Hallucinogens And Multidimensional Reality

When I searched through the net for more about DMT, many talk of it as to induce hallucinations. Hallucinations in turn is defined as perceiving things that donnot exist. So almost everybody is sure that DMT induces hallucinations. However, almost everyone also admit that they donot understands how the brain can induce such hallucinations. This is funny. It is like a roundabout way of saying that we don't freaking know what the DMT is doing. what makes people then so sure that DMT induces hallucinations?On the other side of the pendulum, the hallucinators who think they are perceiving something more than the usual reality use the following reasoning:1.) I was once an atheist2.) Then I chewed peyote3.)Voila! I begun to beleive in godBut peyote is not the answere. It is the question! We are asking; is there god or do people just beleive in a non existent mounster. That people can beleive in god for whatever motive is not the issue. We have known this for over 10000 years. Physicists wondered whether 'god particle' exists. Should they build a Large Hardron Colider or should they simply chew peyote too? If it doesn't work for physics, then it doesn't work for god too.MULTIDIMENSIONAL REALITY AND PERCEPTIONPeople talk of many realms existing in the same space. However, if we could see all these, it would all sum up to a white light. To make sense of it all, the brain has to select which signals that they should form our reality. We know that a substance termed serotonin is responsible for regulating which signals it would pass through synapses. So if you like it, serotonin might as well be seen as a nartural hallucinogen! DMT is said to be a substance whose chemical structure is closely similar to serotonin. So it can bind to neurotransmitter receptors that infact belongs to serotonin. We reason that if DMT closely looks like serotonin, it must behave in a way similar to serotonin. However, it must also behave in a different way to account for how they differ. As DMT mimics serotonin, it too begines to control which signals crosses the synaps. It controls on its own way such that signals from other realms are amplified.We use the following inductive reasoning: Now, every cell in your body has a chemical signal that helps other cells of your body to recognise that they are part of your body and not pathogens. We extend this to mean that even the atoms of our realms has unique 'vibratory signatures' that helps other atoms of this realm to recognise themselves as atoms of the same realm. So the entire universe is like a huge leaving being and the atoms are like its cells! We hypothesis that some of the atoms of DMT etc vibrates in a signature that transmite signals from other realms. So the process in which the DMT binds to the receptors of serotonin works like a band selection in your radio receiver. Remember that within the very same region of your head are coultless of other invisible heads interlaced on the same same space. This makes countless of other synapses interlaced on the same space.COSMIC HALLUCINOGENSMight the cosmos as a whole be hallucinating? Lets close exermine well if the 'empty space' is infact a brain. As we think, electric signals propagates through our neurones in a wave-like manner. If thoughts are some electric signals, why are electric signals elsewhere apart from the brain not thoughts albeit of other form? Close exerminning 'empty space', we find that it is a huge matter-antimatter potential. This matt and antimatter are of oposite charges. This matter-antimatter potential has plenty of energy which keeps generating waves of electric signals exactly similar to those propagating along the axons of neurones. The difference is that ether being less dense, the signals travels faster. Infact they are light signals.We have now seen what is analogous to axons in space. The next question is what is analogous to synapses. If we get this, we have the brain! But first of all why synapes at all? The answer is interpratation. As signals move all the way up to the synapse, the electric signal is then transduced to a chemical signal. This chemical crosses the synaps and it binds to the receptor in the next synaps. The signal that proceeds to the next neuron depends on which chemical (neurotransmitter) was released. Thus the signal is modified accordingly depending on the chemical. This modification constitutes interpratation of the signal.In the space, we saw that the signal in the axon is analogous to light that is randomly created due to quantum fluctuations. This light travels for some distance. Then suddenly, the light is converted into a pair of matter and antimatter. Henceforth the signal propagates slowlier as a matter untimatter pair. This is exactly like a synapse! This period of matter antimatter pair is very breif and the pair quickly recombines to form a photon that is neither necesarily of the same frequency as of the original photon nor of the same 'vibratory signature'. Exactly, the signal gets interprated depending on what particles they were created as the pair. Thes particles acts like neurotransmitters. The most abundant ones, cosmic serotonin, is electron-positron pair. There are several others, we have quarks, pions, kaons, neutrinos, neutrons, protons etc and their respective antiparticles. These particles acts as neurotransmitters in 'empty space'. Some are cosmic hallucinogens!
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  • These chemicals are produced mostly by the pituitary gland (seretonin is produced in the gut as well)....the master gland that controls the others...it controls the chakras and therefore the brain.....or it controls the brain and therefore the chakras..either way.

