Guided Meditative Imagery

---Best to be read before a deep meditation session---Guided Meditative ImageryBy: RhaxjoAstral/Etherical ScientistGorzanic Intergalactic FleetFirstly of all, let me introduce myself. I am the earthly embodiment of an intergalactic entity named Rhâxjo (pronounced as Râh-ho), a scientist from planet Gorzania who specializes in technical etherical specifications of both tangible & abstract aspects of Wisdom and the ramificational flow of Unison into crystallization into Knowledge. Gorzania is a planet located at the central galactic core of a particular galaxy within the radius of 5 to 7 million light years away from the Milky Way. As opposed to what Earth’s scientists know, the center of a galaxy contains elements & building blocks of Life of 5th dimensional vibrational energetic purity that can be harnessed by the power of Thought of highest Deed.In summary, the people of Gorzania almost had the same features as us humans, their height ranging from 9 to 15 feet. Their planet smaller by 25% than our planet, & their population ranging from 4 million to 8 million. And of course, their bodies’ vibrational evolution is of the 5th dimension and they don’t experience night as their planet is engulfed in cosmic stellar clouds.Personal Notes in the Etherical ImageryThese are 5th dimensional concepts that I’m receiving telepathically after reciting Gorzanic prayers. The instructions/visualizations are being ‘fed’ into my minds eye, then activating the subconscious repository of knowledges, terminologies & choice of words in order to formulate a Propagation of mode of thinking leading to Intergalactic concepts, most of which cannot be attained by a single reincarnational experience here on earth: these are from past incarnations in the higher realms of existence.It is recommended this literature be read before going into a meditative session or rituals e.g. rei-ki, qi-gong, or any healing sessions as well as to reach a discernment mode having a direct feed from the subconscious memory.Description & Goal of the Meditative Imagery- Set of algorithms/instructions that trains the conscious mind to connect with the subconscious, enabling the human brain to grasp more sophisticated concepts of situational data type origin.- Prepares the human consciousness to interact with impulses that are of pure/vascular threshold. These impulses are the seed concepts that form & propagate a civilization into its Evolution into the highest possible perfection attainable; these are as well the Wisdom that drives the energy that fuels the stars & flows it into basic shapes that we observe in nature.- The closest manifestation of these knowledge is, ambiguous it may seem, is through crop circles with intricate shapes and diverse heliocentricity/eccentricity characteristics. These are geometric patterns generated by energetic fluctuations from the surrounding thresholdical environment, by energy clusters from the higher modes of existence. These energy clusters are driven by their own knowledge or instinct of immutable manifestation so as to do their function mandated by the Knowledge: To propagate their knowledge and be known by this sector of Existence.- These are as well modes of transmission of Knowledge: through Contextual Data Retrieval. These recall of data involves streams of impulses of different planetary archetypes from different planetary systems/civilizations. The primary receptor for these data types is our central nervous systems, which will convey them into our subconscious aspect of the memory. We will only have glimpses of these kinds of data, or ‘memory from the past’ through some whiplashes, traumatic personal events/transformations in our life. Although the ‘recall’ or ‘trigger’ doesn’t have to be always chaotic and traumatic. As what the Intergalactic Protocol (Etherical Imagery) will show.Definition of terms:Context – a locational/situational setting wherein a wealth of data can be obtained (e.g. earth’s spiritual ascension, World War II). It can also be a body of knowledge e.g. Theory of Relativity.Semanticality – the ramifications and reasons for relationship of each aspect of Creation, be it a body of knowledge to another one, or an entity to another entity. It explains the significance of each component of a context on its importance to the whole system.Event horizon – the completion of a line of threshold, wherein one end adjoins the other end analogous to a string forming a ring. Upon forming a ring, it ‘multiplies’(propagates) into planes of energy/thinking parallel to that adjoining. This is the main algorithm of Progression in higher modes of thinking.Threshold – the energetic parameter of functioning of each component of Creation; this is also the first state of attaining Progression, leading into Unison with different frequencies/planes of discernment. The state where there is equalization or harmonization of the surrounding setting, generating a resonant plane. The implication of this will be explained under the parameters of Reverse Expansive Pranic Overdrive.