Find email Add to contactsTo Amparo Alvarez
From: Patricia Cota-Robles (PattiCR@aol.com)
Sent: Mon 12/12/11 8:45 PM
To: Amparo Alvarez A God Victorious 11:11:11

by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

December 12, 2011

Precious Hearts, this is the day that is celebrated in the outer world as the feast day of the Virgin of Guadalupe. The Virgin of Guadalupe is an aspect of Mother Mary, and she embodies the archetype of the Divine Feminine. Next year the Virgin of Guadalupe’s feast day will be 12:12:12. The events destined to take place that day will be the final preparation before the glorious influx of Light that will flood the Earth on December 21, 2012. Today, while much of the world is reflecting on this beautiful expression of the Divine Feminine, I would like to share with you some of the miracles that took place for Humanity and Mother Earth during 11:11:11.

It is difficult to express in words the enormity of what occurred on 11:11:11, and the eleven days preceding and following that powerful day, but the Company of Heaven said that Lightworkers around the world succeeded in accomplishing our mission in ways that were beyond the greatest expectations of Heaven. The events leading up to 11:11:11 have been unfolding step-by-step for the past 25 years. Many of you have been on our mailing list for decades and are aware of the myriad activities of Light involving both Heaven and Earth that paved the way for this Cosmic Moment. However, there are thousands of you who have recently requested our free monthly newsletter and do not know of the Divine Intervention that brought us to this wondrous point in our planetary evolution. For this reason, the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth have asked me to include a brief description of the documented global events that led to the overwhelming success of 11:11:11.

This information is a bit complex, but it is vitally important and will help you to have greater clarity and understanding in the face of any adversity you may be experiencing in your life or observing in the world. Some of this information may seem unfamiliar to you, but your God Self, your I AM Presence, has woven your energy into these events regardless of how oblivious you were of your participation on a conscious level. In your heart you know why things are happening the way they are on Earth. You volunteered to assist with the miraculous transformation taking place on this planet. If that were not the case, you would not have been allowed to embody on Earth at this time. The Divine Intent of these Celestial Sharings is to give you strength, hope, and courage as you move through the critical purging process we are all in the midst of. These sharings will help to awaken within you the remembrance of who you are and the mission at hand. I know these are busy times, but this information will help you see the bigger picture. If you do not have time to read this article now, please print it out and read it when you have a moment. You will be very grateful that you did.

Twenty-five years ago Humanity began the most accelerated shift of consciousness we have ever experienced. The catalyst for this awakening was an event coined Harmonic Convergence. Harmonic Convergence involved a rare celestial alignment that took place August 15-17, 1987. During those special days, hundreds of thousands of Lightworkers around the world responded to their heart’s call and traveled to sacred sites and powerful activation points all over the planet. This occurred without the help of the Internet or the social networks like Facebook and Twitter. Some people were consciously aware of what was taking place, but many were just intuitively responding to a subtle inner knowing. The sacred sites and power spots Lightworkers were being drawn to were acupuncture points along the meridians of Earth’s Crystal Grid System. This system functions like the acupuncture points and meridians associated with the Chakra systems in our own bodies, but in Mother Earth’s case this system became almost dormant when Humanity fell into the dense frequencies of separation and duality aeons ago. Our descent into chaos caused us to fall in vibration off of the spiral of evolution and initiated our self-inflicted entrapment on the humanly created wheel of karma.

The prophesies of the Hopi, Lakota Sioux, and various other Native American tribes, as well as prophesies from the ancient Mayan civilizations, all foretold of the life-changing event that would take place during the celestial alignments of August 15-17, 1987. Some described the event as a spiritual initiation into Illumination. They said this initiation would create a quantum leap in consciousness for all Humanity. The prophecies revealed that this event would tip the scales into a new paradigm of planetary healing and transformation.

The influx of Light that flowed through the collective cup of consciousness and the Heart Flames of Lightworkers who were strategically stationed all over the world changed the course of history for Humanity. It also triggered the initial impulse of Earth’s Ascension off of the wheel of karma and back onto the spiral of evolution.

The Company of Heaven told us that this would be a 25-year process, which would pave the way for Earth’s Ascension into the 5th Dimension. The Beings of Light said the first five years would be very tumultuous, then there would be another global event that would greatly enhance Humanity’s awakening. That event was coined Ascending Through the Doorway of 11:11.

The Doorway of 11:11 involved a rare window of opportunity that united Heaven and Earth in profound ways for a six-month period. It began with a very powerful Solar Eclipse on July 11, 1991, and built in momentum until Earth’s Ascension through the Doorway of 11:11 on January 11, 1992. During that six-month period, the highest frequencies of God’s Divine Light that we had experienced to date flowed through the Heart Flames of Lightworkers around the world into Earth’s Crystal Grid System. This influx of Light prepared ALL Life on this planet to withstand the higher vibrations of the 4th Dimension. On January 11, 1992, Lightworkers around the world once again offered the collective cup of our consciousness to be the Open Door for the Light of God that would assist the Earth and ALL her Life up the spiral of evolution into the 4th Dimension.

With Earth’s victorious Ascension into the 4th Dimension all was in readiness for the next phase of the Divine Plan. One of the most devastating results of our fall from Grace was the schism that was formed between Humanity and the Elemental Beings who had so selflessly volunteered to sustain the Earthly bodies of the Sons and Daughters of God in a state of vibrant health and eternal youth during our Earthly sojourns. These selfless Beings also volunteered to maintain the body of Mother Earth in the pristine beauty of the Garden of Eden.

Tragically, when we fell from Grace we lost awareness of the Elemental Kingdom. Since that time our human egos have manipulated us into believing that the physical plane is all that exists and that the Earth is here for Humanity to use and abuse as we will. Our egos tricked us into believing that this planet is an inanimate object and that she is void of intelligence, but nothing could be further from the Truth.

When our fear-based human egos took control of our Earthly bodies they decided that their sole purpose was to gratify our physical senses. Once this occurred, the Elemental intelligence that comprises our physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies was forced to outpicture the grotesque mutations of aging, disease, mental illness, deformities, and all of the degenerative diseases we have miscreated. Even death, as we know it now, is a human miscreation.

