Happy New Year 2021!


Dear Friends,

Happy New Year! Wishing all of you so much love, joy, inspiration and well-being as we come into 2021, from the turning-point of this planetary Shift of Ages with the magnificent Solstice Great Conjunction of December 21st, opening into the newly (re)birthed New Age of Gaia through the vibration of the constellation Aquarius, and many, many beautiful stars of Light.

Deepest gratitude to everyone who felt called to focus in meditation, prayer, or in any way that sang to your heart, during the Solstice Gateway; the frequency shift potential aligning through the Great Conjunction at 0 degrees Aquarius anchored successfully into the Earth’s nodes, into the New Earth light-grid, catalyzing and activating its blossoming. Even though this Love Pulse has had to land through increased turbulence and dualism in the collective energy field, it is already triggering clearings, amplifying through December Full Moon and into the New Year…and has initiated the higher dimensional process of complete unravelling of the duality matrix from this planet, that will allow New Earth to grow and flourish as a peaceful, kind and enlightened community, consciously aware and connected with the wider galactic community based in Universal Love (of which the Earth is a natural and beloved family member).

To those who have sent messages, comments or emails in recent months, many thanks and blessings all. This has been a phenomenally busy year for me/us multidimensionally speaking, and I’ve been guided to pace my energies, with plenty of quiet offline time connecting with nature, the planet, and subtle energies. So if you haven’t received a reply, please know you are deeply loved and appreciated by me/us. Heart hugs all round, we’ll see what 2021 brings, in the realms of converging potentials and energies!

We’d love to share some photos of the Great Conjunction, which was beautifully visible here. I saw/felt golden pulses of light coming through to the Earth plane from December 20th, building up through the Solstice to the peak of the Conjunction of Jupiter&Saturn, flowing onward through Christmas, Full Moon and powering now with the annual zenith of Sirius (when the star reaches its highest point in the nightsky) at midnight on New Year’s Eve. Within the intense combination of the Shift ‘shifting gears’, through the flash-point of the Solstice Light Pulse, and deeper duality matrix untetherings now, if you’re feeling a lot of personal reverberation, or are transmuting energies for the bud of New Earth to open freely, we suggest connecting with soft rose and white light of the Divine Feminine, which is embracing all emotional energies in tenderness, and aqua light for calming and harmonizing physical and subtle bodies…or however you feel inner-guided to assist yourself in staying light and open to the rebirthed Ascension frequencies. The planetary and the personal are One!

Here’s how the conjunction of Jupiter&Saturn appeared from a high vantage point by the Swan River in Perth, Western Australia. The energies felt soft and peaceful at the peak of the Conjunction, with ships flanking the planets from either side in a precise triangulation of the energies, from the Jupiter Command and Saturn Command (local wings of the Ashtar Command in the Solar System).




Another lightship appeared upper left of the Conjunction, and in the enlargement below, there’s an open ramp visible coming down in front of it. This ship hails from the Lepus constellation, symbolized by the Rabbit or Hare, beautifully confirmed in a light emanation from the ship, with a bunny in violet light at the upper left in the photo below.





This glowing violet-blue orb also represented the ‘Galactic Bunny Angels’ aligning much clearing light (Violet Flame) around the Conjunction, for the reception of its vibration of benevolent collective change within the Earth’s field.


For those of you who joined in the Solstice meditation at the LoveLight Circle, the ‘Cosmic Egg’ nebula posted there (the Spirograph Nebula) is in the Lepus constellation, and this energy aligned to Earth through the Solstice gateway, clearing the way for the Golden Frequency of rebirth, renewal and resurrection. The Lepus connection is still vibrating softly around the Earth, and if you feel the ‘earthing’ symbolism of rabbits, our Lepan star friends are assisting with grounding and spreading the ‘Shift vibration’ through the New Earth light-grid and faerie realms of nature spirits and elemental beings.



From there I went into the city centre, where there were many ships and light-beings holding the Light, and photographed a lot of orbs and beautiful light emanations. In this one, perfectly positioned symbolically beside and angel light, there’s a Divine Feminine form with long dark hair, over a purple robe, holding what looks like a puppy, or a bunny, in her arms. I feel many soul overlays in this form, Isis, Kwan Yin, Chang’e (the Chinese moon goddess) and more.




