The following is an extract from my interview about 2012, while the complete text of the interview you can read or hear recorded at the end of my page II.1.D1, of my site The present extract you can also read or hear (together with a concise recorded version of the interview) at the end of my page II.1.D2 of my site. In addition here is given also important information on the therapeutic Center Zeus, where energy therapeutic treatments are made free of charge for bodily, sentimental and mental problems, etc, which are remotely performed by the Celestial entities materialised in the Center. Besides the treatments of any illnesses and problems, the entities are preparing us (by clearing our sentimental body and increasing our vibrations) for our certain and secured passage to the fifth dimension
QUESTION: In the question “what actually will now happen for Greece?”, the answer is:
ANSWER: In the third visit that yesterday made (13.6.11) my friend from the Galactic Council of Andromeda (which I mentioned before), in order to give me information exclusively for Greece, she said in summary, inter alia, the following: (while the details you can you see soon in the end of my page II.1.D2). In the 15.Jun.11 large gates of light open in central Greece in the energy triangle there, (fact that constitutes a turning-point for the entire humanity), from where various positive energies and high entities that Earth needs will enter, in order to activated and raise high vibrations. This high entities that will enter massively from superior (and beyond the seventh) dimensions, have as mission on the one hand to protect Greece from the attacks of the dark forces that are lately intensified, and on the other hand to change the existing situation creating prosperity in all sectors. Their entry will be also accompanied by certain extreme natural phenomena in various points of the planet including also some minor earthquakes, while the large destructions in certain points on the planet that the dark forces had organised, (and was the main reason of the need of hasty arrival of these entities, are expected to be successfully faced henceforth, eliminating any important consequences for the humanity.
Still she said that the coming of the energies etc will continue via this gate, while most probably soon the Earthy Allies of the extraterrestrials that are situated in Greece will announce, under the instructions of the entities that I mentioned before, (via television, internet and other media), the changes that are to follow, that will begin to thoroughly reverse the political, economic, religious, and other problematic systems that are operating today, which will all collapse. These announcements will come in a way that do not create fear or panic. An effort also will be made to limited to minimal any agitations (caused by dramatic reveal of the criminal actions performed against the country, and mainly in order to avoid any confrontation and any chance of bloodshed. Also most probably will not be long until we will also have announcements (again in a way that do not caused panic), about the existence of the extraterrestrials and on the role that are going to play and the help that are going to give us.
In addition she said that based on orders that Zeus gave her, (Zeus been a very high entity who with other similar entities are in charge of the universe), which has descended now on Earth, (as he had also done in the ancient Greece), in order to help the Greeks, she has created in Larissa in Greece (in one of the most important time-space gates of the planet that it is opened and activated), a center that will be the basis for these high entities as well as for the extraterrestrials that will descend in order to help Greece. This center already has been materialized with the help of my friend, on the one hand as a building that will play the role of ‘‘headquarters of co-ordination and services’’, etc, that will be provided for the country, and on the other hand as an organization with members titled ‘‘Advisory center Zeus'' which is accommodated in the building. Within the services provided is inter alia the performing of therapeutic treatments, mainly for the soul and the sentiments of the people, without using medicines and other methods of conventional medicine. The subscriptions for the members, (meaning the earthy members, because will exist there also materialised superior entities as well as extraterrestrials), they will begin on 15 July (most members will be ‘‘star seeds'' which have been informed), while the official opening will be on 2 September. The entity and energy of Zeus are found already in this center, as well as in any other place that are needed in the planet, where will also exist other such centres, while also himself he will materialize if is needed.
Obviously similar activities will be developed sooner or later also in other countries of the planet, where such gates open and such organizations are created, with the help of other individuals as my friend, which friend confirmed to me once again that extraterrestrials with their spacecrafts begin to enter secretly through various such gates that open, and will come in contact with awaken teams of people that they wait for them. I will also have the possibility of visiting such spacecrafts, initially with my astral body, and later with my physical body, (writhing a half-year period from today), when I will firmly adopt the idea that I should first carry out my mission in the third dimension. Without this preparation, if we go with our physical body and solve in the spacecraft immediately all our problems, then we will not want to return in our area in Earth and insist in staying there. On the contrary if we resolve our problems in our area, and cure our sentiments and our mentality, at the same time Mother Earth is also cured (of which we constitute a part), in order to pass together more easily to the fifth dimension. In the question about when exactly their spacecrafts will be openly shown and afterwards will be massively landed, she said that this will happen soon in the following future, but the exact time still it has not been revealed.