Once our negative thoughtforms and feelings were projected onto the Elemental intelligence sustaining the body of Mother Earth, we started experiencing inclement weather conditions, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, tornados, floods, wildfires, droughts, famines, plagues, pestilence, pollution of every conceivable kind, and everything else that is not reflecting the perfection of Heaven on Earth.

After our ascent into the 4th Dimension, an activity of Light was set into motion with the Divine Intent of healing this schism between Humanity and the Elemental Kingdom. That event was titled the First Earth Summit, which took place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 1-14, 1992.

The First Earth Summit was an amazing event. For the first time ever, 176 world leaders came together for a common cause—the healing of the Earth. Each leader had his or her own agenda and ideas on how the healing would be accomplished, but the fact that all were in agreement that something needed to be done to heal the Earth was significant and unprecedented.

In addition to the world leaders, 40,000 individuals representing organizations committed to planetary healing and sustainable growth also traveled to Rio. These Lightworkers joined in consciousness with Lightworkers all over the world who were tuning in to this global event. Together we created a Chalice of Light that sent a beacon of hope to the Elemental Kingdom. This sacred gathering was the outer world demonstration the Elemental Kingdom had been waiting for to prove that Humanity was worthy of regaining their trust, and that we were ready to reclaim our position as stewards of the Earth.

Our Mother God, the Holy Spirit, has always been the sustaining force behind the Elemental Kingdom. That is why we refer to Mother Nature and Mother Earth. Her Loving Presence was a critical factor in the healing that took place between Humanity and the Elemental Kingdom at the First Earth Summit.

On June 1, 1992, the Earth Summit began. The Lightworkers at the summit, and those tuning in from around the world, expanded our Chalice of Light until it enveloped the entire Planet Earth. This unified cup of consciousness created an open portal between Heaven and Earth. The Love of our Mother God flowed through this portal into the physical plane, and bathed Humanity and the Elemental Kingdom in its healing unguent.

For seven days Humanity and the Elemental Kingdom experienced the Love of our Mother God in ways that transcended the atrocities we had perpetrated on each other. Through Divine Grace, the pain and suffering Humanity and the Elemental Kingdom had inflicted on each other were forgiven, and the Elemental Kingdom agreed to establish a new covenant with Humanity.

June 7, 1992, was the day that is celebrated in the outer world as Pentecost. It was the midpoint of the Earth Summit, and the Love of our Mother God had been building to a tremendous crescendo. It was not by chance that the apex of the Earth Summit fell on the day that is dedicated to the Holy Spirit, the Divine Feminine Presence who sustains and nurtures the Elemental Kingdom. On that sacred and holy day, inner and outer world activities of Light took place at the Earth Summit that allowed Humanity and the Elemental Kingdom to integrate our Mother God’s Love and to heal our separation.

Through the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child on Earth, a new covenant of Divine Love was formed between Humanity and the Elemental Kingdom. A new consciousness of trust and cooperation was established that will allow us to work together for the healing of Humanity’s Earthly bodies and the bodies of Mother Earth. Instead of the cataclysmic Earth changes that had been prophesied, which were destined to result in the death of millions of people, the necessary purging will now be done in a much gentler way.

The Earth is a living, breathing organism, and we have abused her terribly. In order for her to Ascend into the 5th Dimension, she has to purge and cleanse herself. We will experience inclement weather conditions until the cleansing is complete; the difference is that now millions of people will not die in the process. There will be some loss of life, but it will be a minuscule fraction of what was originally predicted. The souls who leave the planet during this purging process have, at some level, agreed to go through the experience. We are all going through the experiences that our God Selves have agreed to go through. This is true regardless of how unaware we may be on a conscious level of the agreements we made with our Father-Mother God.

In cooperation with the Elemental Kingdom, we are now preparing our physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies for the changes we will go through in order for us to Ascend into the 5th Dimension. We are literally transforming our bodies at a cellular level from carbon-based cells into crystalline-based cells. We are actually becoming 5th-Dimensional Solar Light Beings.

With the victory of the Earth Summit, the Company of Heaven revealed the next facet of the Divine Plan that had to be fulfilled. They said that prior to our fall from Grace, the Earth’s Crystal Grid System functioned perfectly. It was the vehicle through which the Light of God flowed to enhance and sustain the bodies of Mother Earth. Within this system were placed record keeper crystals that functioned like the DNA within our own bodies. These are crystals that were pre-encoded with the Immaculate Concept for the full Divine Potential of the Sons and Daughters of God who would evolve on this planet, and the full Divine Potential of Mother Earth.

The initial impulse of our fall from Grace took place on the continent of Lemuria. This was a very large continent that existed in the Pacific Ocean. When it became obvious to our Father-Mother God that Humanity was sinking into deeper frequencies of chaos and destruction than we were going to be able to transcend, it was decided that the Elemental Kingdom would take Lemuria beneath the healing waters of the Pacific Ocean for purification. This was a merciful act of Divine Grace. The intent of this event was to cleanse the body of Mother Earth, and to release the souls evolving on that continent into the inner schools of learning where they would, hopefully, learn how to correct their course of direction.

Prior to the sinking of Lemuria, the Elohim who are the Mighty Builders of Form associated with the Elemental Kingdom, withdrew from the Crystal Grid System the record keeper crystals that contained the original archetypes and codings for the Divine Plan for Humanity and the Earth. These crystals were placed within a large monolith for safekeeping, awaiting the time when the Sons and Daughters of God would awaken enough to reverse our fall from Grace and reclaim our purpose and reason for being on Earth.

When Lemuria sank beneath the waters of the Pacific Ocean it broke apart, and the portion of the continent containing the monolith with the record keeper crystals was pushed far into the southern hemisphere. Australia and New Zealand are both fragments of Lemuria. Uluru, or Ayers Rock in Australia, is the monolith in which the record keeper crystals were placed for safekeeping.

After the sinking of Lemuria a contingency plan was set into motion to help the remaining Sons and Daughters of God on Earth to reverse the adverse affects of our fall from Grace. This Divine Plan and the archetypes on how to accomplish this mission were programmed and encoded into new record keeper crystals that the Elohim placed in Earth’s Crystal Grid System on Atlantis, which was a continent that once existed in the Atlantic Ocean.

