Dr. Angela Barnett
To learn more about this Light and Sound that comes from the Stellar Wave Infusions of the Universal Life Force Process, come to
Individualized Eternal Life Albums re made specifically for each individual.
For those who purchase their ETERNAL LIFE ALBUM between December 15-25,2014
The Eternal Life Album can be paid for in four payments of $100 each month for three months with a discount of the final month of $50.
Dear Crystalai, I think you are amazing and genuinely true, and I love you ((hugs)) and thank you for bringing this technology into this world,
Dear Crystalai ~
My husband has been recovering from Toxic Shock Multiple Organ Failure, Sepsis, Diabetes, Neuropathy, Depression, PTSD, Anxiety etc etc.. the last two years from a Group A strep infection. After 1 month of life support, dialysis and organ recovery he has struggle continually with depression, shaking and anxiety since the illness ensued. There have been almost weekly doctor visits, constant medication changes and on and on.
A few weeks ago I put my Bose player in his room and played your CD upon his waking in the morning, then told him to turn it on at night when he went to bed. The day after, he got up out of bed and seemed different, the next day when the doctor saw him, he kept looking at him stating, "you seem better to me, I don't quite know how to describe it."
After I finished listening to the CD I walked into the candle and when I closed my eyes I had an experience with the lights I have not had before, I saw many different colored lights in many different shapes pulsing vibrating,and spinning for a minute or two. It seemed like maybe it was a light code. The thought of Atlantis came to mind. Maybe I was a Priest of Atlantis or something in another lifetime, I don't know. Any suggestions? Crystalai thank you for All that you do Love and Gratitude, Wayne Harrison
There is a lot been going on with my brain: at first when I decided to order Eternal Life album - after a couple of days I woke up in the middle of the night from strong & loud pop in my head, like a cap come off the bottle,
tail bone is also active and eumbe area as well ... And lately lot's of light flashing in my brain and in my eyes - it makes me feel a little light headed like I am asleep and yet I am active - so I'm adjusting to the healing that is occurring and listening to Eternal Life is AWESOME! Everything seems to spin much faster for me, and I have to slow down a bit to read & pay attention in order to comprehend 3D ...
I'm so glad I found you Crystalai and your music & teachings are amazing and of great help at this time.
Dear Crystalai,
I ordered your music because I had a brain tumor. I knew that I should not go to the hospital for an operation. Your music took my fear away. The brain tumor is healing without the operation.
Following the Instant Manifestation Formula and Using my Eternal Life Album,
So far (last three days) I have been 70-80% successful in FOREX TRADING
I just wanted to share that listening to the frequency music most definitely helped! Actually, I forgot to "listen" to it, but I told my heart to play something off of the Eternal Life Soundtrack, and then my son was completely calm. And I could hear him. Thank you, this worked great. And through our conversation I received an immense healing. I woke up almost an hour ago and I still am off balance. I feel as if the circuitry in my brain is rewiring itself--I had an image of a serpent eating its tail when I felt my brain rewire, like it is an oval shape circuitry rather than the tangled up mess of an image I used to get.
Also, last night, I saw an unfolded pyramid in my brain fold up into a pyramid, slide down into my heart and blossom into a heart. It was so beautiful. My son felt it too. Thanks again for the help. I will have to keep my heart in tune with these frequencies more often to ease communication between us. Those kids are here on a mission for sure. And they really need their energies grounded right now.
Much love,
I had already been announced dead by the doctors in charge. They were making plans to drain my blood. My wife, Crystalai, told the doctors to leave the room or they would have law suits for the next twenty years. She placed earphones on my ears and turned on the Eternal Life Album that we had created together six months earlier. I came back to Earth, and began telling my story of where I had been and all of the entities I met on the way back. I kept talking in my sleep, like I was dreaming outloud for several weeks. Finally, when I woke up, there were three angels sitting on the bed next to me. They said to me, turn around and thank your wife for bringing you back. We tried and we couldn't do it. It was her, and her alone who brought you back.
Dear Crystalai ~
I got my Eternal Life Album late today. I listened to it right away and WOW........ I could really feel it going right into me. I LOVE IT!
