I received this message on the 20th of July together with a personal message that I'm not including this time.
Enjoy this beautiful message by the Goddess Athena who showed herself to me very recently through a lovely vision.
This message is brought forth by blessings of the Shekina.
There are many celestials events taking place now within the solar system in unison with the great outpouring of love from the great central sun.
Yes on the 25th of July after the great planetary alignment of today.
There will be the beginning of new time here on Mother Earth.
This is all leading up to the new energy being brought forth by the blue comet that is bringing the new earth energy of the fifth dimensional reality. This is all in divine timing to soften or better yet to lighten the energy to welcome the great rebirth of Mother Earth.
Heaven is rejoicing and welcoming her to her new awakening and happy for a job well done.
All of her inhabitants have evolved now to the point that the scales have now tipped enough to allow for the great rebirth.
An event of the ages is taking place now and ripening and being welcome on the month of August.
So much will be revealed and much more brought to light. Humanity is now ready to accept the truth and you are ready to let go of all the false beliefs fed by those that wish to control you.
It is now time to accept that there is no need to look outside of yourself for answers for you all carry the divine thought of God.
This moment is going down as a great unprecedented event in the great halls of heaven.
The American people are finally taking notice of all the happenings around the world and will soon be awakening en masse and will be taking their roll as the powerful nation they are.
They have been subdued for far too long. They will know the power and the joy and being really free.
The revolution is here and it's here to stay.
Soon after their awakening there will no longer be a need for revolt as peace will take hold of your reality in the time of rebirth for planet Earth.
She will be dressed in gala and will show her true colors and will dance in this her grand celebration.
Blessed you all with the love and compassion of the Shekina.
In a creative state of knowing Love appears before me and whispers Divine words to the heart " I am in the heart of God your Eternal Home ". I Am