Unfortunately, the contingency plan failed and after a period of time it was determined by our Father-Mother God that Atlantis would be submerged below the healing water of the Atlantic Ocean for purification. Once again the Elohim withdrew the record keeper crystals with the contingency plan encoded in them. These crystals were also placed in a large monolith until Humanity would awaken enough to reclaim our direction. The monolith containing the record keeper crystals from Atlantis is known as Stone Mountain. It is located in Atlanta, Georgia, which is named after Atlantis.

For millennia the Company of Heaven and the Directors of the Elemental Kingdom have been waiting for Humanity to awaken enough to remember our Divine Commitment as stewards of the Earth. When the new covenant was established between Humanity and the Elemental Kingdom at the First Earth Summit, the Company of Heaven knew that at long last we were ready to reactivate the record keeper crystals in Uluru and Stone Mountain. The problem was, that Humanity had created the negative situations that resulted in the sinking of Lemuria and Atlantis. Consequently, we alone were responsible for invoking the Light of God that would reactivate the record keeper crystals, thus reclaiming the Immaculate Concept of the Divine Plan for the Sons and Daughters of God, and Mother Earth. With this knowing, a plan was set into motion that would create a global, collective cup of Humanity’s consciousness through which the Light of God could flow to accomplish that mighty feat.

It was determined that the only positive event that had the potential of drawing the global focus of Humanity’s attention, in the numbers necessary to reactivate the record keeper crystals in Stone Mountain and Uluru, was the Olympic Games. The Olympic Games are truly a global event, and they draw the attention of an estimated 4,500,000,000 people during the 17-days of competition. The Olympic Games demonstrate the Family of Humanity setting aside our differences while coming together to attain our highest level of excellence. This was the perfect thoughtform needed for the collective cup of Humanity’s consciousness, in order to magnetize a powerful enough influx of Light to reactivate Earth’s record keeper crystals. Through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth a plan was set into motion, and the Olympic Games were scheduled in Atlanta, Georgia in 1996 and Sydney, Australia in 2000.

During the Olympic Games in Atlanta in 1996, Lightworkers around the world united with the Company of Heaven and invoked the Light of God to activate the record keeper crystals in Stone Mountain, which were programmed with the contingency plan for the reversal of the adverse affects of our fall from Grace. After that activation, the Elohim and the Directors of the Elemental Kingdom redistributed those crystals throughout Earth’s Crystal Grid System. The sacred knowledge contained within the crystals began flowing into the mental and emotional strata of Earth, and filtering into the hearts and minds of Humanity. This activity of Light greatly accelerated Humanity’s awakening.

During the next four years, myriad activities of Light took place around the world involving awakening Humanity and the Company of Heaven. These events intensified the shift of consciousness taking place on Earth. In 2000, during the Olympic Games in Australia, Lightworkers in every country of the world united with the Company of Heaven once again and invoked the Light of God to activate the record keeper crystals held in the monolith known as Uluru. These were the crystals that were programmed at the very inception of this planet with the Immaculate Concept of the Divine Potential of the Sons and Daughters of God and Mother Earth. After the God Victorious accomplishment of the reactivation of Earth’s original record keeper crystals, the awakening of Humanity moved forward at warp speed.

In November 2003, the energy, vibration, and consciousness of the collective body of Humanity had reached a critical mass that allowed our Mother God, the Feminine Aspect of Deity we have always known as the Holy Spirit, to expand her Divine Love and her momentum as the Holy Comforter in ways she had not been able to since we fell into the chaos of duality and separation. This expansion of our Mother God’s Divine Love and Comfort was secured in every person’s Heart Flame while the Earth and all her Life were held in the embrace of two powerful Eclipses, a Lunar Eclipse on November 8, 2003 and a Solar Eclipse on November 23, 2003.

During that amazing influx of Light, Lightworkers joined with the Company of Heaven for another incredibly powerful global event. That event was coined Harmonic Concordance, and it triggered Earth’s initial ascent up the spiral of evolution into the 5th Dimension. Harmonic Concordance involved a very rare celestial alignment that opened a portal of Divine Consciousness which extended from the Heart of our Father-Mother God into the Sun of Even Pressure in the center of the Earth. This newly opened portal of Light allowed our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven to bathe Humanity in new and profoundly powerful frequencies of Divine Consciousness.

Since that miraculous time, the influx of Divine Consciousness has been pushing everything to the surface that conflicts with the Divine Truth of the Oneness of ALL Life. This initiated the time long foretold when ALL THAT IS HIDDEN MUST NOW BE REVEALED. From outer appearances it looks as though this has wreaked havoc on Earth. That is because the long-accepted boys-will-be-boys consciousness that resulted in the tolerance of mind boggling corruption, greed, and the abuse of power seems to have brought us to our knees, but that is an illusion. The good news is that the self-obsessed consciousness that has controlled and manipulated people, governments, global finances, energy, and the environment for centuries is finally coming to an end. When the dust clears the end result will be an awakened Family of Humanity who remembers the Oneness of ALL Life, and is committed to interacting with reverence and love for not only the Human Kingdom, but also the Elemental and Angelic Kingdoms. The Human Race will once again consist of awakened Sons and Daughters of God who respond to every situation with Divine Intelligence, integrity, honesty, compassion, harmony, and above all Love.

During the seven years following Harmonic Concordance, people continued awakening by leaps and bounds. These precious souls joined the forces of Lightworkers and began adding to the Light of the world in myriad ways. In 2010, Humanity reached a critical mass that allowed us to cocreate a New Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love. This was something our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven had been waiting for us to accomplish for millennia. Then in 2011, eleven years after the final phase of the reactivation of Earth’s record keeper crystals, we were ready for the next critical phase of the Earth’s Ascension process.

Eleven is the master number that reflects the transformation of the physical into the Divine. Encoded within Humanity’s DNA structures is the sacred geometry of 11:11 and 11:11:11. These geometric codes are activating within our DNA the pre-encoded archetypes that reflect the Divine Mission we have all volunteered to participate in. This mission involves Humanity’s Awakening and Earth’s Ascension into the 5th-Dimensional Realms of God’s Infinite Light.