In the question whether the article in my site that I was asked to post for the center Zeus can create some danger for the center, the answer was that the center is completely protected, so much from earthy attempts of attracts, as from any other case of negative influences. Also asking whether what I write will have satisfactory publicity, the answer was that the publicity and the visits in my site, after the above mentioned announcements in the mainstream media will be made, it will be very much increased, especially for Greece. Still I was asked to me to post the following message of Zeus about his center: “All faithful Ellanioi can assist in this space that with love, comprehension and unselfishness has been created. The center wants to make known that the Ellanio spirit triumphs and that the time is now.” Also my friend said to me: 1) That the two last days she was with a materialised entity that brought energy from Alexander the Great. 2) That the Greek alphabet belongs to the Holy Geometry. 3) That the Greeks with the help of Olympians-Ellanians will play, despite their present problems, a leading role in the world course towards entering the fifth dimension.
Still she confirmed that with the opening of this gate, the bases of the dark cabal (earthy and extraterrestrial), that tried to interfere creating obstacles, were neutralized and rendered non offensive, as happened with the NASA base under Tempi (in Olympus), and the same happened to almost all other bases (with minimal exceptions) of the planet. Still that with the new energies of love that enter, even the evil somehow soften and become less evil in increasing numbers. Consequently the possibility exists that certain politicians to stop manipulating people and rule as dictators, and start to act for the interest of the country and not only for their own. As for the dark elite that oppresses us an “ultimatum'' was given to them saying that, either will stop their dark work and withdraw, or otherwise will be compelled to be transported to another three-dimensional planet, that will play the role of planet-prison, for the rest of their three-dimensional life.
In addition my friend Palaiologos, whom mentioned before, who receives information from superior entities among which leading is also Zeus (with other six of which gave me their earthy names), informed me that with the entrance of energies and entities that I mentioned before, HAARP was destroyed beyond repair as far as the influences that had to the peoples mind, and already the people will begin to feel better. This is confirmed to me on the same day (16.6.11) by Gabriel, who said that they destroyed HAARP, but only regarding its influence in the people (the control of their mind, their behaviour etc). Still Palaiologos said to me that the ancient Greek language is very widespread also in a lot of other constellations.
Still recently (16.Jun.11) he received orders to visited me in Greece from abroad, a person that wants however to keeps his anonymity, (because of the conditions that prevail in the country were he lives), which had shared the text of my interview to many scientist that search such subjects as the ones that I present, which professors asked me to clarify various points of my text, while from what he told me, they basically agree with what I say. Still he confirmed to me the great respect that receives in our galaxy, (and not only there), the Divine entity that Zeus represents, and told me for the big dissemination that has the ancient Greek language in the galaxy (as is also verified by the Greek word ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΙΑ, meaning freedom, found as the name of a spacecraft that is kept in a secret base in the USA). Also he described the regular informative contacts that he has with extraterrestrial, which take him from certain points-gates with his physical body in their huge spacecraft, in order to lower him later to the ground, (subjects that I will describe in detail in my page II.1.D15).
