Did you know Yaweh is written in your DNA? It is the temple within. Did you know the MRNA in the experimental gene therapies invades and alters your DNA? Did you know the majority of the global elite are Satanic/Luciferians with trans-human agendas? If you take the jab you are no longer human, you fall under their patents. Have you wondered why you cannot get these agencies to protect the people, give the true statistics on vaccine injuries and deaths, why the news is covering this all up, mainstream and social media? Do you know why they are censoring the lead scientists in the vaccine companies, Noble prizewinning scientists, frontline doctors and nurses that are going public with the censored crippling and deadly consequences of these vaccines? The very makers of the vaccines are screaming do not get them, the inventor of the PCR test said do not use it due to a 90% false positive as admitted by the CDC. Hospitals were given bonuses to write covid-19 as the cause of death, paid to prescribe remdesivir and ventilators. The cold and flu season disappeared, heart attacks, stokes, cancer all mysteriously disappeared falsely labeled as covid deaths.
Did you know the mandated vaccine is experimental and not approved by the FDA, the approved version is not out yet? Did you know to coheres or force medical procedures is in direct opposition to the Nuremberg Codes, the Constitution, International laws and treaties. Would that fall under conspiracy to commit murder, premeditated murder, genocide, sedition or treason? Are those who coheres or force the mandates immune from the Nuremberg trials, do they fall under the same immunity of the vaccine companies or are they liable? Those coercing and forcing mandates are liable under the law and have no immunity! Did you know the vaccine company’s immunity is based on no willful misconduct? Would keeping safe, effective, inexpensive early treatments away from the public fall under willful misconduct? Would the prior knowledge of crippling and deadly side effects, paying politicians, governors and school boards to force the mask and vaccine mandates, lockdowns, destroying small businesses and the economy fall under willful misconduct, child endangerment, conspiracy to commit murder, treason? Have these politicians, governors, school boards, accepted money from China, the global elite, misappropriated government funds like Project Care which has already misappropriated or found missing 100 billion dollars? How many politicians are heavily invested in the vaccine companies? Have the majority of the democrats, some republicans engaged in decisions and actions extremely detrimental to America, is there collusion?
Defunding and firing police, firefighters, first responders, doctors and nurses during an extreme crime wave and pandemic makes no sense unless you want total chaos and to destroy the very foundation of America. Is coercing and forcing young soldiers to get a vaccine with crippling and deadly side effects who are at little risk in the best interest of national security especially having no idea of the long-term risks? Let’s apply the same logic to children who are at little risk of getting it and almost zero risk of dying from it. The children merely are a category on the vaccine companies charts to add to their already billions in profits. What happened to the military leaders who have sworn an oath to protect the people and the constitution, in charge of keeping the troops healthy and fit, on the ready? What happened to the Hippocratic oath, has the allegiance shifted from the patient to the vaccine companies, big pharma, profit driven science?
What if officials are informed and continue to coerce and mandate masks, experimental non approved vaccines would that fall under sedition and treason? What would grounding our military pilots due to blood clots do to our national security, the ability to travel with commercial pilots? Has the CCP vaccinated all their troops and pilots with the same vaccines? They have not.
Have you connected all the dots yet? If you knew the original plan which was made public redundantly by the global elite it is very easy to connect the dots and understand what is unfolding. Some will never connect the dots, continue in denial and march lockstep willingly or in ignorance to their own enslavement and demise. Some will take their children with them.