Great Grandmother Anne

Great Grandmother AnneAnne's channelling 01/07/09Channelled by Rachel Goodwin.(in this channelling when Anne refers to God, it is as to Divinity, neither male nor female)Now is the time for you to learn to love yourself as God loves you!Do you think that God looks down upon you each day, and feels disappointment?!No, this disappointment comes from inside yourself, that you havn't been as you've wanted to be - but this is your egoic self talking, not God!You're looking at other people and thinking that because you're not successful as they are successful, that you have failed.Have you ever thought that perhaps God has a different plan for you?That if you were being successful like them, in fact you would have failed?!!!Because this is not God's plan for you.(God's perfect plan is built upon a rock)I know that this is a hard lesson to learn, to love yourself as God loves you, but much of the pain is caused by holding onto the pain of not being as others have wanted you to be, or of trying to be as you imagine others have wanted you to be.And still finding that you fall short of the mark!All these little pains from this life and others, add up to one big pain that holds all the rejection, the loss, the disappointments, the judgements, the feeling less than & not enough.And when you stand back and see the whole sorry mess for what it is, you have to,a) acknowledge the pain that you feel (& give up trying to protect yourself from it) and b) realise how much of this you have unwittingly taken on from the outside world, and then carried it around with you as if it were the God's honest truth itself!So do that now - summon your courage and have a good long look at this pain that you carry.What does it look like?Notice where it's located, in your body, or somewhere around you.Notice whether it has a colour, or size or shape, or even a name or temperature.How does it feel?And then ask it, why are you here?What purpose do you have?And see or hear or feel what it says to you.So do this now, take a few moments to quietly imagine these things, and then notice what the difference is.Was there any purpose to this pain, other than to hide the truth of you?Say to yourself, 'I love myself and who I am, I love myself and who I am, I love myself and who I am.I am, I am, I am.'And repeat as much as you want! Say these words over to yourself until you feel a grounding basis of truth within it.And lay upon yourself the Sacred Task of loving yourself & who you are.Say to yourself, 'Never again will I allow others to create this illusion around me!''It is my Sacred Task to love myself & who I am.I lay this Sacred Task upon me!'And make this commitment to yourself that never again will you lay upon yourself the need to meet other's expectations & try to make them happy in this way.Be true to yourself, to what you want, to how you feel.Do it with love & compassion, but always honour WHO YOU ARE & WHAT YOU NEED!This is God's wish for you, & mine.May blessings be upon you, each & every day of your life.Anne.Q & A Channelling with Anne 14/07/09What do you want to talk about now and in the future - are you here to give specific teachings?All beings of light are here to help people expand their consciousness out to divinity - to feel God; and everything is done for that purpose, and I am here for exactly the same thing.I am a bridge to God!And the God, of course, which we all are, which is within each person, so firstly that is my purpose of being here, is to be a bridge to divinity.I am also here to speak to people who are ready to hear the truth, who are not on a long complicated path back to the Divine, but are ready to hear simplicity.My teachings are more to do with humanity, more of a personal basis, to help people see themselves and who they are.I am a warm person, but also I can speak things that maybe are a little tough, a little difficult, and wrap them up in that warmness, so that perhaps people can hear them a little more clearly.I am, if you like, the wise matriarch of the family.As you talk now, is the rest of the 'holy family' with you?We are as one, the holy family, perfect, whole and complete within ourselves.But when one of us speaks, we are shining that light through the aspect of ourselves, in that way that is only unique and individual to each one of us.My words carry and hold a very different energy than that of the Master Jesus, or Sarah, or Mother Mary or Mary Magdalene, or even the other members, which there are more than that which I have mentioned.Is there a specific type of work which you have come to do in the New Earth Group?Again, I am very interested in you individually, each as personal beings.During the group and the meditations, where you are open and striving to bring about divinity within yourselves, in those moments I can help the strands and the fibres within each of you to flow in the most beautiful way.So I'm taking the material which is already there, and just perhaps allowing the strands to flow a little more easily, a little more powerfully, so that you can be the conduits that you are of divine power.As was spoken about in the last group, each person here on earth has certain energies within their soul, which cause them to be incarnated here, and through the perfection of your own divine being, these energies of a lower vibration are worked with, beautified if you like, alchemized.I can help the strands and fibres within you to flow in the right way, so that you can achieve this work more easily, more effortlessly, more divinely.And I can help those parts that you are already working with.Ones that are not fully in your conscious awareness, but are starting to come into your conscious awareness. And this is where the greatest help can be given.I do not help you with things that are fully in your subconscious, although I may blow them a little breath of life to encourage them to rise to the surface!But I respect your individuality, and right to work only with that that is in your conscious awareness.Because truly it is yourselves that will bring yourself back to God, not me, not Jesus, not Sarah, not anybody else; but of course we can assist in that process, and lend a little help here and there.Is the work that we do in the New Earth Group, does it work to uplift humanity, and are there other groups directly related to the work that we're doing?I would again stress the importance of the individual, of the personal being.How each one of you holds a holographic image of humanity, and of creation.And how as each one of you moves closer and closer in physical manifestation to perfection, so this powerfully reverberates around the whole earth.The Divine is always shining inspiration upon humanity, and through ascended master beings, and angels, and all the other beings of light, that work with and for humanity.And so your work is connected to All that Is.I cannot say there is another group exactly like this group, that does exactly the same work, because the work that you do as a group is unique; just as each of you on the earth is unique.But if the work needed to be done by another group, they would do it, but in their own way, and in their own unique energy structure.Can you tell me some more information about a group called the 'order of Melchizedek'?The order of Melchizedek is an ancient order that goes back to Atlantean times.And although it can accept new affiliates, because in its being, it has created a thought form, if you like, a structure, a temple, that people can come into and be held within its energy; it was originally created by those who were dismayed by what occurred in Atlantis.So it is a specific order, and has a specific remit of helping humanity exist upon the earth as divinity; and to assist in not getting lost in one's egoic nature to the detriment and separation of that connexion to Divinity.And so the energy structure and thought form of this temple were created by its founding members, and new members come into it that are held within its energy structure form, and are therefore able to download information, codes, genetic structures, all of these things.So the order of Melchizedek is Atlantean in origin, and once it has achieved its purpose, it will no longer be required and be dissolved back into nothingness.(So in this sense, the order of Melchizedek is being described here as an etheric structure, co-created with Melchizedek to meet a specific purpose, but created by the intent and will of a group of people who wished to learn from the lessons of Atlantis and create a new way of being)Rachel Goodwin is a channel, hypnotherapist & energy healer who works with the Angels & Ascended Masters, especially Lady Sarah, and also works profoundly with the energies for ascension held around the sacred isles of Hawai'i.Lady Sarah is the ascended master guide for the Age of Aquarius and is working with the Earth and humanity to assist us in our process of ascension, and in manifesting our higher Selves here on earth.To read more of Rachel's channellings, and find out more about her work, you can go to
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