Star of David July 29, 2013 graphic by Mary Shea |
The planetary energies of the July 29 2013 Star of David Merkaba - Grand Sextile are:
Management of Resources and Energy (Venus in Virgo), Stepping into the right use of our Personal Power (Pluto in Capricorn), Allowing Abundance (Moon in Taurus), Expanding our Connections with others (Jupiter and Mars in Cancer), and Saturation in Pure Grace (Neptune in Pisces).
If you have planets or points in your chart between 8-13 degrees of Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) or Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), the Star of David will have a more intimate effect. But anyone with a personal planet or angles between 2º- 6º of any sign could benefit greatly from this as well. And even if your chart doesn't have anything at these particular points, the Star is having an effect overall for everyone on Earth. Some may feel it more than others, but it is the prevailing zeitgeist of this summer.
The two interlocking triangles of the Star of David have some gifts for us:
The Grand Water Trine offers the opportunity for a cathartic cleanse of trapped, heavy emotions. The result can be a peaceful, blissful, gentle awareness of Pure Love, of being immersed in the sublime waters of Healing. If you've never felt intense Pure Love within your Heart, or felt it being radiated from someone else: you may feel it now. It is incredible.
The Grand Earth Trine offers a phoenix-like energy of resurrection after a descent into the underworld which began in October 2012. The result can be the productive building of new structures, filled with an abundance of all good things, magically delicious.
Hi brother! I am Scorpio and look forward to this moment. It connects with the message of the Master Saint Germain posted on this site ashtarcommandcrew:
Saint Germain ~ The Vortex of the Merkabah formation and the integration of your Divine Consciousness ~ As channeled by Méline Lafont
No dull moments in the heavens this week....