Your truly a GODSEND, you know. Not just for me, but for many on your site if they will just trust in you to make them one.
Hopefully, I can get inside Mother Earth before long and then I will be able to post that on your site for you.
I'm going to work on it with much vigor. I'm ready! lol
When I stumbled upon your web site and listened to your music my whole being sang in harmony :)
I've been searching for the high frequency music/sound technology for a long time because that's what was missing in my journey of healing myself; nothing really matched out there;
Your music / sound technology is like a perfect & reliable GPS :) to get to connect with God Source :)
I do understand and feel your every word and sound and I am grateful that I finally found you as a teacher and most talented & beautiful friend that brings an amazing technology to help us at this time.
I love Keylontic Science and fell in love with it while studying it and made great friends in the group and I do understand them but I get very passionate about the truth :) ....
Thank you for understanding me and for your amazing support and kind care and your love.
Much Love,
I'm enjoying your CD so far, I could feel so much sensation in my body when I listen to it, especially on my hands. It's like an electric coming out of my fingertips. Thanks for this creation.
your most recent emails have brought so much joy into my life.. they've made me so emotional & i love the feeling i get from them.. your words have made me cry tears of joy & they make me feel so loved.. i don't know where i would be without you, you have taught me so much & i am so grateful for meeting you and finding your site. thank you so much for bringing the infinite amounts of love into my life, you really are very important to me, i love you so much & can't thank you enough.
Hello Dear Crystalai,
Thank you kindly so much for the songs you've sent me, I am enjoying so much and feeling healing is accuring in perfect balance and I so appreciate it :).
Words can not express how grateful I am to you for being here on this planet during this time :)
The info below is such an affirmation of what is happening to me...|I hear sounds in my ears all the time and when I am feeling I can feel the changes, the expansions, the JOY, I feel that everything is different, even though it isn't apparent with the eye. That said, I am seeing frequent bursts of white light, and blue light, and sometimes my vision is blurry. Sometimes I thin I see things in my peripheral vision...the less I try to see, the easier it is to actually see subtle bodies. I have noticed things taking shape in the clouds, and if I feel it is feels like I am seeing something real up there. Also, the quality of light I am noticing is different as I look at my surroundings. These things seem subtle, so reading that the truth is to be heard and felt confirms that I am in fact perceiving newness.
Thank you so much for this, and for all of the great effort you've been putting into sharing as much info with us as possible over the past several days!
Blessings and Celebrations!
when I closed my eyes and started to listen to the CD on the 3rd or 4th day I had a huge flash of white light so bright and bold like I have never seen before. I usually will see white light or ultra violet blue through my Third eye and some visions of people’s faces or eyes and most recently patterns.
Dear Crystalai ~
Deeply immersed in the music tracks you've sent thus far, and just received Releasing 3-D concepts listening to it yesterday. It was timely in my need to structure life in a way to receive and better learn how to be in the world - certainly going to learn at a deeper level.
Dearest Crystalai,you have already answered my questions. I have experienced the energy in my body in different ways while listening to my Eternal Life CDs. I can feel the energy in a vortex going into my ears. When I first started the whole back of my head itched like crazy for a couple of days.Now it just tingles at times. I also feel a slight tingling in other parts of my body. At times I also see spheres of different colors of light with my eyes closed.Spheres within spheres, pulsing in size and going from my outer vision towards center vision and changing colors.I experience the same thing when I walk into the sun with more colors and more spheres,as many as 5. For a few days I had a slight pain in my lower back abdomen area,as I listened to my CDs, the pain went away until yesterday.
Not corresponding to any listening time I find amazing visuals coming behind closed eyes. FUTURE MUSIC
We are creating a new kind of music that represents the new reality that we are now living within. The Music of the Spheres is the infinite sound of creation that exists continuously in the Mind of God.
We can connect to the tunnel of this infinite source of frequencies through our consciousness. We must find the reality that we want to connect to within the infinite loop of frequencies. For instance, if we want to win the Lotto, we purchase the lotto numbers and then Shift into the Frequency or the Place where those numbers exist as the winning numbers. If we want to become fifth dimensional, we Shift into the Frequency that aligns our consciousness through the tunnel to that reality.