With the dawning of the eleventh year of the New Millennium, the Earth and all Life evolving upon her were catapulted forward in the Light. On December 21, 2010, we experienced the Solstice and a very powerful Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. The synchronicity of these two events occurring at the same time had happened only one other time in the past 2,000 years. That eclipse took place within two degrees of the Galactic Center, which opened a powerful portal of Light that extends from the Core of Creation into the center of the Earth. On January 4, 2011, we had a New Moon Solar Eclipse. During that eclipse, the Light of God flowed through the newly opened portal and launched pivotal changes that affected all Life evolving on this planet. That influx of Light and the establishment of our New Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love initiated the most transformative year we have experienced to date. As a result of these events, amazing transformations have occurred in 2011 for every person on Earth at both inner and outer levels.

During the mystical month of May in 2011, Mother Mary assisted the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child on Earth to expand the Threefold Flame in our heart. This was the fulfillment of the covenant she made with each of us prior to this embodiment. The Threefold Flame in every person’s heart is a reflection of the Holy Trinity. It consists of the Blue Flame of Power from our Father God, the Pink Flame of Divine Love from our Mother God who is the Holy Spirit, and the Yellow-gold Flame of Divine Wisdom from the Son or Daughter of God who is the Christ within each of us.

Prior to the fall, our Heart Flame enveloped our physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies. After the fall, this Sacred Fire was withdrawn to what we now refer to as the tiny Spark of Divinity in our heart. Before this embodiment, Mother Mary promised that when Humanity reached the point in our Awakening process that would allow us to return to the Path of Divine Love we were always destined to achieve, she would help our I AM Presence expand our Heart Flame to its original potential and size. With the shift of consciousness Humanity has experienced since the initial impulse of Harmonic Convergence in August of 1987, and the critical mass of Unity Consciousness we reached in 2010 which allowed us to cocreate a New Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love, Mother Mary was given permission by our Father-Mother God to expand Humanity’s Heart Flames.

In August 2011, we entered the 25th year of Harmonic Convergence. This would be the final year of the 25-year Awakening process that began in August of 1987. During the 25th Annual World Congress on Illumination, which is an activity of Light the New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose has orchestrated in unison with the Company of Heaven every year since the first Harmonic Convergence, activities of Light took place that prepared Humanity and the Elemental Kingdom for the awesome events of 11:11:11.

During the week of August 13-18, 2011, our New Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love was magnetized from the Realms of Cause and securely anchored in every person’s newly expanded Heart Flame. This activity of Light assured that in the not too distant future the patterns of perfection that reflect the Oneness and Reverence for ALL Life will be the order of the New Day on Planet Earth.

On August 15, 2011, the day celebrated in the outer world as Mother Mary’s Ascension Day, our Mother God and all of the Feminine Aspects of Deity throughout Infinity joined with the I AM Presence of every person on Earth for an activity of Light that would lift Humanity and the Elemental Kingdom into a higher level of Divine Cooperation. After an intensified Violet Fire cleansing of the patterns reflecting the atrocities Humanity has inflicted on the body of Mother Earth, our Mother God sent forth a Clarion Call invoking the indigenous Elders from all time frames and dimensions. These ancient Ones are the Grandmothers and Grandfathers who have held the sacred space for the ultimate healing between Humanity and the Elemental Kingdom. There were many times when the love and dedication of the indigenous peoples of the world were the only thing that kept the Elemental Kingdom from abandoning the Earth and allowing Humanity to perish.

In a magnificent procession of Light, the ancestral indigenous peoples from every continent on Earth responded to our Mother God’s heartfelt call and descended into the atmosphere of Earth. These Beings traversed the Earth north, south, east, and west and took their strategic positions above the continents of their ancient Homelands. Our Father-Mother God gave permission for these Beings of Light to return to Earth declaring that it was time for them to reap the rewards of their selfless labors.

The events that took place at the 25th Annual World Congress on Illumination completed the final steps of preparation for what was to occur during our sacred Pilgrimage to New Zealand for 11:11:11. November 11, 2011, was the eleventh day, of the eleventh month, of the eleventh year of the new millennium. This was a moment in time that held the focus of Humanity’s attention in a way that was instrumental in triggering the activation of the sacred geometric codes of 11:11:11 within Humanity’s DNA. Through this activation, cellular changes are now taking place that are allowing the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child to integrate into our physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies in new and profound ways.

Here is a brief recap of the miraculous events that took place during our pilgrimage to New Zealand. All who journeyed with us to that sacred land felt like they had truly experienced what Heaven on Earth will be like. To be in the pristine beauty of Mother Nature with like-minded people whose hearts are wide open is amazing in itself. But when each and every one of them are dedicated to selflessly serving Humanity and all Life on this sweet Earth with Love and Reverence, the experience is life-transforming. Precious hearts, this is something I hope all of you will experience in the very near future.

The events of the days leading up to, including, and following November 11, 2011, were multifaceted and multidimensional. Literally millions of Lightworkers all over the planet added to the Light of the world during that sacred time by participating in countless activities of Light. The most vital activity of Light involved another quantum shift that was destined to take place within Earth’s Crystal Grid System.

To help facilitate this facet of the Divine Plan the Company of Heaven asked us to take a group of Lightworkers to New Zealand. The reason we were asked to travel to New Zealand is because of the critical role that sacred land is playing in Earth’s Ascension process. Pulsating within the Etheric Realms above New Zealand is a complex of Temples that serve as the Elemental Training Center for all of the Elemental Beings serving the Earth. These are the Beings who cocreate and sustain the physical substance that comprises the physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies of Mother Earth and Humanity. The Elohim and the Directors of the Elements are presently training 5th-Dimensional Elemental Beings who will reinforce the battered and abused Elemental Beings serving the Earth at this time. The 5th-Dimensional Elementals will assist in cocreating the patterns of perfection for the New Earth.

Another reason New Zealand is playing such an important role in Earth’s Ascension process is that she receives the first impulse of Light for every new day on the planet. This meant that the first frequencies of 11:11:11 would enter the planet through New Zealand and then spread around the globe in a wave of resplendent Light.

The Beings of Light revealed that the North and South Islands of New Zealand serve as the Hands of Mother Earth. We receive and transmit energy through our hands, and every acupuncture meridian associated with our Chakra system is represented within the acupuncture pressure points in our hands. The Light flowing through our Chakras and acupuncture meridians is from our Father-Mother God. It is our Lifeforce, and it nourishes and sustains every cell, gland, muscle, organ, and function of our physical body. This is our Gift of Life that allows us to live, move, think, and breathe in the physical plane.

