

Copyright 2005 Bill Austin

  • Christ healed others through his perception of their inner divinity.

  • People heal themselves. Doctors, drugs and treatment plans may appear to help others, but true healing comes from within.

  • It is impossible to heal the body of a patient without considering her or his Spirit.

  • You cannot heal your life until you take responsibility for it.

  • Healing occurs when the healer and patient merge their energy fields together and the healer
    asks the patient if it has learned what it needs to from physical disharmony.
    If it has, then the healer’s soul gives permission to the patient’s soul to
    heal itself. . If the patient hasn’t learned and integrated the lesson, he or
    she is likely to recreate the disease.

  • Bad health is one way the body uses to indicate that there is a real problem going on that
    needs to be addressed. It is a wake-up call. A cold usually means slow down.

  • We all have forgiveness issues in our lives. Most people think that when you forgive
    someone, you are doing them a favor and that's just not true. When you forgive
    someone else or something that you have done, you really are helping yourself.
    When you harbor bitterness about a person or a situation in your life, every
    time that you think about that person or event, your energy contracts.

  • People who experience bad health often have major league forgiveness issues in their
    lives. When we hold negativity in our energy field, inevitably it expresses
    itself as physical disharmony or bad health. Forgiveness is the major way that
    humans can release negativity or cleanse it from their energy fields. When
    Jesus cast out "evil spirits" from sick people, he cast out negativity from
    their energy field. Fasting is another way to release negative energy held in
    the human body.

  • When Jesus healed people, he often told them that their sins were forgiven. This
    demonstrates two things. First, Jesus invoked and used the power of
    forgiveness to heal people. Second, by forgiving people, Jesus consciously
    gave the sick person permission to heal herself. All healing is done through
    the Soul of the "sick" person, but to use this power they must get permission
    from the soul of the healer. Jesus was evolved enough that he could and did
    grant this permission consciously.

  • Healing is accomplished through the energy of Love, and everyone on this planet has the
    potential to heal others. It has very little to do with medical technology or
    science. On more evolved planets, only the most loving souls raise children or
    heal others.

  • The human energy system wasn’t designed for the American diet. Sugar really screws it up and
    the body doesn’t share our societal preferences for alcohol, caffeine and
    tobacco. If you go on a two-day juice fast once a month, however, many of
    these toxins can be removed.

  • We energize our problems when we dwell on them or talk about them or worry about them. When
    people tell you their tales of woe, interrupt them and redirect the
    conversation to an area in their life that works. People often listen to these
    tales of woe and then twenty minutes later they wonder why their energy is so

  • Health in our society is largely derived from the child-like faith we place in doctors,
    drugs and medical technology. In reality, most doctors have a very limited
    understanding of the healing process, and surgery and radiation therapy are
    two of the most primitive techniques to heal the human body. On more evolved
    planets, healers use a combination of techniques (visualization, bodywork,
    herbs, light, sound and color) to re-attune the physical energy system to
    health and vitality. Information about these techniques is only now beginning
    to be channeled to the Earth plane, and this is largely in response to our
    increasing, widespread interest in holistic medicine. Many highly-evolved
    healers from fifth dimension worlds have incarnated on Earth to introduce
    these techniques.

  • Often before people go to the hospital, they spend the night before worrying about (i.e.,
    visualizing) the worst possible scenarios. They would be better off using
    their imagination positively to think about the best possible outcome, and if
    they can’t do this, go to a movie for God’s sake.

  • People should choose their healers and their priests carefully, because they cannot help the
    patient/worshipper whose energy vibrates at too different a frequency from
    their own. It’s like playing chess: It would be futile and meaningless for a
    grand master to play with a beginner since their skill levels are so

  • Each body is surrounded by its own electromagnetic field of energy. Everything in and
    around the body resonates to this field, even disease. When the
    electromagnetic energy field of the disease is altered, however, often the
    disease will die. Everything, including disease, is energy vibrating at a
    certain frequency. When the frequency is changed, so is the physical form of
    the energy.

  • Since human beings are surrounded by an electromagnetic energy field, disease can be
    broadcast electro-magnetically. This happens when we are highly attuned to the
    energy of another (an example would be sympathetic labor pains) or when we
    resonate with the energy of another by holding similar belief patterns as the
    diseased person. People who have aids without being HIV- hold exactly the same
    thought patterns as HIV- people who experience aids.

