Today I went into Nature with my little doggy, the woods ~30km from my current livingplace.
I wanted to photograph Ants, don't ask me why... .. I just wanted it!
Anyway, this post is not about Ants.
It's about the dog
In November 2010 I was also photographing nature (so once in a while... 3 times a year), and I catched stranged lights at photos. Dromey was so happy, he thought he caught orbs! However people where laughing and Drome fel in doubt.
But I am now looking to what I have caught on fresh photo's, my orbs/lights/big friends smiled while I took a photo!
ok, and now those from November 2010....
the same red light, different location, different year, same camera!
So I will try it somewhere very soon again with another camera. hah! :p
With Loving Lightrays