God on Animal Ascension

Today is Saturday, October 16, 2010 and I am here to take Father God's message for today, and he is saying;I wish to take a moment to discuss with you what will unfold in the animal kingdom as the events of Ascension and its preparation unfold upon your beautiful planet. For the most part, most people's focus is on what will happen with their pets, but I would like to discuss this on a broader basis and so let us back up and explain a little about the nature of the consciousness of animals. Some of you will be aware that animals share a group consciousness, a group consciousness within a particular species and so there is what one might call a group soul for each species; and if you have been closely tracking the messages on the 2012 Timeline page http://www.the2012countdown.com/The_2012_Time_Line.php , you will be aware that changes have begun to come forth in relation to the nature of c onsciousness of animals.Animals have begun to move and indeed are moving quite quickly from that notion of a group soul to the emergence of an individual soul for every animal, which will make them more akin to humanity in that regard. So that process is proceeding in the background and I would say that for the most part all members of the animal kingdom will participate in the Ascension process. There are some exceptions and these are those animals which have been introduced by those beings of the dark and there are some, as indeed there are plants and insects that were introduced by them, and these will not go forth to the new Earth either. And as I said as part of that change, as part of this transition of which you are part, all of these animals will have an individual soul.So let us turn to pets because these animals occupy a different role, if you will in their relationship to humanity. They are animals that have, for the most part developed a strong dependence upon humanity. Very often they have been specifically bred by humanity to be companions, close companions in their domestic lives. So what will happen to these animals? And what will happen with these animals is, for those of you who are ascending and have pets, your pets will ascend with you. They will participate in the Ascension process and so they will remain with you if you choose that, and for the most part I know that you will. For those individuals who will not choose to participate in Ascension, then the pets of those individuals will not participate in the Ascension process, and you might understand why that makes sense. There is that dependence that needs to be ackno wledged. That relationship is just as important to the animals as it is to the owners of those pets, and so do not be concerned about your pets and what will happen to them. They will remain with you, and Carolyn and Richard have received some experiences that in a manner are consistent with this as one of their roles has been to clear all of those souls from the astral plane that were trapped there at some point, and as those souls have crossed over, so their animals have gone with them; their horses, their dogs, their cats, because they have remained present with them in that astral plane. So this relationship is acknowledged and respected and so your pets will remain with you. And so it is.Carolyn - Thank you, Father God. I have a question with regards to the soul and would like a little clarification. Now, the soul that animals are moving towards; we have as you said, a group soul and they are moving towards an individualised soul. Is that soul of the same construction as souls that inhabit the physical body, and I'm thinking here primarily as particles of All-There-Is in the souls that inhabit a physical body, and also the abilities of that soul. So I'd like some thoughts as to whether these are similar particles or if they’re different with the aspect of abilities and so forth. Thank you.There are several threads to the answer to your question. The first is that all of creation arises from the one Creator. They are all particles from All-There-Is, and so in that sense every element of creation is the same. The nature of the soul is, at that group soul level, a less developed, a less complete in a sense, less capable might be a better word, soul than the soul which was created, which became a monad which send forth particles to incarnate as a human being, and you are already aware that there are differences between various souls that were created and different souls have different missions in an overall sense. Some are created as healers and so on, and so you can look at the souls of animals as being part of that spectrum.And that is not to say that animals are therefore in some way deficient as a result of this process, because part of what I want you understand is that for the most part humanity seriously underestimates the intelligence and the capabilities of animals. They are far more capable, far more aware, indeed far more connected to the truth of who and what they are than for the most part humanity is today. They are aware of their role, in a sense they are aware of their connection, they are aware of who and what they are in a way that humanity for the most part is not, and there have been many examples in recent years in particular where humanity has been able to witness this expression of intelligence, this expression of acknowledgement of humanity, of animals giving thanks for assistance and many, many other things.So there are aspects of that soul which are not as comprehensive, as I said as the souls which humanity carries, however as I said, do not take that to underestimate the abilities of that animal to fulfil its purpose in its totality and be very, very aware of its surroundings, its ability to learn and understand. Anyone that has watched animals at work, watched the ingenuity of a dolphin or a squirrel or an octopus or an elephant, to take a few which humanity has begun to recognise. It is way beyond what humanity in general has acknowledged.Carolyn - Thank you, Father God. I found interesting also what you said about the plants and insects and so forth that were introduced by the dark and that they will not move on. I had in mind perhaps things like poison oak, poison ivy, poison sumach and may be the insect world, something like the fire ant. Would these be elements that were brought here by the dark?These are all elements that were introduced by the dark and they will not progress. There will be a balance, a harmony that will emerge upon the new Earth. Some have speculated that there will not be meat-eating animals as this change occurs. That is not the case. There will continue to be meat-eating animals. However, the understanding between various species will grow; and it is important to recognise that prey animals do actually serve those species upon which they prey, because for the most part they are weeding out the weaker, the slower, the more sickly animals, and so from a genetic perspective this is serving that species if not the individual animal concerned. So there is a balance in this that perhaps for the most part is not recognised by humanity.Carolyn - Thank you, Father God for answering all of our questions and concerns.Copyright © 2010 Cosmic Connections (International) LtdTo listen to this message, click on this link - http://www.metatronminutes.net/Father%20God%27s%20Daily%20Messages/Father%20God%20Daily%20Message%2041.mp3If this link doesn’t work for you, copy it into your browser.Blessings, Joy, Love and Peace,Richard Presser
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