When we receive Light through our hands it is transmitted through every acupuncture meridian to help unblock the areas in our body that are having trouble receiving and assimilating the electronic Light substance from our Father-Mother God. The Hands of Mother Earth likewise receive and transmit Light through her Crystal Grid System to help unblock the areas in her body that are having trouble assimilating the Light of God.

We were told by the Company of Heaven that the first mission of our sacred pilgrimage was to serve as a mighty transformer through which the Light of God would flow into the Hands of Mother Earth to unblock the meridians within her Crystal Grid System. These blocks had been created by the atrocities Humanity has inflicted on the body of Mother Earth through nuclear testing, mining, drilling for oil, and appalling pollution. The Earth’s Crystal Grid System needed to be unblocked, so she would be able to receive the monumental influx of Light that would occur on 11:11:11 without triggering any cataclysmic earth changes.

The Lightworkers participating in our pilgrimage arrived in Auckland, on November 7th. There were 110 of us and we traveled to New Zealand from 17 countries. The first night we were gifted with a Maori Cultural Performance and Blessing. This had the affect of instantly connecting our hearts and minds to the people of this sacred land. At dinner we gave each of the Lightworkers a pendant of the New Zealand Green Stone, called Pounamu. This is a traditional gift of the Maori Tribes. The green stone, or jade, is carved into various symbols that reflect specific archetypes for personal transformation and spiritual growth. The symbols received by the pilgrims reflected life, new beginnings, peace, and a bond of friendship that unites cultures together eternally.

On November 8th, we had our Opening Ceremonies and invited people from New Zealand to join us. More than 200 New Zealanders from both the North and South Islands came to weave their Love into our Chalice of Light. Some beautiful Maori women gave us another blessing by singing a sacred Maori chant. Then we invoked the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child on Earth for a powerful Healing that would help prepare Humanity’s Earthly Bodies for the influx of Light that was about to occur.

The paths we were guided to take throughout New Zealand led us to the acupuncture points in the Hands of Mother Earth that were related to the meridians in her Crystal Grid System that needed the most assistance with removing the blockages.

On November 9th, we began our journey from Auckland. We traveled in three coaches, each one representing an aspect of Humanity’s newly expanded Threefold Flame and the Threefold Flame in the Heart of Mother Earth. There was the Blue Flame of our Father God’s Divine Power, the Pink Flame of our Mother God’s Divine Love, and the Yellow-gold Flame of the Son or Daughter of God’s Divine Wisdom.

First we traveled to Glenbrook Vintage Railway for a nostalgic 12 km trip back in time on a beautifully restored vintage steam train. Afterward we were served morning tea by women dressed in traditional costumes from that period. We then traveled through the beautiful countryside to Longland Dairy Farm where we enjoyed a wonderful home cooked lunch. After lunch we continued to Rotorua and Paradise Valley Springs. There we were able to bathe in the warm waters of the natural healing springs, go on nature walks, and observe the wonders of the wild animals and native birds that were close at hand.

New Zealand is truly a paradise of scenic splendor. It is obvious that New Zealand is the outer-world training ground for the Elemental Kingdom. Everywhere you look there are exquisite Elemental creations. There are majestic, snow capped mountains, crystal clear lakes, streams, and waterfalls, an aquamarine ocean, green rolling hills, towering pine forests, and an array of flowers that are larger, more brilliant in color, and more fragrant than any we had ever experienced.

On November 10th, we rode on a Skyline Gondola up the mountain to a beautiful lookout point that overlooked Rotorua city and the surrounding hinterlands. There we had breakfast before traveling on to experience some of the wonderful animal kingdom in New Zealand.

A visit to the Agrodome allowed us to connect with the various sheep breeds and the sheep dogs that New Zealand is famous for, then we continued on our pilgrimage to Wai-O-Thermal Wonderland. This is New Zealand’s most colorful and diverse geothermal area. This amazing spot features geysers, beautifully colored hot and cold pools, huge mineral terraces, and pools of boiling mud. As we experienced the incredible diversity of the Elemental Kingdom in New Zealand, it became clear that this country is truly outpicturing the microcosm of the macrocosm for the Elementals on Planet Earth.

That evening we had a powerful Maori cultural experience at the Rainbow Springs Beauty by Night celebration. We watched a Maori presentation that included Maori warriors paddling downstream by canoe, traditional Maori dances, songs, and sacred ceremonies. After the presentation we shared a succulent Hangi meal that had been prepared in the traditional way by our Maori hosts. Then we went on a tranquil bush walk and had a viewing of the nocturnal Kiwi, New Zealand’s national bird, and several other indigenous birds and animals from New Zealand. Our amazing experience concluded with a visit to the sacred Fairy Spring.

The next day was November 11th, 11:11:11. We left Rotorua early and planned to stop along the way for the opening of the portal in New Zealand, which was going to take place between 11:00 and 11:11 a.m. As time drew near, we chose to stop at a beautiful lake named Lake Taupo. When our three coaches pulled into the clearing at the lake, the Heavens were filled with the ancestral Grandmothers and Grandfathers from the indigenous cultures from all time frames and dimensions. These were the Beings of Light whom our Father-Mother God had recently given permission to return to Earth. These precious souls came to welcome us, and to join hearts and minds with us as the first portal for 11:11:11 was open to full breadth.

When we arrived at the lake the Maori people who were already gathered there said that in their culture this lake is considered the most sacred spot in New Zealand. They said there are huge etheric crystals within the lake that have held the balance for the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth for millennia. They told us the crystals were placed in Lake Taupo by our sisters and brothers from the stars. The scintillating waters of this lake are known for their healing properties. We could not have chosen a more perfect place for our 11:11:11 meditation if we had tried to.

As time approached, we walked to a beautiful green hill overlooking the lake. We sat on the soft green grass and connected with Mother Earth and the Elemental Kingdom. For the final step of preparation, we joined together to experience the visualization Mother Mary has given to us in order to help our I AM Presence integrate our 5th-Dimensional Solar Light Bodies into our Earthly bodies. We did this activity of Light for ourselves, and we served as surrogates on behalf of ALL Humanity in order to accomplish this activity of Light through the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child on Earth.