  • The laying on of hands is most likely to heal those whose thought system makes room for
    miracles. Many people are healed in miraculous ways in the Third World every
    day. However, Westerners are too sophisticated for miracles so they rarely
    happen here. Jesus could not heal people in his home town because they saw
    Jesus the man and not the Christ.

  • Every organ of the body resonates to a specific sound and the organ can be healed by toning
    that sound. Healers can use sound to repair the body just like mechanics
    tune-up cars.

  • Life is not worth living without a sense of humor. Laughter is as important to our
    physical and mental well-being as light is.

  • Before you attempt to heal anyone, you should ask their soul for permission. People learn
    a lot from illness and if it ends prematurely, they usually will create a new
    one to learn the lesson they were working on before. You can and should always
    send sick people light and love.

  • Often we live our lives so separated from who we really are that it takes a crisis or
    illness for us to even find out what our bottom line is - what really matters
    to us and gives meaning to our lives. When you begin to live your life from
    your heart, however, often an illness or crisis will dissipate into

  • Our sexual energy closely correlates with our life force energy. For this reason, fear of
    aids is almost as deadly as the disease itself. The fear of this disease has
    adversely affected people's trust in each other and acts as a blockage to
    heightened intimacy.

  • A positive mental attitude is as important to our immune system as a proper diet. When I
    realized that I was beginning to become afraid of getting the aids virus, I
    decided that every time I encountered the word in writing or conversation, I
    would mentally say to myself three times: "I am immune to aids..."

  • Much healing occurs when a mother kisses the place where her child is hurt. Such is the
    healing power of love and faith.

  • When we are ill, we just want to be healed as quickly as possible. Usually we don't even care
    or wonder why it happened to begin with. It is only when we RECREATE the
    "cured" illness that we wonder why we created it originally.

  • Before you can heal yourself, you must be WILLING to do so.

  • When you are sick and you tell everyone you know this, you can count on being sick for a
    fairly long time.

  • We each have an Inner Healer which knows how to heal ALL forms of physical disharmony. If you
    want to understand an illness, get into a meditative state (peaceful and
    relaxed) and ask your soul and inner healer to come to you. When you feel
    their presence, ask them what am I getting from this illness? What is this
    illness trying to help me to accomplish? Answer this as honestly as you
    can. Sometimes we create an illness to draw us closer to our souls, to receive
    attention from others or to just avoid making a hard choice or decision. Once
    you find out what you are learning from the illness, ask yourself if you are
    willing to learn the same thing without being sick. If you honestly can do
    this, talk to the illness and ask it to help you to learn the same
    things while you are well. Ask it to transform its energy pattern of physical
    disharmony to another teaching form.

  • Symbols usually have several meanings. The ancient healing symbol adopted by the AMA conceals
    one of the most powerful healing secrets. If you examine it closely, you will
    find that it is an ancient diagram of human DNA. Human DNA has a consciousness
    of its own which can be programmed for healing and many other things by
    humans. Get into a meditative state of mind (calm and peaceful) and visualize
    an image of your consciousness as light. Shrink down your light to the
    smallest size possible and then take your spark of Light to the center of one
    of your cells and look for a large coil of two light strands. Talk to your DNA
    about any problem you are having and ask it to the release the belief patterns
    that are creating the problem. Give it a new belief pattern to hold
    instead. Cellular programming of your DNA is a very powerful and effective way
    to transform yourself. Since the DNA in one cell is linked to the DNA in all
    of the other cells, you transform all of them when you transform one.

  • The Angelic Kingdom of consciousness works with your soul to both create and heal the
    human body. LaUna Huffine's book, Healing Yourself With Light, describes the
    healing process from a spiritual perspective and it is filled with many
    helpful healing techniques. The most healing thing you can do is to connect
    with your soul and the Solar Angel assigned to you.

  • Your cells are like fundamentalists and the Bible in that they interpret your spoken, written
    and unspoken thoughts LITERALLY. A lot of jokes that seem funny to you now
    are very, very unfunny when they manifest in your physical body.

  • Your billions of cells worship you as if you were a god, even if you are not a very wise one.

  • The human body can be viewed as a joint venture. It is chaired by the cells that make up the
    brain, but there are billions of other partners with different perspectives on
    what the joint venture entails.

  • Healthy people can learn a lot from sick people. When you live with illness for a long time,
    you quickly discard any activity that adversely affects your health in any
    way. Over time, this becomes a very healthy way to live.


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