Greetings! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj!
You are on Earth in the most exciting of times in humanity’s history.
You are in the final moments of preparation, for a magnificent event that is causing ripples throughout the Universe. And this is humanity’s ascension into a new realm of existence.
The shift that is taking place now will see much of what you believe to be reality deteriorate, and all the structures of the matrix dissolve. Please understand that it has all served its purpose. Now it is time to transcend the illusion, return to your divinity, and your rightful place among the stars, to be as the Divine always intended you to be.
Regardless of the appearance and events in the outer world, trust that all will be alright. We ask you to bring your focus daily to your heart center, and connect with the light within your being, your inner essence, and move forward in love.
May the year of 2025 be filled with light and love for you all. May the peace and wisdom of the One Radiant Creator emerge from within all of you, as you are enveloped in the wings of the angels and their love in every step of the way on your journey towards expansion and upliftment into higher states of consciousness and new ways of being.
Light, love, peace, and joy to the world.
Happy New Year!
The Age of Aquarius
Greetings to You! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj!
We are gradually moving from the age of Pisces and into the age of Aquarius. What does this mean, and how will Earth and the consciousness of her inhabitants be impacted?
The Earth’s axial precession slowly moves the vernal equinox point from the constellation of Pisces into that of Aquarius, signifying a shift in the ruling astrological energy through a period of time.
The shift is not an all at once changeover. Instead the energies and aspects of the two signs will be coming and going in waves, intermingling, with the impact of Pisces becoming less and less dominant, while the energies of Aquarius take charge, and its influence begins to be felt more and more.
As we rise in frequency, simultaneously the waves of Aquarius are flooding the Earth with its energies and influences. Let’s look at the image provided to see some of the shifts we can expect going forward from Pisces and into the Aquarius paradigm.
The veils between worlds are quickly dissolving, and all will find themselves where they are destined to be in these times of awakening.
Unfolding of events will see some people part ways, while many others prepare to reunite with their star families.
The Third/Fourth Dimensional consciousness sees and feels separation and longing. The Fifth Dimensional consciousness is to see reunion and understanding of chapters concluded, with new ones beginning. ~Kejraj