At 11:00 a.m. we entered the silence of our Heart Flames, while the celestial music titled Musical Rapture wafted through the air. As we sat in breathless awe of what was transpiring, seven black swans swam across the lake and joined us in silence. For eleven minutes Heaven and Earth became One. Our Father-Mother God sounded a Cosmic Tone, and the Solar Logos from Suns beyond Suns breathed a shaft of Light from the Core of Creation into the Heart of Mother Earth. This opened the very first Portal of Solar Light on Earth. The opening of this Portal of Solar Light initiated Earth’s Transfiguration into the Solar Being she is destined to become.

Once the Portal of Solar Light was opened to full breadth, the Mighty Elohim directed the 5th-Dimensional Directors of the Elements to place within Earth’s Crystal Grid System NEW Solar Record Keeper Crystals. These Solar Crystals have been encoded with the Immaculate Concept of the Divine Plan that will result in the Transfiguration of not only Mother Earth, but also Humanity and ALL Life evolving on this blessed planet into our 5th-Dimensional Solar Reality of God’s Infinite Perfection.

As the Sun, and the Suns behind the Sun, traversed the Earth on that sacred and holy day, NEW Portals of Solar Light were opened around the world. Lightworkers in every time zone focused the collective cup of their consciousness from 11:00 to 11:11 a.m. When each portal was opened to full breadth, the NEW Solar Record Keeper Crystals were placed in Earth’s Crystal Grid System in that location and activated to their full Divine Potential by the 5th-Dimensional Directors of the Elements.

After our sacred experience at Lake Taupo, we continued our pilgrimage to the beautiful Chateau at Mt. Tongariro. This sublime Chateau is surrounded by snow capped mountains and amazing nature trails that lead through various types of vegetation to magnificent waterfalls. When we arrived we shared a delicious lunch with New Zealanders who had come to join us for our afternoon meditation.

That afternoon, the Company of Heaven asked us to once again serve as surrogates for the Family of Humanity. The Divine Intent of the activity of Light we were being asked to accomplish was designed to help every person on Earth more easily assimilate the sacred knowledge from the NEW Solar Record Keeper Crystals. That knowledge was flowing through the Crystal Grid System in ever-increasing frequencies as portal after portal was being opened. The activity of Light we were asked to do on behalf of our sisters and brothers involved invoking the I AM Presence of every person, and asking that aspect of Humanity’s Divinity to hold a sacred space around each person’s pineal gland. The Beings of Light said that was necessary in order for each of our pineal glands to receive the Solar Light and sacred knowledge from the NEW Solar Record Keeper Crystals without that spiritual brain center being overwhelmed or experiencing excess stress.

Once a forcefield of Light was placed around each person’s pineal gland by his or her I AM Presence, waves of Solar Light from our Father-Mother God flowed into the Heart Flames of the Solar Logos who were opening the portals in each time zone. The Solar Logos then projected this Solar Light into the newly placed and activated Solar Record Keeper Crystals. These crystals were encoded with sacred knowledge that could now be easily assimilated directly into Humanity’s pineal glands. This activity of Light expanded in momentum time zone by time zone as the Solar Light Portals were opened one-by-one around the world

The Company of Heaven said that the magnitude of the shift that transpired within Earth’s Crystal Grid System and within Humanity’s pineal glands on 11:11:11, and what that shift will mean to our Awakening process and our Ascension into the Light, is glorious beyond anything we are able to comprehend with our finite minds.

On November 12th, our Father-Mother God consecrated and sealed in the Light of Divine Truth the activities of Light that had been God Victoriously accomplished on 11:11:11. Then the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth asked us to activate the first archetypes for our New Solar Reality. Those archetypes involved what the Beings of Light said is the greatest need of the hour for Humanity...reclaiming God’s Infinite Abundance as our Divine Birthright.

Through a powerful Violet Fire activity, the Lightworkers gathered in New Zealand and the Company of Heaven joined forces to transmute the obsolete thoughtforms of lack and limitation that have resulted in the Elemental Kingdom manifesting inclement weather conditions, which have caused dire states of poverty all over the world. After that intensified cleansing process, the archetypes containing the sacred knowledge on how Humanity will reclaim God’s Infinite Abundance were activated within the mental and emotional strata of Earth. That sacred knowledge is now flowing into the hearts and minds of awakening Humanity. People all over the world are beginning to tap into new ideas and viable solutions that will change the way our individual and global finances are handled. The old paradigms of greed, selfishness, corruption, and the abuse of power are crumbling away, and the archetypes for our NEW Solar Reality are now filtering into Humanity’s consciousness. These archetypes reflect the Oneness of all Life and Humanity’s responsibility to respond to all financial activities and situations with integrity, honesty, generosity, love, and consideration for the highest good for all concerned.

After that activity of Light, we were told by the Company of Heaven that the focus for the next phase of our pilgrimage would be to help Humanity integrate into our Earthly bodies the higher frequencies of vibration associated with the newly placed Solar Record Keeper Crystals. The intent of this mission was to prepare every person at an atomic, cellular level for a powerful activity of Light that would take place on the final day of our pilgrimage.

On November 13th, we traveled through Tongariro National Park on our way to Wellington where we spent our final night on the North Island. The next morning, we left the hotel early to catch the Interislander Ferry for a scenic cruise to the South Island. We sailed across Cook Strait into the sheltered waters of Queen Charlotte Sound. When we arrived in Picton, we were welcomed by our new coach drivers. We then boarded the coaches and traveled to the beautiful Hanmer Springs where we spent the night.

Hanmer Springs is set in a breathtaking natural landscape surrounded by forests and mountains. The award-winning Hanmer Springs Thermal Pools and Spa blessed us with nine open-air thermal pools, three sulphur pools and four private thermal pools, as well as a sauna and steam room. The next morning we had a leisurely breakfast before beginning our journey to Christchurch. This journey took us past the beautiful Waiau River and through the Balmoral Forest. We crossed over the Hurunui River and traveled through farmlands, vineyards, and olive groves that characterize the Waipara region, which is known for its wine and food.

Our initial plans were to stay in Christchurch for this part of our pilgrimage, but in September 2010 Christchurch had a devastating earthquake that made our stay there impossible. Since that time, there have been 13 very powerful earthquakes in Christchurch. The Lightworkers on our pilgrimage were disappointed that we were not going to be able to go to Christchurch, but we agreed to send Light and Healing to the Earth and everyone living in Christchurch as we traveled near by.