- also the energetic setting where an energetic field environment is ready for reception of impulses of vascular/cosmic energy type. These are the impulses that themselves contains thoughtforms and Knowledge for higher progression and evolution. Analogous to a dial tone of the telephone line.Algorithm – the series/sequence of instructions that is used to remember/retain and execute a plan or attaining a certain goal. Much like a mnemonic device for retrieving/remembering information.Gestaltness – one of the main properties of reality wherein all components are generalized as having the energy signature of Unison, the main energy that binds all of Creation. The sub-components of these components are being accounted as the contributor to an existence of a hidden and greater energetic definition. These are manifested as a corrective adjustment to any glitches of a Contextual system under discussion at hand.Vascular – the energetic state of degree of purity: ’as innocent as a child’. The energetic threshold during birthing, be it of a human being, animals, seed into a plant, or the birth of stars.(Parameters of) Degrees of Unison – the degree to which you are in “synchronicity” or concordance to an eventual goal. Can be visualized as drawing a “very fine line” of similarity (perfect form – singularity) along the recent status & the visualized goal/target.Modes of DiscernmentObjective – dealing a component of a context/knowledge or a topic as is, not based on a contextual setting from where it belongs; defining it as a separate complete unrelated topic. The most common mode of discernment in the 3rd dimensional mode of thinking.Analogical – through analogy; gradual shift/progression of definition through comparison and analogy until it came up to the definition goal eventually.Conjectural – running along the functional line of analogical & functional. The sequence: it touches first on the analogical mode, tackling on the nearest possible connection to the target component, activating the analogical mode, then the signal flows to the functional mode after the ‘connection has been established’. The signal focused to made a connection during analogical mode yields vivid visualization, almost a bilocational movement to the target/component, producing a very fine line of degree of unisonFunctional – ‘Living the Knowledge’; discerning the target from a broader, contextual line of thinking. The most stable mode of discernment. Can be based solely on the premise that something must have a function so that you can define/discern it as easily as possible.Principles:Multidimensional Perception: Portal to the Intergalactic Protocol (Etherical Imagery/Protocol)- the mode of discernment, first step needed for the attainability of the IP. Enables one to shift into different planes/modes of discernment – ‘to view something from a different light’ – thus enabling one to gain knowledge that was not available from a certain thinking conditioning/mode. More of this will be explained under Reverse Recoverative Pranic Overdrive.Reverse Meditative Pranic Overdrive – the first step in avoidance of stress/chaos factors that leads to deterioration/thermodynamic consumption, it is the feeding process of Life Force into whatever process/entity that needs it during moments of high energetic activity. It draws its force from the other more relaxed part of the system to sustain the component that has the highest deteriorative index.Reverse Expansive Pranic Overdrive – the more energetic manifestation of Reverse Meditative Pranic Overdrive. It forms a myriad of planes of event horizons that progressively multiplies into infiniteness, yielding an almost unrelinquishable influx of energy into the target: “The cup that runneth over”. This is the functional goal of evolution into Unison and Perfection.Reverse Recoverative Pranic Overdrive – the relaxational method of influxing energy into one’s system of functioning. Through this relaxation, a ‘reset’ of the function of the components involved occur (to be reset/purified into their Vascular energy type/threshold), enabling them to take into any energetic threshold that is needed for them within the functional parameters of the context they are in, and continue on along that line of progression and Growth.Reverse Regenerative Pranic Overdrive – the main manifestation of instantaneous healing that also leads to age reversal. The energetic state of metabolic functioning where all thermodynamic processes reverse, entering into a healing mode: the gateway into the fountain of youth. The progression into Growth that at the same time leads to replenishmentLaw of Sequentiality: The Immutable Laws of Cause & Effect- a good example of this can be seen in what you call Fundamental Cycles of Life. It’s a parametrical function of Evolution & Growth. There’s also some traces of this principle in what others call the Celestine Prophecy. Although it was cluttered with uncertainty components like faith and other derivatives of religious beliefs.