To confirm the above-mentioned exciting information about Greece, I made 4 questions to Gabriel who in the 20.6.11 said to me, inter alia, the following: (the complete text you can see in my page II.1.D15). “Dear George, I don't have a lot of time today as things are moving very fast toward first contact and disclosure as you are already aware of, for this reason I answer briefly to you. 1) Yes there was a gate that opened on your Jun 15th in your central Greece and yes ET's did enter and it is in order to help Greece as well as other entities. Things are getting ready to really change your planet. Announcements are important as you know but they are not the most important. Your country is past the brink of no return and without help it is going to implode in on itself. Remember a long time ago George I told you that everything would start in Greece, and now you are seeing and feeling it as being so. There is change and help for you and your country. Again we will see about the announcements actually happening. We would like it to be that way, as we don't want to scare the people and show up unannounced, but if that is the way it has to be, then it will be...... 2) Yes Zeus and the other Gods of Greek mythology help with the situation in Greece, and they watch Greece for centuries…. 3) Your visitor of the 16.6.11 is of the Light and does not say to you lies…. 4) Sharon and all others in the USA etc do not work only for their country, but all work for all, and now we are dealing with the complete removal of the dark forces…. ”
In order to confirm and supplement what is imminent το happen for Greece, (showing that similar changes are imminent and worldwide), I include below a part of a recent (14.6.12) message of Nidle (while the complete text you can see in my page II.1.D15): «We return once again! Everywhere, our Earth allies are making progress. The Ascended Masters assure us that the new financial system is in place and the new monies are ready for distribution. We are busily assisting them in setting up the final pieces needed before the new governments make their first announcements. This operation runs parallel to the process that is manifesting the new central banks. Indeed, several of your major financial institutions are now no more than façades for the institutions slated to succeed them. In addition, the globe's secret gold depositories have already allocated the funds that support the world's new hard currency system; and the mass printing of new bills and the minting of new coinage is also complete. This money is being held in well-guarded, undisclosed facilities around the globe, and the people selected to distribute these funds are at present waiting for the final 'go' codes. The same applies to most of the new-government personnel. All that is left is for the divine right moment to occur.
As we await this magic moment, our fleet personnel are carrying out the next steps in our disclosure scenario, one of which concerns our first post-disclosure broadcasts. Our communications team is revising what we intend to convey to you. You now want to know more about us, and so we are completing the presentation which will set the stage for our massive first contact with you. One of the main items will be to display the various technologies we intend to share with you, and another will be to give you a video introduction to your Inner Earth cousins, the Agarthans. The Agarthans intend to follow this introduction with a full explanation of who they are and to ask you for a formal recognition of their Inner Earth realm. They desire to teach you about your true origins and your true history. This knowledge is very different to what you now generally believe and hence, needs a clear and formal recognition of the Agarthans before it can be given to you. These events are only the first part of our initial interaction with you.
The Agarthans are setting up a grand tour for the leaders of the various caretaker governments, which includes a demonstration of a comprehensive tableau of Earth's early history (from Lemuria to the fall of Atlantis) and an explanation to each leader of the scenario envisioned for the initial cooperation between the Agarthans and each new surface government. It is important for the two parts of Gaia to be reunited. During the nearly 13 millennia that the two realms were apart, the dark reigned supreme over the surface. But with the return of the Light to the surface world, a grand reunion can take place, which is why we are giving the Agarthans this vital role in the first contact mission. On another front, the numerous secret societies that serve the Light are in a position to execute the final government transitions; indeed, these governments have begun to issue the orders that initiate the new global financial and currency system. This establishes the system's formal legitimacy and permits our Earth allies to remove the dark cabal from power….»
Still the Olympians gave me a lot of other important information, many of which I will give soon in my page II.1.D15, and I believe that will be particularly interesting and encouraging, not only for the Greeks. Here simply I summarise the following: Apart from the gate that opened, as mentioned above, in Larissa, other two gates have also been opened in the energy triangle under the supervision of Pallada Athina (ancient Greek goddess), one in Makrinitsa of Pilion, and one on the hill Goritsa of Volos, through which a lot of Celestial entities as well as extraterrestrials where recently entered. Noteworthy that in Goritsa the ruins of a temple of Apollo and Pallada exist, and underneath also underground galleries exist, (in which however at orders of government owned services it was not allowed to make any archaeological excavations), while at the night of entry of the entities, spacecrafts above the hill were seen and photographed.
In the eclipse of the Moon (at 15.Jun.11) the dark forces made an effort of intervention in the gate of Goritsa. that however with the help of Metatron (high celestial entity) were prevented. In my question to the Olympians about the origin of these dark forces that intervened, they said that star seeds also exist incarnated from dark planets (Saurians, Draconians etc,) which planets later, as mentioned above, with the Treaty of Peace they changed and joined the Light. These star seeds growing up (and usually possessing low posts), were hired by the dark elite in order to execute their commands, (as e.g. was this futile effort to create problems in her energies of the Light in Goritsa), as well as to execute various other tasks.