When we passed Christchurch on our way to Terrace Downs Resort where we were going to spend the night, our bus drivers took a detour that led us to a little stone church in Hororata. This was not on our itinerary, so we asked the drivers why they brought us to the church. They all said, “Well, this church is on our itinerary.” We looked at the bus driver’s itinerary and sure enough the church was listed there, even though it was not on our itinerary. We felt like there was some Divine Intervention going on, so we got out of the coaches to explore why we had come to this particular church.

As we began walking the grounds of Saint John’s Church, the energy was incredibly powerful. After a few minutes the First Vicar came out to meet us. She was a lovely woman named Jenny, who was the caretaker of the church. She told us that the church was actually at the epicenter of the earthquake that devastated Christchurch in September 2010. She said that the three fault lines that go through the South Island of New Zealand intersect right where this church is located. Jenny said that the church was built in the 1800’s and during the earthquake the church was lifted 12 inches off of the ground and dropped back down. This caused a lot of damage to the church’s structure and stonework. The church was in the process of being refurbished, so we were unable to go inside for safety reasons.

After talking to Jenny, we realized that we had arrived at the perfect location for the Healing we wanted to invoke for Christchurch and all of the beautiful people effected by the earthquakes. I asked the First Vicar if she would bless us with an invocation, which she graciously did. Then we invoked the Company of Heaven including Archangel Michael, his Legions of Power and Protection, and all of the Beings associated with the Elemental Kingdom and asked them to reinforce the cracks, faults, fissures, tectonic plates, and wounds in New Zealand and throughout the body of Mother Earth. After we concluded our invocation, we held hands and formed a circle around Saint John’s Church. We had a moment of silence before chanting the sacred OM. We then flooded the church, Mother Earth, and ALL Life evolving on this blessed planet with our Love. When we felt a sense of completion, we boarded our coaches once again and continued our journey to Terrace Downs Resort.

Terrace Downs Resort is wonderful and it is located in a stunningly beautiful location. When we arrived at the resort there was an incredibly powerful wind blowing through the valley. I personally had never experienced such strong winds. The caretakers of the resort said the wind began about an hour before we arrived, and it blew through most of the night. There was definitely a powerful Elemental cleansing taking place. When we awoke in the morning the wind had stopped. We were blessed with crystal clear skies, snow capped mountains, and a very peaceful silence.

After breakfast, we continued our pilgrimage across the Canterbury Plains and past the Southern Alps. We ascended Burkes Pass into Mackenzie County and passed the milky blue waters of Lake Tekapo on our way to Wanaka where we spent the night. The next morning we continued our journey to Queenstown which is situated on the beautiful Lake Wakatipu; there we would complete the final three days of our pilgrimage. That evening we took a cruise across the lake aboard the steamship TSS Earnslaw for a magnificent dinner in the Colonel’s Homestead at Walter Peak High Country Farm.

On November 18th, the Company of Heaven revealed the next phase of our mission. They said there is a triangle that is formed between Queenstown, Te Anau, and Milford Sound and that this triangle would play a key role in one of the most important facets of our pilgrimage. The triangle is the geometric reflection of the Holy Trinity, and this particular triangle is the acupuncture point in the Hands of Mother Earth that is directly connected to the Heart Meridian and the Threefold Flame for Planet Earth.

In 1992, the Light flowing through this triangle in New Zealand was instrumental in lifting the Earth and all her Life up the spiral of evolution into the 4th Dimension. That occurred on January 11, 1992, during the global event called Ascension Through the Doorway of 11:11. Since NEW Solar Record Keeper Crystals were placed within Earth’s Crystal Grid System on 11:11:11, it was time for the Light of God to flow through this portal once again to lift the Heart Flame of Mother Earth into the higher frequencies of her NEW Solar Reality in the 5th Dimension.

Early on the morning of November 18th, we boarded our three coaches to travel along the route of the triangle from Queenstown to Te Anau and Milford Sound. The Divine Intent of this phase of our pilgrimage was to activate the triangle through which the Threefold Flame for Mother Earth would be lifted into the frequencies of her NEW 5th-Dimensional Solar Reality. Each of our coaches were reflecting one of the aspects of the Threefold Flame, the Blue Flame of our Father God’s Divine Power, the Pink Flame of our Mother God’s Divine Love, and the Yellow-gold Flame of the Son or Daughter of God’s Divine Wisdom. As we traveled along the triangle the Light of God flowed through the Heart Flames of the Lightworkers in each coach and lifted the corresponding aspect of the Threefold Flame for Mother Earth into the highest frequencies of Solar Light that Cosmic Law would allow.

When we arrived in Milford Sound, we boarded a cruise ship that took us through the breathtaking fiords which are dominated by the mile-high Mitre Peak. The Elemental Kingdom serving in that location have obviously been working overtime. We all felt that we had experienced a glimpse of what it was like before the fall when Humanity walked and talked with the Elemental Kingdom. This is something that the Company of Heaven assures us will occur in the very near future. The cruise took us past spectacular waterfalls and out to the aqua blue ocean before returning to shore.

After the cruise, it was time to begin our journey back to Queenstown. Since the coaches had to take the same route back, eleven of the Lightworkers chose to fly back on the scenic plane trip. The direct route their plane flew to Queenstown, allowed us to fulfill our mission by activating the third side of the triangle.

November 19th was the final day of our pilgrimage. It was a day to assimilate the amazing things we had experienced, and a day to just relax and play. We went on exhilarating jet boat rides, took the water taxi across the lake to shop for gifts from New Zealand for our loved ones, went on long nature walks, and some of our group even bungi jumped off of the famous bridge in Queenstown where bungi jumping began.

That evening we were scheduled to have our Closing Ceremony of Light at the hotel before taking a gondola ride to the Skyline Restaurant overlooking Queenstown for dinner. To our amazement, the hotel said that arrangements had been made for us to have our Closing Ceremony in the conference room of the Skyline Restaurant. That could not have been more perfect. That beautiful room was surrounded with windows that overlooked the sparkling lights of Queenstown and the surrounding snow capped mountains. We literally felt like we were in the Heavenly Realms overlooking the wonders of the New Earth.