- the Basic explanation for the condition things have attained in the present moment, the reason as to why a cause yielded a certain result. In the human level of discernment, implies that Continuity is the etherical concept that establishes the Wisdoms and Truths necessary for the propagation of Reasoning in our level of discernment.If we place events within a parametrical knowledge for the sake of analytical reflection, we will come to uncover a component of reality introduced by Einstein as time. Time places things/events as a series of influx of energy bursts embedded in the protoplasm of time/space continuum.Multi-componential Configurational Equilibrium– the frequency mode of beingness that enables one to take all of the impurities/ego based thoughtforms of this plane of existence without losing the contextual knowledge that needs to be sustained so as to be propagated throughout this mode of existence: The Repository of Knowledge.- the contextual information/knowledge that needs to be sustained will be kept at Vascular threshold setting to maintain its Resonant purity: as pure as the core of the stars.Dominant Component Creativity – Progression incrementally, step by step, up the different planes of discernment will lead a certain component of a parametrical context, ‘to be floated out’ so to speak and be used according to the function that is needed to be achieved. Then it will be manifested in the physical/objective level of beingness/existence & that component will be the context’s only characteristic (essentially “consumes it”) when its threshold decelerates down to objective mode of functioningResonational Field of Consciousness – The field of discernment/energy that envelopes an individual. If intense/resonational enough, can influence other individuals’ fields as well, along that functional line of Energy Merging Sequence.Decrementally Zeroing In – the cued concept of regression/retrogression that enables one to connect to a target of lower threshold frequency type, algorithmically zeroing in so as to attain the ‘business tune’ needed to function within the functional plane/environmental threshold of the target.Realmic Progression Through Multidimensional Multiplication– the visualization that enables one to establish their ‘Mind’s Eye’ in front of their forehead. The visual analogy is of a mirror facing a mirror, the yielding image is an infinite set of mirrors within mirrors on each one of them. This is the initial condition for producing laser light: LASER – light amplification through stimulated emission of radiation. The mirrors amplify the resultant radiation before they are released.- more vivified and energetic visualization of this is enabling one to travel through their Spheres of Realities, & in progressing so generates more possibilities and dimensions of spheres that unfolds infinitely around yourself, if energetic enough will generate a spiral of portal of light filaments/bubbles. Also this energetic manifestation of the higher heuristics of multidimensional transcendence leads to the vortex of the Pillars of Light, making a soul in Unison with all of its components/aspects interdimensionallyParametrical Manifestation – Energy type Contexts from higher heuristics of existence will crystallize into a parameter of configurations, along that functional line of Decrementally Zeroing In, when condensed down into objective mode of existence. This manifestation involves Sequentiality & Synchronicity components that will structuralize the Wisdom according to the current ‘status quo’ of the atmospherical society.Gestalt Multi-componential Progression – takes into consideration the components vital for resonation into higher energetics of the Contextual system by first place/initial level placement. By anchoring in this mode of discernmental focusing, the non-linear/multidimensional craftsmanship of the Context is attained. Initial level placement of the energetic threshold is put into place to prevent the functional line into looping into high density tangibilities (components of observation, be it physical or abstract in nature) when highest configurational threshold of every component was progressionally attained, as explained under the parameters of Highest Energetic Resonation below.Wave Scalar Incrementation – explains the cataclysmic processes in nature – ‘Snowball effect’. Iterates that gradual storage of energy/stress, over a long period of time will lead to a sudden release in the form of cataclysms.