    OK...now let´s add DMT to the list for it is also produced by the pituitary gland and activates the pineal gland. DMT is called the ´´spirit molecule´´ by some.  It seems to have to do with spirituality.  DMT is produced in deep meditation or whenever we see the inter-connectedness of the universe. It connects the dots and expands the thinking.

    here is the link for the previous comment.. ´´Hacking in to your Happy Chemicals.´´


  • The thing that comes to mind about the ´´happy chemicals``is how they relate to the different chakras.  The chakras  regulate the different parts of the brain. So we can influence and balance these chemicals by balancing the chakras... also by the way we think and our actions.

    Dopamine motivates us to take action toward goals, desires, and needs, and gives a surge of reinforcing pleasure when achieving them.

    Serotonin flows when you feel significant or important. Loneliness and depression appears when serotonin is absent.

    Oxytocin creates intimacy, trust, and builds healthy relationships.

    Endorphins are released in response to pain and stress and help to alleviate anxiety

    Cortisol is the ´´unhappy chemical´´ released when we have stress or fear.

  • ~Thanks for sharing tis insightful post, Revenant. Contemporary Shamanism is playing a crucial role in Humanities release from the final shadows of duality. ~InLight555


    Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles. Dream the impossible dream and the world will not grind you under, it will lift you up. This is the trick. This is what all these teachers and philosophers who really counted, who really touched the alchemical gold, this is what they understood. This is the shamanic dance in the waterfall. This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering it's a feather bed.”...“Life lived in the absence of the psychedelic experience that primordial shamanism is based on is life trivialized, life denied, life enslaved to the ego.” ~Terence McKenna

  • Absolutely the ying and yang. There should always be a balance. Without the dark how do we know what the light is and vise versa. Being shaman or druid is a practice. If that's what you believe and practice be proud walk head held high in it.  It's an amazing practice. I practice wicca and love it... I still believe in creator but believe in the magik of the universe.... Dear friend apparently that's your calling so much you could teach about the truth of shamanism and druidism because there has been much fear spread about the practice... Much love and light dear friend.... Rama my sweet friend great post

  • Yes the meds they give to people seem to make it worse.... I prefer to do the natural way also I fight though pain and sadness as being an  empath I have many emotions at once.  Revenant as a shaman and druid I would love to talk sometime I think it's great you're keeping those traditions and beliefs alive.... Thanks for that.....

  • Strictly speaking, there isn't a mechanical explanation of the cause of such things as happiness, consciousness etc. I understand the corelations between these 'inner states' and chemicals as to be a contingent one and neither a necesary nor even a causal one. Its like the following analogy: wherever there is motion, there is something with a shape, color etc that is doing the motion. It is not to say that having shape and a color necesarily cause motion but for there to be motion, something must be moving. Likewise, for there to be happiness, something must be happy. The 'happy chemicals' is amongst them.
  • Yes, I guess that some untipsychotic drugs such as those treating schizophrenia mess with serotonin balance leaving the patient worse off. It can also induce other diseases sun as parkinson diseas, restless legs syndrom etc. I guess all these unpleasant things mess with serotonin levels.
  • Serotonin is a chemical your brain creates naturally... It is what balances your moods... It's important. When that's out of balance you have depression anxiety all kinds of mental disturbances.  So having extra yes could cause hallucinations.... My great great pap was a Cherokee shaman so I got introduced to the ways especially peyote it is spiritual used correctly not to be abused.   I don't use it but in rituals long ago did

  • I have checked for the structure of psilocybin and that of serotonin. Indead they are closely similar. The hexagonal then pentagonal cyclic hydrocarbon part seems to be the part that allows the serotonin receptors to recognis psilocybin as it were serotonin.

    The fact that these psychedelics closely recemble serotonin is very remarkable. It makes one wonder if serotonin is just a psychedelic that is naturaly found in our brains. As such, we are 'hallucinating' according to the serotonin. Our day to day reality can thus be termed 'serotonin based perception'. It shows that these psychedelic serve the same purpose as serotonin albeit in perceiving another realm. Serotoning 'resonate', hence amplify the signals of our realm etc
  • Notice that this view of 'space' is very compartible with the 'no polygamy' law of quantum entanglements.

    There can never be quantum entanglement between more than 2 quantum particles all at once.

    Compare this with the rule that there can never be two locations of a single object all at once. Remember that I said that an object appears to be wherever it is because it is quantum entangled with that 'location'.

    In this view of space, the fact that we cannot jump from region to region is nolonger due to an immutable necesity. Rather, it is more like a law.
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