In my question οn the 27.Jun.11 about whether the medium-term loan agreement will pass in the Greek parliament, they said yes, but a large part of it will not be implemented. Still that in the near future “real Greeks” honest and capable will enter in the government, who will impose changes in favour of the country, and that there will be some agitations, but generally without bloodshed. Greece for karmic reasons will go down little more until she “reaches the bottom'', and then will advance for the Ascension with the help of the Olympians, constituting the epicentre of the planet in the course that Earth will also follow. Still that Greek Earthy Allies exist in Greece as well as abroad, who help Greece guided by the Olympians. In this category also belongs the group “Epsilon'' (which I will describe soon in my page II.1.D15), and they said that most probably soon will be official announcements on the existence of the extraterrestrial and on the assistance they are going to give us.
If still the regular scenario about the official announcements and of the first contact (plan A) extremely delays, because of the reactions of the dark governments, then they explained to me that the emergency scenario (plan B) will begin, with convocation of all the superior selves of all people in Earth (good and evil, while the superior selves as superior entities are always good), and with their decision to inform all people subconsciously for the existence of the extraterrestrials and of their good intentions, so that at the proper time that the extraterrestrials will have to proceed with their appearance without farther delay, will not cause fear and panic to the people.
In any case irrelevantly of the implementation of plan A or B, the first contact (massive landing of the extraterrestrials), will take place at the latest (as also my friend from Andromeda ensured me) in March 2012. Since our time of preparation after landing are the 4 months that I described in the beginning of my interview, (which in the worse case can be 8 months, in order to also include those who hesitate to decide), that means that before December 2012 we will have moved to the Hollow Earth, (or the star seeds to the spacecrafts of their planets), in order to become fifth dimensional in the metamorphosis chambers. This passage to the Hollow Earth etc will be by teleportation (beaming) during our sleep (for those who selected the Ascension). In the Hollow Earth our passage to the fifth dimension will be done in three days as we have described, followed by a short period of training, but the complete familiarization with our new forces and attributes will require about three years.
Meanwhile, as Olympians confirmed to me, large disturbances will take place in the outer surface of Earth, that will put at risk the lives of those that will select to remain there, and the Earth will have the changes (see map below) that we described, in order to return until 2018 in her initial pristine stage that she had in the old days. Then those from the people in the outer surface that will have survived, they will be henceforth also fifth dimensional (without the use of the the metamorphosis chambers), having also their mentor who will guide them. However because they didn’t received the systematic training of those in the Hollow Earth, will be somehow clumsy in the use of their new forces. In 2018 will be henceforth secure, also for those who have gone to the Hollow Earth, to return to the outer surface if they so wish. With regard to the Hollow Earth they said that the number of metamorphosis champers is today roughly the 60% of the current population of Earth, while the remaining 40% either will go to the spacecrafts (roughly the 20% which are the star seeds will most of them go to the spacecrafts), or will remains in the outer surface, as we mentioned before.
Still my friend from Andromeda, who was going these days (end of June) to visit me, postponed her travel, because she received instructions from the Olympians to go to the gate of Larissa, where important events were happening, which however could not explain to me by phone. Noteworthy that from the information that she gives me, I post in my site only what allows me at the present time to publicize. In addition on the 29.6.11 two charismatic friends Dora and Evangelia visited me, which also communicate with the Olympians etc, from which they receive information and direct answers to their questions, while in addition they receive attunements and perform energy therapies to people. Still I expect the visit of a third charismatic person that does the same things, fact that proves that the contacts with the Olympians for people in Greece is much more widespread than what could somebody suppose, and this is continuously extended. Note: More recent information from the Olympians etc you can see in the beginning of my page II.1.D15 where I will post soon.
At 13.Jun.11 my friend from Andromeda visited me again and this time took orders to reveal her earthy name Demetra Karakosta, and gave me a lot of new information, summary of which, mainly regarding in Greece and Cyprus, I mentions here, while more you can see at the end of my page II.1.D2 and in the beginning of II.1.D15 (to be translated soon). I Begin with the fact that since last week a decision was taken so that small spacecrafts to begin to fly low, and be seen not as luminous points but with their regular forms, in order the world to begin to familiarize with their presence, without been afraid, and then also the other media (besides internet) to be forced to present these sightings. In addition lately, persons of the light are entered in the royal families of the planet, (where the darks always prevailed), which influence henceforth the decisions taken, with positive repercussions in the entire planet. The same happens also with the governing (and more generally with the managing), personnel, (that is now in its largest majority belonging, or completely manipulated, by the darks), next to which are placed personalities honest and competent that influence the others in their decisions, and this includes in the first place also personalities in Greece and in Cyprus. Noteworthy that the recent explosion of the ammunitions in Cyprus was caused by foreigners, with the help of remote-controlled rocket of high secret technology that turned on the fire (as ocular witness also said), because the darks wanted to undermine the political etc status and in particular the president in Cyprus, and will attempt to repeat it, while the effort of the Earth Allies is to prevent them.