The Divine Mother energies of the Source are embracing the Earth through this New Age of Gaia birth and ‘newborn’ phase, transmuting so much congested and heavy collective vibration through the purifying softness of rose-white light. This supersoft Feminine orb hovered symbolically above the moon on the afternoon of December 22nd.


Followed by many huge pink orbs, leading up to Full Moon’s amplified clearing of the emotional and subconscious collective field. Here’s one near Sirius (our Sun’s Mother Star) on December 23rd, showing shadows being transmuted through the rose light.


At this earthly level, I’ve felt the energies moving in waves since the Solstice…a wave of clearing and releasing collective density, then a wave of immense blissful light, clearing the field, then a wave of light…with a wonderful visual reminder on December 24th from our star brothers and sisters to stay centered in the high vibes, keep opening our hearts to the bliss and joy and love converged through the zero-point. This complete convergence is continuous now, behind the density and turmoil in this plane, filtering into and through it, lifting, clearing and stabilizing, until all energies come into one unified love-based Flow. Greetings come from our galactic ‘joyriders’, zipping in here over the star Achernar in this photo, helping the beautiful uplift of the Earth’s vibrational field simply by radiating unconditional Joy! In the second photo, you can see that as their ship flew down under Achernar, a gorgeous rainbow orb flashed above them…such a happy, uplifting vibration! There are three lovely beings visible, in red, gold and green, and it looks to me like they’re riding in on a giant ‘bodyboard’ of white light.




Still on the ‘riding the light-wave’ theme, from December 28th, here’s my TwinFlame in his 7-8D soul-form Min, coming in like a ray of light ~ or rather, standing on the front of a ray of light. Surf’s Up, apparently! (This was above the Moon, near Orion, with much focus by Star Family to defuse Earth-focused energies coming through a portal in a non-Ascended part of the Orion constellation, with many ships also creating a light-shield around the Earth).


And here’s the Moon that night, coming up to full, with much Light being focused to it from an Ascension Light Tower in the Carina constellation…symbolizing through a ‘trinity stack’ of small clouds above the Moon. Aldebaran is the star at the upper left of the frame, sending assistance (Ashura’s Min aspect is connected with Star Family of the planets of Aldebaran, alpha star of the Taurus constellation).


Star Family of Achernar have also been assisting greatly with clearing energies, particularly those connected with old Mars ‘timeline remnants’ still active in the Earth field, taking many energy imprints out through the constellation of the Celestial River, Eridanus, of which Achernar is the alpha star. In this photo from December 27th, an Achernarian ship flashes green light above an arch of orbs over Achernar.


This is just a small selection of massive ongoing fleet and light-being activities, to give an idea of how our star brothers and sisters are maximizing the vibrational turning-point of the Sosltice Conjunction, through Christmas (where also much was happening), through Full Moon, up to the zenith of the Sirius Mother Star at midnight New Year’s Eve…at the ‘turning-point’ of the Western calendar year. And onward, their support and light and infinite love is with humanity, with the Earth, the animals, plant world and all subtle beings as the New Earth vibrations build, settle, stabilize, and radiate ever more deeply into the collective field.

I’m seeing nightly flyovers post-Solstice Gateway (and feel to add here that Star Family are now utilizing the cover of satellites to move around visibly in greater numbers in lower orbit, until the right moment for a collective decloaking of their presence, to greet their human brothers and sisters of Earth. So some of the lights passing across the global nightskies that look like satellites may be something more).

We wish you all (and all the world, all beings here) a truly miraculous New Year, filled with love, joy, peace, kindness and the blossoming of the highest well-being for All, and a year of blessed opportunities for our Family of the Stars present in love and divine service to connect with humanity. See you all in 2021, lovely friends!

Joanna&Ashura&Friends  💛💛💛



PS: For a review of the lightships that have been appearing most clearly here this year, see the Lightships 2020 page. It’s been a wonderful year for increasing clarity of ‘forms and faces’ as well as ships, as the higher dimensional convergence has aligned closer. Shared with Love.  💖✨


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  • Thank you Anne-Berthe :)
    Wishing you, us all, the New Earth, a most providential year. Much love and light to you... 🌞💛
  • This has warmed my heart..thank you Joanna :)
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