Grounding the New Earth Energies...
Melanie Beckler
4:02 PM
When walking an ascension path and lifting into a higher vibration, grounding is still incredibly important.
But wait… Isn’t ascension about lifting in light, and not grounding to the Earth?
Really… It is about both.
When you are grounded to the Earth, you are actually able to integrate more of your soul light and authentic truth, and this is the ultimate goal.
As counter-intuitive as it might sound, when you stay grounded, you are actually able to lift higher.
So as we head into the Full Moon energy (Full Moon is tomorrow)...
It's a powerful time to consciously ground your energy to the light of the crystalline Earth...
And pave the pathway for your highest Divine light and consciousness to ground and embody through you now.
I just published a free Grounding Exercise video to support you...
Check it out here:
Grounding New Earth Energy >>
With love and blessings,
P.S. New Metatron's Cube Angel Activation coming tomorrow....