Still she said to me that the required “packages of abundance'', (constituted basically by precious metals and precious stones), have been placed in secure places looked after by the Earth Allies, both in Greece and in Cyprus, in order that based on these packages, when the changes begin, to have all, even the poorest, the possibility of covering comfortably their basic needs, while the first package in Greece has already come two years ago. In my question for the scenario of the course of developments in Greece, she said that the situation will be still little worsened, in order that all people realize the need for sweeping changes and that express (with the one or the other way) their wish for changes, in order that when the changes begin, to be welcomed and supported by the majority of the Greek population. In my question to give me dates, she said that dates are not given in order to not rely on the dates, and the people to remain inactive up to the date of the changes, (fact that would postpone the beginning of the changes), but on the contrary the people to be activated, both in the spiritual level (showing their intentions to the Olympians-extraterrestrials), as well as in the physical level (reacting organised and massively against the anti-popular meters and against the corruptness of the governing officials), fact that would accelerate the beginning of the changes.
In addition she said that finally the dark elite, seeing that they lose henceforth the game of their power, they attempt desperately and with spasmodic movements to create the sudden and irregular collapse of the world’s economical, political and social systems, so that they will impose then their world government, and this collapse if it would happen, it would have heavy consequences in disorganization, poverty, violence, conflicts, etc. For this reason the Olympians together with the extraterrestrials are ready for their direct intervention, according to the course of plan B mentioned before, if they see that such a case is developing. Still the Olympians decided to come down (in order to be ready to prevent such case, not only for Greece, which they mainly protect, but also for the entire planet), via the big gate that opened in Larissa, in central Greece, while they decided also the direct activation of a Center titled “Advisory Center Zeus” there. The Center (besides its other internal activities), provides also therapeutic activities for the public. At the same time it educates selected individuals that will help the world in its awakening, and for this reason provides also accommodation during the days of their education. Because for quite some time many visitors of my site asked me whether they can become members in this Center, where the energy treatments are provided free of charge 24-hours per day to the members, Demetra said the following:
The Advisory Center Zeus will make its (initial) members registrations from 15.Jul.11 until 31.Aug.11, calling the members that already have been selected (i.e. primarily “stars seeds'' which I described previously), and it will begin his operation in the beginning of September. Nevertheless, even if other individuals (such as visitors of my site, that are considered as awakened since are visiting such sites), wish to registered as members from Greece, Cyprus etc, Demetra (who manages the Center) said, that they can send me an e-mail with their details (full name. address, e-mail, etc, and their intention to be registered), and titled it ADVISORY CENTER ZEUS (in order to distinguish it from the many e-mail that I receive daily), in my e-mail Them I will forward it to Demetra in the beginning of September that she will submit it to the Celestial entities that direct the Center and execute also the therapeutic treatments. Those who will be approved (and I hope most) they will take their notice in their e-mail, where they will be also informed for the monthly membership fees that will pay as members (that is to be determined soon), which will be deposited in the bank account of the Center, so that the Center covers its (earthy) expenses of operation, until the Center to acquire its own resources. Then the membership card will be posted to them, together with the official receipt from the Advisory Center Zeus, while the first month and the treatments begin from 1.Sep,11. On the 2.Sep.11 is the official opening of the Center where all members are welcome (as well as whoever other wishes to attend), where they can also meet Demetra, while those who happens to have raised their vibrations to the fourth dimension, they can also communicate with the materialised entities there. For each one it will be determined by the entities (that they are in position to know the economic situation of every person), the amount of his monthly membership fees (between limits that will be determined soon).