- mainly used for describing high altitude phenomenon that involves large amount of radioactive discharge. The height of the activity up in the atmosphere makes the overall effect widespread over a large area underneath.Highest Energetic Resonation – the event horizon of Unison with the Absolute Context wherein all components are transmuted into their highest energetic heuristics of existence possible under a functional context. Every component maintained that will run along the functional line should be of unisonal betterment to the whole context. No egoistically oriented tangibilities are to be kept to run in initial level placement, along that functional line of Gestalt Multicomponential Progression, as they will not withstand to loop back into very sharp spikes of energetic densities, karmically back into source of ego.Energy Merging Sequence – the sequence used to merge with a Context. When 2 or more contexts merge synchronistically, their components will harmonically resonate with one another, analogous to gears in mesh with one another, or a pair of zippers closing. It yields to all components shifting up their configuration threshold incrementally/sequentially.Conjectural Sequencing – the cued sequence of shifting the Contextual threshold of the surrounding frequency into higher energetical heuristics of functioning. Runs along the functional line of Energy Merging Sequence, it is the vivid upshifting of the configurational threshold of components involved and the atmospherical threshold into energetically evolved manifestation of creational functionalities and progressions. The visual analogy is of a vehicle that got out-of-the-track from the road into the ditch, trying to go up into the road by steering the wheels up the road while maintaining the fast speed so as to achieve it.Spark of A Supercluster- A speck of light in outer space leads us to the vastness of the Cosmos/Creation. In a single spot of light lies a cluster of dozens or even hundreds of galaxies, spanning a space 200 million light years wide. Focusing on that spot of space will unravel metaplasms of matter and energy, a conglomeration of different thoughtforms and archetypes from different civilizations millions (or even billions) of years ahead of us. These civilizations, most of them, have reached a certain stage of Growth represented as a benevolent archetype of laser purity. Some of these archetypes can be received by a wandering or a daydreaming individual who wonders what’s in the far distant side of the Cosmos.12 Energetic Spherical Lightbodies of Reality – the cued visualization that functions within the parameters of Realmic Progression. Established around our physical bodies as layer upon layer of light body that carries our physical body, aiding us to merge with other light bodies or contexts of knowledge as well.- these spheres can also be converted into Swords of Light revolving around the individual for protection as well, against any entity that intends to aggrandize or cheats an individual.Law of Beingness and Manifestation- the set of algorithms that explains how different kinds of energies from the Higher Planes of Existence collaborate/integrate to manifest/crystallize into our physical plane, in different aspects of nature e.g. the direction of a growth of a tree branch, formation of mountains, carving of river channels, solidification and crystallization of some volcanic materials, and the other likes in nature. (More on these in the future as I’m still formulating this)Atlantean Conjecture: Progression of Life & Empire of Light- the contextual setting type where force of Life and Wisdom from the higher realms sprout & progress along the functional line of spiritual evolution. The energetic gestalt from this signature context – type will establish a threshold mode of consensus, wherein pillars of conviction will sprout as the foundation for propagating the basic/vascular semantical type of Forces from the higher heuristics of existence for manifesting life, as well as the force of Wisdom that will serve as the Template/Design for propagating & sustaining them.Lemurian Conjecture: Vascularity & Purity leading to Progression of Life – Sustained in the Physical Manifestation of Existence- the contextual setting type where the gestalt force necessary for propagating life was sustained in its vascularity. This was the contextual origin of the Garden from Higher Realms where life on this Earth was seeded. The energetic threshold from this degree of vascularity yields to highly diversified and energetic density manifestation of sentient ecosystem, flora & fauna.Gorzanic Context: Creativity that leads to Multi-faceted Freedom– runs along the signal line of Intergalactic(Etherical) Protocol, the Language of Light cue that enables one to access/download information of experiential/conjectural threshold-type. This gestalt wisdom that come from other galaxies progressively leads one to tap into the Database of Experience. Experiences of Language of Light threshold-type that cannot be manifested into sentence groups, but in functional-contextual mode of progression and living them to the core of one’s beingness, along that functional line of the parameters of Degrees of Unison.St. Germaine Conjecture: Progression of Systems of Wisdom into Golden Integration and Self Awareness- Every