Guided From Beyond - A Gift from Beyond‏

Kind & Kindred Friends -


It is with great anticipation that I share something quite profound with you - that is now available and within grasp.  My Spiritual Brother Simon and his gifted Life Mate, Linda presented me with a copy of the manuscript for this very special publication.   I was at once, completely humbled by the experience of reading it - as it is not only only a gift of consciousness & knowledge by the Spiritual Hierarchy OverLIGHTing this much beloved planet - but a test on Soul Level of how we respond to this most elevating & timely presentation.


My own experience was the sensation of being viewed as if on a screen as to how I was reacting to the information contained - my consciousness seemed to be expanded as well as being evaluated on a mental, emotional, spiritual & cosmic level simultaneously as I read, digested the material and architectural drawings of this Cosmic Temple being gifted to the Earth.  The sensation was not a all intrusive or off-putting in any manner whatsoever - as if those gauging our reaction know us as well as we know ourselves.  Admittedly, I wept, understanding the great responsibility that is being given us, to have earned this Temple of Light & Awareness and of the very profound Love that is extended to each one of us by our Cosmic Family and the Beloved Masters of Radiance!


You, the reader will be sweep up in the personal and group testing that this Circle of Seekers endured on All continents to create access, open a doorway for this material and it's significance to finally reach receptive and ready minds and hearts.  It will be as you, yourself, are living it firsthand.

I was reminded of the Biblical passage wherein the Lord states "Out of the hottest fires do I forge the strongest metals" - that was indeed true then, as it still is today.  Each participant who was guided to partake of this life odyssey was severely tested as well as evaluated by unseen - but ever present eyes - to gauge comprehension as well as adherence to the task.  As one seeks higher spiritual consciousness one must prove readiness as well as responsibility in accepting what has been given.

Should any of this inspire you to delve further into this magnificent and soul stirring series of events, messages and individual tests of responsibility, you are sincerely encouraged to further explore this story and its ramifications for mankind - individually as well as collectively.  Just follow this link - you will not find many tomes of Knowledge, Love & Awareness as heartfelt and relevant as this dear friends. 


The Templar is indeed ready, yet are we?

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