The therapeutic treatments will be done for members (which they can visit the Center all 24-hours), while instructions are also given if required, either in the spiritual level (spiritual exercises, meditations, etc), or in the physical level (diet instructions and food supplements, living habits, etc). The treatments as we said are energy treatments and are addressed to all the bodies of a person, and in particular to the sentimental body, because most problems start from the sentiments, and if they are not cured they burst out in illnesses in the physical body, while on the contrary the cure of illnesses in the physical body is greatly helped by this energy cure of the sentimental body. At the same time the patient continues any given by the doctors medical treatment, which if it includes also chemical medicines (besides herbal or homeopathetic, etc), should be also accompanied by treatment of detoxification. All treatments are executed exclusively by the Celestial entities that came down in the Center, (headed by Asclepius, the ancient God of heeling), which they know better than anybody else what should be done, while if needed instructions are given by the earthy personnelm coming from the Celestial entities with which they communicate, and the duration of the treatments may require up to three months, without however the presence of the patient in the Center to be necessary.
In the question what happens with the persons that they cannot visit the Center, the answer is that this it is not an obstacle, because they can send their request for the treatment of a problem, (bodily, sentimental, or mental, etc) that they know or they believed that they have, and the Celestial entities of the Center will come to them to perform the treatment, wherever they are located in the planet. The request is necessary because the universal law of free will requires that in order to receive help, you should ask for it, since certain people for karmic or other reasons, they may have selected (consciously or subconsciously) to have the particular problem (or even to want to die). Therefore the Celestial forces do not intervene in their free will. Then they will receive in an e-mail any instructions (in case that are required), while as we have said the treatments are provided free of charge, (with the only charge the monthly membership fee). In my question about when I could meet, in their materialised from, the Celestial entities of the Center, Demetra said that this will be possible when I will increase my vibrations to reach the level that it allows it, and then she will come to take me to them, while already exist members that can meet these entities. Still she ensured me that from the last two weeks I started to be under the treatment of the Celestial entities, for solving my problems and rising my vibrations, fact that explains the great well-being and energy that I feel lately, despite my intense and continuous work I have with the computer.
Another basic reason for the creation of the therapeutic operations of the Center, (while similar centres are also created in other countries, in the similar gates that are opened there, with the help of individuals such as Demetra), is also that this treatments help in the elimination of any sentimental blocking that emanated from this or from our previous lives. This as we have said helps so much (collectively) in the ‘‘therapeutic treatment’’ of our planet, as well as (and mainly), in our certain and secured passage to the fifth dimension (in whatever way this will happen). Greece and Cyprus where this began already, they are found in preferential place as for this subject. This it answers also the recent questions of many of my readers for ‘‘how we will know that we succeeded to clean our sentimental body''.
Still because I received many emails from people worrying, that in case that they will not be completely cleaned in their sentimental level, they might not enter the fifth dimension, I tell them that for those who will select the metamorphosis chambers (mentioned above), they should not worry, because whoever selects consciously to ascend will achieve it, since in the second day in the chambers he will be automatically cured, as I mentioned before, and all mental etc problems that by any chance remained, will vanish and he will became foully conscious individual full of unconditional love. Naturally we are previously supposed to be free as much as possible from the adherences that keep us tied up (e.g. material goods and large properties, power positions that we possess, etc), so that we can increase our vibrations, thing that will decisively help, as I mentioned before, and with maintaining positive thoughts and sentiments, as well as with whatever we do, not to be based in self-interest but for the more general good. All these are constitute our conscious choice that we mentioned previously. However also those that will select the difficult and long path to remain in the exterior surface and become fifth dimensional there within a few years, still they will achieve it, after they become completely cleaned from all their attachments and increase their vibrations, with the help of their advisers - mentors that they will have there.
Regarding the chapter for the Advisory Center Zeus (for which I have taken already a lot of applications for registrations from Greece and Cyprus, as well as from abroad, which I will pass to Demetra on 1.Sep.11), it should be stressed that in the area of any treatment that somebody asks from the Celestial entities, receives simultaneously treatment for his disengagement from various dependences and phobias that by any chance he has, (that as we said they prevent his entry to the fifth dimension), and simultaneously increases his vibrations for the same aim. Whoever it helps still better even if this two requests are also includes in the his application for his treatment. To support the above mentioned I include also paragraphs from two recent messages of the extraterrestrial SaLuSa, where he reports, among others, that such therapeutic centres that help also in the Ascension. are created already, (under the monitoring of Archangel Mikhail), in many countries of the planet, (you can see the complete messages in my page II.1.D15),
SaLuSa 22.7.11: «…Whilst on Earth you have the most difficult time to lift out of the lower vibrations, which is why few souls achieve Ascension without immense help. In your present situation you are receiving levels of help that are not normally given, but are intense because the Creator desires that as many of you as possible ascend this time round. It is after all a special occasion that allows for mass Ascension, as the cycle of duality ends for all life forms on Mother Earth. As you must know by now, it does not however take away your divine right to follow your freewill choice. By your actions, words and intent it is you who decide what your experiences shall be. If you so choose to carry on in a similar condition of duality as you are now, that is perfectly acceptable and no one will admonish you or view you as a lesser Being.
