Dear Friends,
Greta Thunberg is designed to offer a PRETENCE of grassroots-driven, climate change actions, demanded of governments. In reality, she is a pawn, controlled for effect.
Most people hate disruptive climate activists and also government mandates, invoking serious restrictions upon lives, especially without debates and discussions, prior...The higher green taxes on energy, the drive for ethanol in petrol, from E5 to E10...Not good for many cars. The prospects of being forced to change gas boilers, with expensive and inefficient alternatives, such as hydrogen pumps..
The idiotic activists who glue themselves to major roads, to stop traffic. The people are not at all impressed. These fanatical groups, taking such absurd actions, are not representative of public sentiment.
The science is not settled at all and needs ironing out, in public forums and TRUE scientific consent, among real experts in climatology. Currently, such real scientists are being shamed and ostracized. Very similar pattern to the covid tactics used against virologists, who disputed the "science." And there were many of them.
The phasing out of cheap petrol and diesel cars, replacing them with pointless electric cars...Pointless, because fossil fuels are still used to charge the batteries and expensive, because many will find unaffordable in a high-tax economy. Especially one in recession and subject to inflation...So who the hell, among most people, will be buying such cars..?? All baloney...all poppycock....
And I've heard that electric charging has not been seriously planned for travel. Those few with electric cars are not reporting excellence in the charging network grid, across the country...This truly is moronic virtue signaling by government. Smoke and mirrors.
And it gets worse. The food we eat is threatened with extinction, in order to "save the planet." Moronic, stupid, idiotic....The choices for protein could be lab-manufactured "meat," or insects, such as locusts and others, too disgusting to mention here....🤮
So to recap, Greta is used to present the illusion, that grassroots public support is greater, than that of governments and corporations. That the public are "demanding" actions by government, to save us all. The whole concept of "man-made" climate change, is a ruse, to allow elite forces to bring in the great reset of economies and all facets of people's lives, leading to a totalitarian and dystopian; one world government...
Selamat kasijaram zau.. (Sirian for “be blessed in the love and joy of spirit…!”) 🙏
Col. Drekx Omega
Time for Reform UK to turn the whole thing off....Net-zero is voluntary national suicide, by stupid politicians and corporates, who hate our nation...They loath the people and want them to suffer, needlessly...End this insanity....
Idealism meets pragmatism.....beginning of the end for nut zero in the UK....
"BP has said it will cut 4,700 jobs across its global workforce and 3,000 contractor roles as part of a cost-saving drive.
The company did not disclose how many people were affected per country, but the reductions amount to just over 5% of its 90,000 worldwide employees.
BP has about 14,000 UK workers. Around 6,000 of those are based in petrol and service stations and will not be affected by the cuts.
Talk's Mike Graham says: "The lunatics have taken over the asylum!"
What was it that the hapless nincompoop, Al Gore, predicted in 2000....?? That the "polar caps would be free of ice, by the year 2015....!!" Yeah...!! Whatever....!!...I hope people are waking up to this, by now.....I was aware of their scam in 1990.
Of course, they are working for the dark cabal and like their counterparts in the current US Democrat party, possess low IQ and definitely low LQ, by design....Starmer has about as much empathy for the British people, as an iceberg..🧊🥶Surprised that anyone fell for his lies and voted for him, or abstained from voting, assuming this would be punishing the failed Tories...I for one, voted and Reform UK was my choice...Shame people have to learn the hard way now..
The new secular religion is the "environmental climate emergency, " encapsulated by the COP29 madness, primarily promulgated by my own deluded nation of the UK.....The people here are not deluded, but the establishment is......
A scientific study, of genuine worth, states in conclusion, that children on trendy vegan diets are 1.2 inches shorter, on average, with smaller and weaker bones...
Meat, meat and more meat, is the answer...Grass fed....
And especially the really dangerous EVs made in Red China.....Absolutely insane to even think of buying and using these....