It just happened to me yesterday driving on my way home...The car next to mine was waiting for the light to make a left and I was in the center lane also waiting for the light to change, and a guy yelled something to me and I did not even turn my head...And I smiled when I read this just now from the Goddess of Creation...Blessings to all...
The Goddess of Creation's Daily Message June 26, 2019
Channeled Message
As you are consciously living your life. When someone gets angry with you. When someone you don’t even know acts out in traffic. We could go on and on and on for the long list of reasons why things like that happen. You begin to understand that people’s response to you and people’s reactions to you is less about you and more so about them.
HUGE Message here!! We have always been taught it is all about us and our personal growth. Now, the energy is shifting and it may not be about you. Consider this in your life. You need not constantly re-heal an experience, you can move on.