Michael has now added Cities of Light to his understanding, as another facet of what is to manifest for souls on the Ascension path. As the weeks go by information of these magnificent cities will become widely known, and you will find that they are technologically advanced healing centres that will totally change you. They will not be the only ones, as there will be many ways available to you that will concentrate on raising your vibrations. Many civilizations of the Galactic Federation will contribute to the task of attending to your needs, and each often has their own specialized expertise. Be assured that before you reach Ascension, you will have healing that is based on Light, Sound and Color. Your earthly ways are often quite crude, but we do not belittle your attempts to cater for all types of illness and disease. A lot of the new methods are understood by you, but usually lack the funding to be developed. Furthermore, there are Corporations in the drug industries that stem any advances that may replace their products and reduce their profits.…. »
SaLuSa 29.7.11: «…Your experiences on Earth were created by you, having been given freedom of choice. They bear little resemblance to life in the higher dimensions and in fact you could not have created the same level of existence, unless you experienced a quantum leap in your consciousness. It is what is happening now, and the more your individual levels increase, the more your powers of creation will also rise. Belief in your power will help when you set about self-healing, but you need to be 100% positive in your ability to do it. The Law of Attraction comes into play, and you will achieve more success if you take the positive approach that “you are healed”. Normally you take the view that you should first ask to be healed, rather than inform your body “it is healed”. Those of you who regularly state that “you are healthy, and in harmony and balance” are maintaining a fully positive approach, and as a result that is what you attract to yourself. Looking at the reverse side is it not true that some people are always telling themselves that they are ill, and consequently never seem to get better. That is not to say that they are not ill, but they are unwittingly prolonging their problems by dwelling on their illnesses, rather than the cure.
However, before the end of this cycle many opportunities will be granted for all manner of illnesses and afflictions to be healed. It will come in various types of healing, but all aligned with New Age technologies that have absolutely no side affects. As you are probably aware by now, in the higher dimensions your body will comprise of matter of a much higher vibration, that will be disease free. It is why everything around you will also be in a state of perfection, meaning that if you have imperfections now such as some form of disablement, it will have been corrected before you ascend. That is possible because even now you carry the original blueprint of your perfect body, and it can be activated. Perhaps the most welcome change will be to find that your new body will stay in its perfect condition, and you will be forever young and in your prime. Furthermore, through your individual powers, you will be able to change any of your features as you desire.
You will soon be seeing us amongst you, and will note that we are all in our prime. You will find us happy and always in a totally peaceful state. We are not prone to having moods such as humans have, and certainly do not get angry or bad tempered. We do not of course have to suffer your experiences, but even so we are always calm and peaceful. All these positive attributes will also become yours, and as the vibrations continue to increase around you, you too will change for the better and able to eliminate anything that is less. Even between now and the end of the cycle, you will notice quite big changes within yourselves. Harmony and balance in all things is taking place, and it will continue even until after Ascension.…. »
At the 3.Aug.11 Demetra visited me again and gave me very interesting recent information, that I will post translated the following weeks at the end of my page II.1.D2 (with regard to the Ascension) and other in the beginning of my page II.1.D15 (with regard to our Solar system and the parallel universes), in combination with information that gave me my superior self in a two-hour session that I had with him at the 31.Jul.11. Here I will report summarizing three only fundamental points from the above-mentioned information. First that during the next two-months period (August-September), it is programmed to have, (with the help of the Olympians), important changes in Greece and Cyprus, which are referring to the various problematic systems that we today have, and in particular to the economic system, for the alleviation of our countries, that may finally include (if everything develops smoothly) even the repurchase of the entire public debt.