The process of the Individual Eternal Life album is to alter the entire cellular structure from the inside out as well as the Light Body and Crystal Body and Etheric Bodies which contain the Radial Body, which is the sphere of energy that is like an atomic mirror surrounding the body. That atomic mirror is also being transformmed into the original 12 coded divine blue print that allows the new body imprint to be seen as the new reality around the body. That reality is projected from the mid brain projector creating reality through the pineal gland.
So, much of the work I do on the Individual Album is the restructuring of the mid brain through activation of the God Seed Atom within the Thymus that will burst into a cloud of crystal plasma dust and activate the streaming of crystal liquid light directing from Source Consciousness. This allows the MIND OF GOD to be reconnected into the mid brain for the beginning of co-creating through frequencies of light and sound.
Our true form has 12 subharmonics on each of the double helix. All Indigos were upgraded to 24 subharmonics several years ago, which allows all others on Earth to also regain their 24 subharmonics on each DNA - 12 on each of the double helix. To re-engage two strands in their original form there will be 48 subharmonics, and to re-engage two strands in three DNA there will be 72 subharmonics, and 4DNA have 96. Now, we are working on the 5th DNA strand to bring us to 120 subharmonics.
It is the subharmonics that are important. A person would be better off to have only 2 DNA strands with 48 subharmonics, than 6DNA without the subharmonics turned back on.
So, that is what we focus on in our Frequency Music of Light and Sound--RE-IGNITING the Subharmonics. Subharmonics are the connections to Consciousness of one's Higher Self at different dimensional levels.
This is the Music of the Future containing the new HOLOGRAM created through the breath of creation. We came from the most etheric level of creation down in to the most densified. It was the Music in its Etheric form that designed this entire Dance of Creation. The music went from an etheric form to a liquid form to a densified form like ice in relation to water. Now, we can return this form of water that we live within through the process of IONIZATION. This music is like the Ionization process of returning our densified version of reality into the Ionization or the Breath of Source Creation.
Within this Infinite Field of Etheric Breaths of Creation is any reality that we choose. This is where we find our multidimensional field of infinite possibilities. We must tune in to the frequency of the reality that we desire. This is how we manifest our dreams into form.
I have already created all of those infinite possibilities for you in your Individualized Eternal Life Albums. The Infinite potential is already there. You must attune to what reality that you want to be in by finding the frequencies within your album that will take you there. Only you can figure that out.
We use the true Music of the Spheres triangulation that brings the spiritual counter part together with the physical into a new frequency at each and every harmonic interval. However, we do not base this frequency music on the old realities of the Golden Mean ratio or any of the old Solfege Teachings, or the Pythagorean Theorums.
We create music that connects the Crystal Heart Center of the Entity, the Earth, the Galaxy, the Universe, the Cosmos directly to the Infinite Spiritual Source Field.
The other theories would create a Finite Loop. Our Music of the Future is the Infinite or the Eternal Life Frequency.
All originates from the original Divine Matrix, the Spiritual Template of all that EXISTS, but is totally invisible. This invisible, Spiritual Template contains the manifest creation properties of Infinity and Eternal Life. This is the Pure Energy Field that gives rise to Manifest Reality.
The template that arises from the Invisible Divine Matrix which is everything. Out of that template comes the breath, the essence, the first pre light and pre sound from the invisible divine matrix.
That breath that I sing from the Consciousness of this Eternal Divine Template provides a tunnel in Consciousness to and from the Mind of God for continuous manifestation and Eternal Life Creation. As the ideas and sounds of light are infinite in number in this template, so are the breaths that are channeled through me. Each of these breaths aligns with a certain idea of creation in one of the infinite parallel reality fields.
The magical formula that was given to me to align with the Highest Frequency in the Cosmos allows an infinite number of sounds to align harmoniously when they are completely transmutted through the pure essence of this Divine Energy Matrix.
Like Steam into Liquid into Ice, the breath is the closest form of manifest creation. It is the breath of Source that creates the first spark that creates the Partiki of creation. The Pre Sound and Pre light is represented by the breath connecting to this light and sound and then bringing it into the Liquid Light form through an audible sound.
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