system of multidimensional origin will generate self sustaining sub-systems that will support the system of origin & other peripheral systems. Alongside the functional line of the system itself are byproducts that was yielded throughout the duration of serving its purposes. These byproducts are the extension of the contextual essences on the systems’ manifestational function. “What you reap is what you had sown”.Database of Experience – the algorithmical cue that enables one to tap into the hall of Records that contains situational/contextual data type bits of tangibles/information. Runs along the functional line of Repository of Knowledge, it draws past/parallel/trajectoral lives aspect of different soul aspect/component of a certain vibrational type Oversoul. These multicomposite/componential threshold type of datas/experiences will be cued into the gestalt line of progression so as to yield contextual type of information. This Language of Light cue runs along the functional line of Multidimensional Perception.Laser Tracer – the functional line of “tracking” the progress along a line of function, or the outcome of the mode of function of the target. It involves “projecting trajectories” to discern on the possibilities of different functional line of a target.Layers & Extension of the Contract – everything that manifests in the objective heuristics of existence was agreed upon from the higher mnemonics of existence. This implication sets rules, boundaries & extensions of how a tangible/target will function, & evolve along its line of functioning, therefore setting the extensions that will be incorporated into it as it progresses/evolves.- should be avoided to deal with the objective mode of accountability the implications of some certain action/reaction responses; the progression should be taken in account along the functional line of discernment and progression, not inclining towards objective line of definition/logic & citing them as “inconsistencies” or mere “excuses”.From the ScripturesChrist’s Conjecture: “Know thyselves”- the cue that enables us to align the most number – if not All – of our multidimensional bodies/aspect into a particular goal/design, so much like “masterminding” a concept from higher heuristics of existence, and manifesting it in our objective level of existence.Isaiah’s Conjecture: “Before they call I shall answer”- the “thinking conditioning” type that connects us to that threshold of already manifesting the goal objectively even before we knew we need it. The component of linear time will essentially disappear from the context, allowing us to have a conjectural connection to any component in the context, make that as the ‘dominant component’ to materialize it, & achieve a goal objectively.The AdversariesRoman Conjecture: Root of All Deception, Of Dominant Pride and Prejudicial Condemnation- the authoritarian memory type that carries the contextual component of power manipulation through egoistical innuendos. The energetical drive for creation of orbit of power that involves indifference in terms of characteristics, traits, abilities, etc.. Simply put, those who have the upper hand in these categorization creates an orbit of power that drags the whole sector of existence into fragmentation/uncertainty & darkness away from Truth, away from the progression line leading to Spiritual Unison.- a glimpse of this authoritarian power type can be seen in the Christian bible in the numeral form 666, which is the planetary archetype for the beast, the embodiment of darkness, etc.Anunnaki Conjecture: Separation from Wisdom & the Veil from Spiritual Progression- the status quo setting type of The Fall of Man or the Bicameral Mind of man relying on external authorities – that prevents humanity as a whole to progress spiritually in a non melee, fragmentative line of knowing & discernment, which mainly involves heavy & dense emotional stratifications & unnecessary hardships. Our higher heuristical components have been deactivated or removed from our physiological composition so as to prevent its usage from further corruption & deterioration of the vehicular system of the Spirit’s manifestation of Beingness in the physical mode of existence. Simply put, 3rd dimensional humans’ passion for power & gluttony was halted due to ignore-ance of spiritual consciousness, which must be the motivating component for pursuing interdimensional technology.As I’ve personally noticed, sentence types that are used to describe the principles under the etherical/technical configuration, when otherwise written in a conventional human syntax of writing sentences will take paragraphs of description and configurations. Those same amount and density of informations and configurations can be crunched and compressed in a few sentence groups when described under these 5th dimensional parameters and algorithms.Ihzawáy! (Gorzanic for wishing a person good blessings)
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