Second that the membership fees in the Advisory Center Zeus will be paid per month, (instead per quarter or per year as I had suggested to Demetra for less transactions), as it is expected these fees to be abolished, as soon as the Center will manage to covers its operational expenses from other sources. On the other hand the exchange of energy becomes also smoother (as confirmed to me also by my superior self), between what somebody gives and what he is receiving. The amount of the monthly fees will be determined (as previously said) by the Celestial entities of the Center for each member separately, according to the economic capabilities of each member, (that the Celestial entities very well know), and will be from 60 Euros the minimum up to 100 Euros the maximum. Third that 500 meters above the time-space gate of Larissa in the evening of 27.Jul.11, numerous large spacecrafts appeared (having the form of disks with three intensive red lights each), that became visible and seen by Demetra and her friends, as well as by other awakened individuals, while at the 1.Aug.11 something similar took place above the gate of Dodoni in the district of Epiros, where Demetra and her collaborator received orders and went there in order to clean the gate from any negative energies of the dark forces.
Still in my recent question (8.Aug.11) Demetra informed me that the inauguration of the Center will be at 8.30 pm of Friday 2.Sep.11, in the form of ancient Greek ceremony (with corresponding dishes), in the address of the Center that is Farmakidou and Papakyriazi 66, T.K. 41222, Larissa, Greece, where they are invited apart from the members and those who have sent me their application for registration as members, (the list of which I will forward to Demetra on 1.Sep.11 for approval by the Celestial entities of the Center), as well as are invited also any others who wish to attend. Still I point out that although the remote therapeutic treatment is very effective, however the presence in the rooms of the Center, (that it will be open all day long), accelerates any treatment for those that they will have the possibility of visiting the Center. Moreover, as it was previously mentioned the visitors will meet during the inauguration, apart from Demetra also many important members (light workers). In addition those who have increased their vibrations and have reached the fourth dimension they will be able, whenever they visit the Center, to communicate also with the Celestial entities there.
In Addition in this Center the altar of Hestia will be soon created where an unappeasable flame will burn, which facilitates the incoming of beneficial energies from the universe (that is something equivalent with the candles of the churches), while similar altars will also exist in all similar centres (as also confirms my visitor, whom I call Messenger in my page II.1.D15, to be translated soon). In addition in my page II.1.D15 I will add a video where Alaje from Pleiades speaks about the Olympians and the help that they gave to the ancient Greece (and via Greece to the entire humanity), as well as for the centres of energy treatments that were founded by Asclepius for the therapeutic treatments of many thousands ancient Greeks annually, equivalent of which aims to be also the Advisory Center Zeus.
Closing the article about Greece, I add also two paragraphs from recent message of Dr.Nidle (16.8.11), showing that the changes are imminent not only for Greece, but also for the USA as well as internationally (while the complete message you will see in my page II.1.D15). «We return with another report concerning your world! At present, we are tracking a number of individual unit commanders who are summarily defying the series of recent agreements, signed by a majority of your globe's nations, and a special amended codicil that was ratified by the American government only last week! These groups of the military are on the verge of being neutralized by our special defense force. The peace of your world is being temporarily threatened. We have sent warnings to these various rogue groups and given them a date for their deactivation. We expect full compliance and a swift return to the condition pro ante. Several major governments sent similar warnings to these groups once this situation was made known to them. When this state of affairs is resolved, we fully intend to begin the rapid distribution of your prosperity funds and formal announcements by your new governments. The road to disclosure has hit only a small bump. Your prosperity and your new economic system are still on target for completion by the divine schedule decreed by Heaven and Lord Surea.
We are watching our Earth allies and seeing to it that those selected for major cabinet appointments in the new "caretaker" governance are ready and fully apprised of what is expected of them. A number of special Agarthan envoys are now evaluating how these new governances are to function during the first week of their operation. Every chosen administration has a series of tasks to complete. These include: announcements, special orders and a series of procedures that are to pump monies quickly into the "starved" economies of your globe. The first authorized moves of this new governance are intended to relieve the immense debt pressure on your world and get under control the "casino-like" atmosphere that has produced an exponential yearly increase in global debt ratios. The debt needs to be dismissed and a sound series of budgetary rules put into place that can truly evaluate how well each aspect of your various national governments operates. The crucial point is to shift from a "bottom line" to a more humane "spiritual line"..…. »
At this point I conclude that as harsh as the reality of wha...
In closing I’d like to say that a great future awaits us, an...