Posted by Meindert Arends on April 30, 2012 at 1:52am
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We thought it would be most helpful to offer a more specific Overview of the process of Planetary Ascension that has been in motion since 1987.
For more than a decade we have been in a time of unprecedented change and shifts. As we are each personally challenged to go through all of these shifts, we wanted to start the education with a clear map.
We begin as we go back in time to catch up...
The deeper we moved into the 20th centure, the deeper we were in trouble as a planet. The reason we were in trouble is that energies began to accelerate in preparation for this time of quantum shift and growth. However, for the most part we were processing all of these expanded opportunities from the old paradigm of patriarchy, fear and defense.
For 2000 years we have been learning on the planet through a system of duality - through the pairs off opposites. At this more primitive stage of our growth, we were interpreting life through the limited system of good/bad, right/wrong and reward/punishment.
As we moved towards the end of that last cycle, we began to bleed into the greater consciousness of this next 2000 year cycle - very much trapped in the primitive consciousness of the old. This was very much like giving more freedom to a child or adolescent and true to form we simply began to push the less effective choices of our old systems to their extremes.
This brought us deep into a time of crisis for the planet - and if something was not done, the planet was not going to survive our choices.
Since this shift was also preparing us for something wonderful in potential, we began to receive help to save us from ourselves - and to help us grow into this new phase of our potential.
- 1987 - The Harmonic Convergence -
In 1987 we began the first phase of planetary healing or Ascension into our soul potential. Many people will remember the term Harmonic Convergence. This was the time when the planetary hierarchy placed an energetic veil between the consciousness of mankind and the consciousness of the planet.
In other words, the planet got energetic protection as we all began to be encouraged into an accelerated learning curve.
For a period of five years the planet herself was protected from the direct impact of our primitive choices.
Of course as a mass consciousness we continued to act out, violating the planet in our childish desire to fill up the emptiness that comes from a disconnection to our deepest sense of Self. However, there were plenty who began to respond to the help.
During the five years from 1987 to 1992, we moved into a time when our guides from the other side of the veil began to encourage and direct us into various types off awakenings. Some people were capable of listening directly and found themselves awakening to a "feeling that there was something more."
Others needed greater events to trigger them into an awareness of the dead end directions of the old choices. One way or another, as a planet we found the introduction of more consciousness messages everywhere we looked.
Many ideas began to awaken in the mainstream consciousness. We moved through many stages - from the Positive Affirmations made more popular by the likes of Norman Vincent Peale to the integration of Eastern practices into the West (such as meditation, yoga and the like). We also found messages introduced in various forms of mass media, like self-help books and mainstream movies.
The bottom line is that the plan began to show real success, as more people than ever began to deepen a search for "something more."
1992 - 1998 - Seven Years of Acceleration
As we moved deeper into this time of awakening, we also began to be impacted directly by the movements off higher and deeper energies. For instance, we never heard much about "flu epidemics" prior to this time. But once we moved into the early 1990's, we heard about them a great deal.
The truth of the matter is that as the time came to remove the energetic veils, we began to be affected by an acceleration of the energies in the planet's atmosphere. Gabriel tells us that each year during this seven-year cycle, we were 100 times more impacted by the accelerating energies than ever before.
This increase in energies had an immediate impact on our physical bodies. Our bodies did their best to assimilate these shifts.
The first aspect of our physical bodies that faced the challenge was our endocrine system. The endocrine system involves the 12 primary glands that were built with the potential to integrate new levels of our potential. At this stage of our healing, we began to ask these 12 power centers to grow and grow fast.
This download of energy created a shake-up in the chemical system of the body. One of the symptoms that was immediately apparent involved fluctuations in the body temperature, as well as aches and pains of this new energy moving through the habitual blockages in our dense state of consciousness. In other words, we experienced mass manifestations of "flu-like symptoms."
This period introduced many shifts. They are too numerous to mention in this one overview. If you are interested in knowing more, these shifts are outlined more completely in my book - Revelations for a Healing World, Book One.
I will mentions two of the primary shifts that occurred.
The first life-changing event focused on the opening of the Sirian vortex in 1993 - opening the planet to the much-needed energies of the Goddess once again. This feminine energy began to permeate the Earth to prepare us for what was to come.
One of the primary impacts of this Goddess energy has been been to shake up the imbalance of a world governed by patriarchy.
This has challenged us, like it or not, to face the imbalances of male/female energies in our own bodies and lives. This imbalance of male and female has been a symptom for each one of us. Yes, we may find this distortion acted out in the world in the genders of male and female. But it is MUCH more important for us to realize that we have all held this imbalance in our individual lives - men and women.
