Friends, here is some reflection of thought I had over the Easter Holiday as some have asked for more spiritual words of wisdom from me as in my e-book.    It was a strange Easter as alien chocolate rabbits lay colored eggs and the media ramped on with wars and rumors of war. Each down playing the importance of Jesus success as a dual origin being A half man, half God, Michael,our Creator Father who not only over came his own nemesis as man and the Alter Ego but also the over-throwing of the Dark Cabal revolt by Lucifer and his fallen Angels. He did this by his devotion to the fathers will and being the best example of how to do this any planet has ever seen. The highest work that he did was to prove to the universe the highest form of Love. That is to give up ones life to his Enemies. Up until Jesus, it was first thought the highest form of Love to give ones life for family or loved ones. Then updated to giving ones life to a stranger, then with Jesus the highest form of love was given to his enemies the Jewish church.


  This is also the highest form of forgiveness the world or universe has ever seen. For there can be no Love without forgiveness. So the lesson here is that when we learn to forgive we learn to LOVE. Jesus is the only one in the history of the universe who not only laid down his life but also had the power of his own doing to rise up his life up again, no one now or then has been able to do this. So because he as Michael/Jesus reinstated his sovereignty of this universe of Nebandon. Michael became Grand Master of Nebandon,as the rebellion of Lucifer was finished. And Jesus/Michael became the new Planetary Prince of Earth. And as Planetary Prince he has chosen that his people of earth, which he was once part of, to be able to survive not only Lucifers Rebellion but also the coming destruction by Planet-X/ELEnin. So he devised several rescue plans.


The first was a gift that was to help mankind to rise up above the Rebellion. This gift was called ''the spirit of truth'' In which man would be able to contact both the father''Michael'' and the only begotten son''Jesus'' through the long distance operator and translater called the ''Holy Spirit''.Thus began the age of the Holy Spirit we often refer to as the New Age. Which sprang from the age of teachings in the gospel of Jesus, including the predictions he gave in the Revelations of the end times, of which we are in now. Jesus was & is our teacher & examiner. And the Holy spirit is the Guide to be able to complete the ascension and rescue plan to the new earth.


  Monday I had more time for reflection by prayer, affirmations and mediation. I needed to know more on what was about to happen to Jesus followers. Which I became 40 yrs ago with the Urantia book and the I-Ching then in the last 5 yrs I thought I would get ready for the Ascension process so I started my daily program of studies with the book''A Course in Miracles'. After all this practice and studying I decided to throw the I-Ching. I needed to know how to get the e-book out to the people in time, sense the time line had changed and half  or 40% of what was to happen in 2012 was to happen now. It's beginning to look as though the theory of the Mayan calendar ending on Oct,28,2011 may have been the correct one after all, Anyway I got hexagram 44 Kou. Which means''coming to meet''. All solid lines except for the one broken bottom line. and no changing lines. The 5 solid lines stands for masculine and is positive. The one single line at the bottom stands for feminine and the negative forces which is fading out to become positive. I believe this reflects what is going on now in the last days.


  And guess what it was talking about. From my understanding it basically said that the dark ones would make one last attempt to fool us and steal our powers away,so beware he will be very slick in doing this. After this last attempt of the dark side the prince of earth ( Jesus) would return in full power and spread his commands abroad by the wind in the four directions of earth. That Heaven and Earth would touch for the first time and all would be changed in a heavenly manner and that this would happen in the 5th month, which is mid-June to mid July in our calender. Which coincides with the new updated info of the arrival of Planet-X/ELEnin on the 27th June and again on 7th of July. With the bigger stuff starting on Aug.3rd. And we must remember the Federation of Light thinks at about that time they will bring Discloser and contact. And if they come that means then Jesus should also arrive at this time, because he is the one who is heading this whole rescue project as Planetary Prince of Earth. And thats were the meaning of the hexagram kicks in, Jesus is ''coming to meet'' his people,So the Family faith radio group wasn't to far off. I am very weary of fighting the Dark Cabal and look forward to a nice long vacation. But until then we must continue our mission here to awaken ourselves and the mass consciousness.     P.S. part #4 of the best kept secrets,next.

Be safe,Blessings.rev.joshua''''

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    Boy-Scout.  Camp Leader.  Mr. Know-it-all....    I AM something you could never understand.



