I have been feeling very energized.
Suffice it to say that new things in my life have me feeling like a new man =)
So, sitting in my bubble of contentment on the Manhattan-bound D train, I noticed what looked like a broken down, ragged transit or police worker. He seemed to be staring directly at my heart.
Some guy is staring directly at my heart.
I wonder why?
Must be all the crazy energy that is forcefully bellowing out of my heart chakra. It has never felt this alive and stable at the same time.
Ok. If he wants some of that energy, he can have it.
I close my eyes, smiling, because I think this kind of stuff is fun, and I send a beam of light energy from my heart chakra to his - and I let it drain my slowly while I "fill his heart with love" so to speak. I could tell he was running on empty.
I opened my eyes after having drained most of my energy - I was falling asleep - and noticed something odd!
He had moved from the side to directly opposite and in front of me.
And he was crying - looking off into space. He was deep in AP - undoubtedly reconciling old feelings of love lost or something else he identifies with it.
I was shocked. I knew we had connections through energy, but this was unexpected.
I was worried that he would forget this feeling - as he had been without it for so long, so I crafted a cage of light around his heart, and then allowed it to fuze into the outer muscle of his heart, creating a form of light armor. For some reason, I felt this would keep his dark instincts from overwhelming him, allowing his heart to grow slowly but surely.
I was also worried that I had been to forceful - too much energy to fast - so I did my best to connect the rest of his chakras to his reinforced heart chakra and helped stabilize it until it flowed smoothly.
At that point, I really wished I had studied more of those runes and symbols anush had mentioned - I really should not be delving into this kind of magick without being prepared. I could hurt somebody unintentionally, or make a change by mistake without going the proper protections or safeguards.
But I've always been one to dive into something new and unexpected =) so I'm not surprised
I'll try to be more careful next time lol
Well, there is one thing I have to admit about my fear of spiders...and that's that I man up if I have to take care of a spider problem, but if I'm on my own, well, then I run screaming lol.
Good to know I can just keep doing what I was doing. I operate better when I am an automatic anyways. But I will be careful, especially knowing how zealous I can get.
Thanks, btw ;-) That was Awesome!
YOU TOO! Afraid of Spiders? Whahahaha what is the ods on that. Damn, that will not work. It would be like that add we have here with the mom screaming as she saw a spider, dad running in to save the day, he see it is a spider he start screaming terified. Then the 8 year old kid come in to see whats up, see it is a spider, grab phone google, then grab the shaving cream and cream the spider. Parents looking ashamed. That was just one really funny add.
As for what you did, A1! You instinctively knew what to do, and you assesment was correct. Please do NOT analise before you do, let it happen as it did there. You let your spirit body take over to do what was needed, that is what is needed. The release of the control the body think it has.
You did heal that mans Emotional body, people in that state, is on the verge of colapse. And he will move closed as his spirit would move him to where he feel the healing. It was healing.
Dont stop yourself when you do things from instinct like that I do my best work when I let if flow from me like that. It work the same with art, or around animals.
Yes read up about stuff like that, but you don't need to learn it, you already know it, reading up on this help you remember.
I never healed any body, but I do like to play around with my energy, in that I'd move energy first throughout the entire skeletal system, then through the entire organic system. I haven't gotten to experiment with moving it through me aura, as I always fall asleep or have to do something before I can get to that.
whoa. spider spirit. balance and interconnectedness. almost like a dependence.
I was always afraid of spiders. transmution in progress! =)
Animal Magick