A Door is set before you and the keys have been presented with which it may be opened.
My stillsmall voice is there to guide you, to comfort and encourage you, to lead you by the hand.
Faith is your magnetic force and prayer illuminates the way.
Rejection of all llimited race beliefs with false ideas you have outgrown.
Refusal to judge by appearances keeps you from losing faith in my omnipresent perfect Being.
Enthusiasm sets alight in you the fires of purification.
The total stillness conserves your vitality and lets it quicken the vibration of your consciousness and spiritualise the chemistry of your cells.
Surrender indicates humility and willingness to lean upon my wisdom and my strength.
My lightening flash will let you know when the Second Birth has taken place.
Walk with me straight through that door and watch in exulation as your humanness is dissolved.
When this has happened, you will glance backward and discover that the 'Door' never did exist at all - it was only a false belief which had become part of you, the erroneous old belief that you were separated from your creator.
The Door was not put there by me- your erected it yourself, therefore it was unreal.
It does not matter now, however, for you are inside my heavenly kingdom where Everything awaits you.
Everything is not many things, it is One.
Everything is Love.
Love. Love as you have never known it or imagined it to be. Love, the only true force in all creation,the Light out of which, all things were made, the cohesive power which holds all things together.
LOVE. The very Love of God which I have promised would be shed forth through the hearts of men. Love concentrated beyond measure in the River of Life More Abundant. Love, the most indescribable, all inclusive vibration in existence.
Love contains all the purified qualities of mind and heart - even as white contains all the colours of the spectrum.
Love Contains Everything. To be continued.
Thank yoU!