  • And now some stern words to those of you who write profanity and all negative comments.GET OFF THIS NING. You are not needed here and your only causing confusion and strife for those trying to find there ways.Sounds like you played to many video games. Time to get your heads together but do it some where else. People here wont to awaken and grow into the Ascension plan.To a better place where there wont be people like you to disturb there progress. And time is to short now for these childish games. The Dark Cabal is all but finished. Your time is up!
  • Thannkyou Rev. I will be checking out ALL of your links tonight!! Thankyou!!
  • andronover,your comment is negative and your info seems to come from comic books but I will answer it so as to enlighten you and other's who are causing confusion to some of the newly awakened ones. I have been following S.Zenchen books and many others for over 30yr's on the Planet-X,Nibiru which is called Wormwood in the new testament. It is clear that even NASA is following it and have given it a new name ELEnin. And they are tracking  it daily but they are like you in there statements that it wont harm us. But the truth is this is a brn.Dwarf Star dragging 4 moons behind it and a human like planet. This mini solar system is unnatural and does much Harm every time it comes in its 3,600yr cycle.Its gravitional pull is what is causing great earth changes and more to come starting in Aug.3. its moving at 1,000,000 mph and will mke many close trips to earth evry 3 wks until feb.2012. It will cause the poles to shift forward and back again. great floods such as has happened with Noah,Atlantis,Lemuria ,garden of eden ect.So much destruction,huge quakes,Storms,volconoes going off, that our space brothers and inner earth brothers are going to rescue us. Why would they rescue us if nothing was going to happen. I believe you are with the dark ones tring to confuse people, with witty words and pointing the finger at those who are trying to save lives. Lets put it this way if I am wrong then people have lost nothing but ir you are wrong then manymillions of lives could be lost, which is what the Dark Cabal wonts. They are trying to bring as much confusion and dis-info as they possible can. People, its better to be safe than out my other blogs on federationoflight .com. Face book ,tweeter and my own web site and 400pg e-book about all of this and much more. go to then folks decide for yourself. Time is extremely short. Also ck out the group Teral on     Be Safe.bless
  • I honour your wisdom and knowledge , but this Planet X and Elenin destruction thing is a freud.

    About Nibiru, Planet X, and Elenin
    By Candace
    May 26, 2011 - 1:47:26 PM

    Hi beloveds, I am getting mail again about these various entities supposedly in our skies some time soon. Elenin is totally a story.  it does not exist and you can tell this by the many stories on the net, the most recent said it comes every 13,000 or 26000 years or whatever they make up next.

    Nibiru was the "Star of Bethlehem" you ones look at on your Christmas cards. I was here 2000 years ago, and it's coming is one large factor in the coming of Christ.  These people on it, intended to finalize their control of this solar system.  They planned to restart time in a very dangerous way.  This was taken care off back then.  it has a 1600 year orbit, and because WE are moving and other information it's never going to be here again.  It is NOT a comet, and it has NO red tail or anything that would flip our planet anyway.  It NEVER HAS for all the many times it has come thru here. It is larger than earth but much smaller than Jupiter and Jupiter doesn't flip it over when we are closest to it.

    Planet X is a dark gravity body. All solar systems have a "Planet X" which draws them around the central Star of the Galaxy they belong too.  In the case of OUR sun and solar system, Our central star of Alcyone of Pleiades.  We see a portion of this system as the "7 Sisters."  In fact there are about 500 suns that go round Alcyone.  Here is a wonderful pic of Pleiades. jw_pleiades_12sc.jpg 1500×1200 pixels You can use google to find other images that label the 7 sisters.  The LARGE Sun in the middle that appears to have 4 smaller stars on it's right, is Alcyone.  The reason I like this image, is you can see that these all have colored circles around them, and of course the famous cross all stars show.  Now these colored circles, means these are Ascended solar systems.  One day, we will look like that too!  We are only just beginning to glow a bit.

    Planet X drags us around Alcyone every roughly 26,000 years.  And in the process drags us thru the Photon Belt from Alcyone, twice each journey, once every 13,000 years. We are IN the photon belt now, since 1992,  and we spent a week in stasis because we were not ready.

    Please understand all these stories, except Planet X are created by black operatives who are covering up the Earth Changes are are because we in in the Photon Belt.  This is heating our core. Add to that man's activities that add heat.  Like all these automobiles on the planet! And the Manufacturing of Steel and other activities putting out great heat.  And then there is also the natural fever from the WARS and anger and hate.  How many coal operated electrical plants?  And nuclear plants?  it all adds up.

    Scientists have discovered "Planet X" but it does not move  thru our solar system and cause damages.  I have often mentioned we are being MOVED to an eternal energy river, as part of the ascension. Some folks on a forum made fun of me once when I started that, saying it is not possible to have lots of little tugboats of some sort up there, perfectly pulling every piece of our solar system along.  You see, Fleet only has to "tug" planet X, and the whole solar system comes along with it.


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    Namaste /Peter

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