As we gathered in this Upper Room, our Father-Mother God began to reveal to us the magnitude of what was about to happen. Through the God Victorious accomplishments of 11:11:11, new Solar Record Keeper Crystals were placed in the Earth’s Crystal Grid System. The patterns of perfection that reflect the Immaculate Concept of Humanity’s full Divine Potential as Solar Light Beings are now pulsating into the heart and mind of the I AM Presence of every person on Earth. Humanity’s pineal glands and other spiritual brain centers were awakened by our I AM Presence during the 11:11:11 activities of Light. These centers are now assimilating the sacred knowledge that was programmed into the Solar Record Keeper Crystals by our Father-Mother God. The newly activated triangle in New Zealand that is the portal for Mother Earth’s Heart Meridian and Threefold Flame is now pulsating with the frequencies of Light that will enable her to sustain herself in the 5th-Dimensional frequencies of her NEW Solar Reality. Our Father-Mother God said that all of these wondrous events brought to fruition the time long foretold when Humanity would be able to receive from the Holy Spirit, our Mother God, the Baptism by Sacred Fire.

Our God Parents said that all was in readiness. They sounded a Cosmic Tone, and the Company of Heaven responded. The Lightworkers gathered in the Upper Room entered the Divinity of our Threefold Flames in reverence and silence. In deep humility we surrendered our lower human consciousness to the perfection of our I AM Presence. With gratitude and abounding joy we offered to serve as surrogates on behalf of all our sisters and brothers in the Family of Humanity. Then in unison with the Company of Heaven, we created the Chalice of Light, the Holy Grail, through which the Sacred Fire Breath of the Holy Spirit, our Beloved Mother God, would flow to Baptize every man, woman, and child on Earth.

In a cascade of resplendent Light the Floodgates of Heaven opened. Gathered in the atmosphere above the newly activated triangle for the portal of the Mother Earth’s Heart Meridian and Threefold Flame, were the luminous Presences of our Mother God and the Feminine Aspects of Deity throughout Infinity. They were joined by the entire Company of Heaven which included the Solar Logos from Suns beyond Suns, the Elohim and the Directors of the Elements, the Ascended Masters, and the Angelic, Galactic and Cosmic Beings throughout Infinity. They also included the I AM Presence of every Son or Daughter of God belonging to or serving the Earth at this time whether he or she were in or out of embodiment.

With the entire Universe focusing their Light and Love on this tiny planet, our Beloved Mother God breathed the Sacred Fire Breath of the Holy Spirit into the Crown Chakra of every person’s I AM Presence. Once the Fire Breath of the Holy Spirit was assimilated into our spiritual brain centers by our I AM Presence, this Gift from On High merged with the Threefold Flame in our hearts. As this influx of Sacred Fire bathed every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of precious life energy within the cells of our Earthly bodies, we were each lifted into frequencies of energy, vibration, and consciousness beyond anything we have previously experienced.

As the effects of this Baptism by Sacred Fire begin to gradually reflect in our Earthly experience, we will comprehend the enormity of what has occurred. As astounding as this may seem, our Father-Mother God said the Baptism by Sacred Fire that we all received on that sacred and holy day, will result in a quantum shift of consciousness very similar to what the Disciples experienced after their Baptism by the Holy Spirit in the Upper Room. That event took place just ten days after Jesus’ Ascension. That day is recognized annually as Pentecost.

With the fulfillment of that facet of the Divine Plan, our pilgrimage to New Zealand was complete. After our Closing Ceremony, we adjourned to the restaurant for a wonderful dinner and celebration. The next morning amidst many hugs and heartfelt good-bys brimming with love and gratitude, we began the journey to our homelands all over the world.

The miraculous activities of Light that took place in New Zealand, and throughout the world, on 11:11:11 built in momentum for eleven days until November 22, 2011, 11:22:11. Twenty-two is a master number that reflects power on all planes and the ability to change the course of history. On that day, the cellular integration of the collective activities of Light from 11:11:11 were sealed within the Earthly bodies of Humanity by our I AM Presences, and also within the body of Mother Earth.

On November 24, 2011, there was a powerful Solar Eclipse through which our Father-Mother God were able to greatly amplify the awakening that is taking place within our pineal glands and our other spiritual brain centers. This was possible because of the shift that occurred through the Baptism by Sacred Fire that Humanity received on November 19, 2011.

On December 10, 2011, we experienced a very powerful Lunar Eclipse. This celestial alignment bathed the Human Kingdom, the Elemental Kingdom, and the Angelic Kingdom serving the Earth with frequencies of Light that helped all Life on Earth assimilate the influx of Solar Light in new and profound ways.

On December 12, 2011, the Virgin of Guadalupe expanded the archetype for the Divine Feminine within every person’s Heart Flame. This gift from On High will build in momentum throughout 2012. By the time we experience her next feast day, 12:12:12, the Love Nature of God within every person will be raised to new heights.

On December 21, 2011, we will experience the Solstice. This influx of Light will intensify all of the Light that will be generated through Humanity’s focus of attention on the spiritual and religious celebrations that take place this time of year. Collectively this influx of Light will carry all Life on Earth into 2012 on a wave of Unity Consciousness.

2012 is going to be an amazing year. There will be very intense Solar Flares and explosions of Light from the Sun that will enhance Earth’s transformation into a New Solar Reality. As long as we stay focused on the Light and the miracles that are taking place daily and hourly, instead of the negativity that is surfacing to be cleansed and healed, we are going to experience the long-expected and Light-filled year of 2012 with wonder and awe.

Have a glorious Holiday Season!

God Bless you ALL,

Patricia Cota-Robles

IMPORTANT NOTE: This article includes information about just a few of the incredible activities of Light and assistance from the Company of Heaven that we have received over the past few decades. If you would like to know about other life-transforming events that you helped to accomplish through your I AM Presence, I have documented them in two of my two books:



HOME…Heaven On Mother Earth.

These books are available on our website www.eraofpeace.org

I promise you, it is impossible to feel hopeless or alone once you see the amazing assistance we are receiving from the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth.

Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization


FAX: 520-751-2981;
Phone: 520-885-7909

New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose
PO Box 41883,
Tucson, Arizona 85717

This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is not altered and the proper credit line is included.

©2011 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

The information in this monthly sharing is being given to Humanity by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. The Divine Intent of these celestial sharings is to encourage, empower, uplift, and inspire Humanity by allowing us to see the bigger picture during these wondrous but often challenging times.

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