Our imbalance at a primitive level have been mostly held in place by the habitual shaming of our emotional bodies (feminine and receptive for everyone), while we have habitually acted out through the control of our mental bodies (male and assertive for everyone). This distortion has been the source of a world of disconnected people, seeking like children to compensate through achievement and accumulating things.
With a shamed inner sense of self, we have typically remained focused OUTSIDE ourselves, looking for something to rescue us from our plight. As we moved into this seven-year cycle of our healing, we began to reveal the overwhelming imbalance. And mass consciousness simply moved more deeply into the greater means to accumulate and achieve.
The second shift of this seven-year cycle that is well worth mentioning was the crash of the Shoomaker-Levy comet into the planet Jupiter in 1994. The impact of these 22 fragments of comet created craters in Jupiter as large as the planet Earth. This event was unlike anything we have known in our planet's history, according to Gabriel.
The explosion that took place released such a high energy into our universe that we birthed a potential energy or level of consciousness that we had not known up to this point. This "cosmic orgasm" opened us to the vibration of higher dimensional energies. In short, this event led us into a perfect opening of our higher sacred potential.
The higher dimensions of energy that were highlighted in this event hold the potential for us to actually integrate our soul/Christ Consciousness level of energy. (Again, we point out this has nothing to do with a religion. The soul or Christed level of consciousness is the highest potential of knowing ourselves as truly sacred individuals that we can know.)
The impact of this explosion resounded into the universe, eventually reaching and affecting the Sun. The Sun just happens to be the heart chakra of our universe. As the heart was affected and awakened in the macrocosm, it began to radiate that solar energy back out to us.
The most important thing to mention is that In 1997, these energies began to download directly into the planet and brought us into a time of planetary INITIATION! And the core of this initiation process is seeking to open our individual and collective hearts as well.
In order for this heart opening to take palce, we have continued since 1997 to move through a series of accelerations or downloads (initiations). As our bodies are exposed to these energies, we are challenged to face our limited old form of duality, to clear the imbalances in our indivdual lives and to move into becoming true initiates of soul consciousness!
This is the most exciting thing we have ever known on the planet. However, this does not guarantee anything, except that we are being exposed to this potential. The rest is up to each one of us!
- 1998 - 2001 - Here Comes the Kundalini -
The impact of these initiations brought us into the first wave of change for our planet and our individual bodies.
The first move awakened by the initiation energies is a move of the life force energy that rises from the base of our spines. This energy is the sexual force of creation known as KUNDALINI.
This powerful energy first rises to clear the blockages along the spine, in an attempt to join all of the seven chakras or energy centers in the body and around the world.
Each stage of this process creates a deeper challenge and a deeper opportunity.
This kundalini release began to accelerate the shake-up, by revealing the imbalances in our bodies more powerfully. We don't have to look very far to find this truth revealed in the world around us.
These unprecedented energy releases not only created waves of flu-like epidemics, they also brought us into a decade when the numbers of people with dis-eases on the planet began to rise out of control. Many dis-eases more than doubled in this short time.
Another symptom of energy moving in the lower body brings us to the HUGE increases in the numbers of people on anti-depressants and other medications. It is not our intention to call this good or bad. What we are attempting to do is to reveal that we live in a world where people don't know how to respond to these changes.
We live in a world that has typically looked again OUTSIDE ourselves - to anything that will help us numb out on these rising feelings. What we need to realize is that the feelings we had been able to hold down for so very long in the subconscious are no longer going to remain buried and quiet. In short, FEELINGS began to rise with the acceleration of kundalini and people need an education about how to work with these feelings, which will actually enhance our lives.
We will never heal ourselves as individuals if we simply create one more way to avoid, resist and try to get rid of the parts of ourselves that we have held in shame.
There is so much I want to say to interject healing thoughts, etc....but this is an overview of the stages of energetic movements. So I will save that for other places on the web site. I will say, just to be clear, that if you are someone who has needed to take medication to create some balance - we encourage you to use it as a tool, WHILE you learn how to connect with and resolve your wounded feelings.
The concluding comment about this 3-year stage from 1998 to 2001 is that these years were marked by kundalini continuing to work their way through blockages in our lives, pushing more and more fully.
This created the opportunity for us to integrate the first layers of the initiations of Ascension that are preparing us for the conscious marriage with our souls. Within all the challenges, it is so important to remember that this is all happening to HELP us. The universe is working to encourage our healing, opening us to the next levels of our divine potential.
However, that will only be possible as we educate ourselves and stop resisting.
We must embrace change. We must learn to look inside. The old choices are no longer an option. They will only create greater destruction and break down.
The time for healing is NOW!
We will pause before introducing the next phases in our Grand Timeline - to give you a break before going on with this important map of planetary Ascension!
You are welcome Star!
great article! thanks M :)