do it now so that you may step into the new time
liberated from hate. Hate that is held in one’s soul devours
the soul, hate that passes by can on the other hand provide
a lot of transformation energy, then, as it is recognized,
accepted and released.
Practice this, do it, because where you hate,
peace is far away and God’s light is absent.
The Fear
Ego-addiction and hate are kept alive by the energies of fear.
Fear energies are the lifeblood in order to supply human Beings
with all low vibrating conditions like hate, envy, greed, and
ego-addiction. Fear is the foundation of any imperfection.
And so fear is spread out in this world at the end of these
days, so that hate can be born and wars can be fought. The
influx of cosmic light is so massive, that today any anxiety
shows, that hate is on display and that the ego is unveiled in
its totality. There is the opportunity to command a clear
rejection to all three demons of this time, because who
has recognized fear, has prevailed over hate and has controlled
the ego, has arrived in the Kingdom that there is: the
crystalline Heaven of the Creator.
Beloved Ones,
These three demons dominate this end-time.
Do not let yourselves be dominated by these!
Thereto it is necessary to become fully conscious of
this fact, and that you learn to recognize how these
energies can come to you.
Dispose of any misunderstood “ascension concepts”,
which false prophets offer for this time of change.
Because those who look away from the unbearable,
cannot sustain the sight of God, because the great Light
can only be seen as one has seen the deep darkness.
The ascension belongs to the fearless, the Heaven to
the courageous, the Kingdom of God to the loving.
Be whole, be whole!
I, who I am all, I am with you and in you.