This is a past blog that I posted and now revised and updated, as we are now almost 1 wk away from the grand Planet alignment of the 23 rd of Sept. That's also when Nibiru is said to return and the havoc begins til the end of this year !
Sorry,I have not wrote about this recently but many times in the past.The Lupus in my hands kept me from writing, until now. But I have continued my research on Planet X, Nibiru to stay updated on what info that I can bring you now after writing about this for nearly 30 years. The Big Kicker was on May 10th at 615 pm central time when I went out to check on the 6 day old GS pups and I looked up to check the sky as I almost always do and low and behold, there was the 2nd sun, the red dwarf star that I have been taking pics of for many years in 4D which only our interfered camera lens can see. And it looked huge maybe 5 times bigger than our sun, only because it was only a million miles away.I thought it would stay in the sky for some time , so I had time to get a pic of it, but I was wrong, it only stayed for 7 min. so no pic.
And it was exactly as I saw it in my Visions and Dreams.Let us remember that Nibiru mini solor system is not a foreign invader because all suns in the known universe are born with a binary complementary sun that is always much smaller. Our mini solar system was hit by the exploding meldick planet 50,000 yrs ago or more that use to be in our regular solar system and this caused the mini system to be set on a eclipse plan to return back every 3,600 yrs. And when it arrives it comes to close to earth and causes great Earth changes by the magnetic pull on our planet, even pole shifts every 12,000 yrs.Nibiru is called Wormwood in the Revelations, which means bitter medicine and Nibiru means '' The Destroyer'' This red Dwarf is 6 to 10 times bigger than our Earth but only 1/10 the size of our old sun, which is now in hiding.I have seen this mini sun hundreds of times on the net, there is a eye in the middle and when I seen it in real life you could see that the eye is actually a indentation that was made when the exploding meldick planet hit it and set it on a new course and the problems with it that we have now !
Remember Nibiru is not just one planet but 7, a red Dwarf star or mini sun and 3 planets and 3 moons, all orbiting around each other. There Magnetic forces are effecting our old sun and our planet, which is causing both to shift Poles, it is thought that the old sun has already shifted and Earth is half way through and will be completed on the 25th of Sept but may take 2or3 months to complete the shift and the whole of 2018 will be flood time as the oceans rise flooding all coastlines world wide and will settle down at 100 ft higher than now.2018 will be known as the year of great floods ! Note here that this is also the time that our ET Allies will be making themselves visible to Rescue us and or remove us to a safer place if things get Dangerous, from Sept.017 to Dec.2018 They will bring down 200,000 food replicators per day world wide and later bring in the ''free energy devices''.
There are many future maps on the net, how this Earth will look afterwards, it is said by our ET friends, even by the end of this year we will Hardly recognize our old Earth. After more research and update on the blogs I wrote end of last year about the bio-sphere and sun semi-later, they still hold true. Our old sun was yellow and a bit cooler, this replacement sun is white. I presume that our old yellow sun is being protected or being repaired as it phases into a blue sun when this is all over, our new crystal base bodies should work well with this new blue energy. And the Slackers who wont to wait until last to ascend will find it quite difficult to get along with this new energy, being in the old carbon based bodies and it could take 5 to 25 years for all on the planet who remain after this great Event to finally ascend to high 4th or lower 5th Dimension.
Unfortunately, this time of great transformation,'' the Event'' as it is being called will not be pleasant for most , it has also effected me. These New Magnetic energies are very powerful on the brain,body and mind. But we are getting help from our spirit realm as they send down, all or many different kinds of creative energies from Creator through the Central sun to our old sun and down to us to counter balance the imbalance, and lift us up, so we can make it through this Great shift. and for all the Light-workers who make it through, we will have the great task of helping the rest of mankind who as survived to Ascend as well. All of this was in our programing back at school in the higher realms before we took on this assignment, that was and is our mission. The Bio-sphere seems to be working to keep out all those meteorites both large and small, which could have taken even more lives as many lives will be lost as the continents move and shift when the poles shift and the Great flooding once again toke over the Earth to a great extent but not everything.
If you are living near the coast or low lying area's, Move to higher Grounds NOW. Stock up on as much food as you can, the more you have the longer you will last and of course other supplies as well. Best to be with like minded people or at least move away from people who do not understand , for you can't help them until this main event is over,1-1/2 years from now. Keep praying and sending out your light and Love. Nibiru is just the first stage, 2nd is the complete pole shift, there should be many colors like a aura-laborious,next sign is when it goes dark for 3 days and we will not see the sun. Some say it because Nibiru is in the way, others say that our sun, which already has a lot of huge black holes in it, will stop spinning, go black and in 3 days start spinning in the opposite direction.Our Allies are working on many of these problems now along with the giant Orbs.
This could also happen on earth and if so there will be no gravity for some time, till it spins the other way as well .So hold onto something so you don't go up in the air as landing could be quite a shock. Also we will be seeing more ORB'S which I believe are mostly life forms, they are here now many bigger than our sun and many small ones to watch over us and make contact. I have seen thousands and made contact with a few of them and have many pics. Use your ph cameras, they can see what the human eye cannot see and keep looking up. And remember, we are all one and we are all in this together. May God Bless all and keep us Safe.Please remember to put your food, water and fuel away ! you should have at the very least 2 wks supply but its better if you have 2 mo.s supply, for many who are non believers now will be knocking on your doors for food and help, are you going to turn them down ? better to have extra for them a well, thats what I am doing myself, be safe !
ADONAI, Rev. Joshua Skirvin