Heavenly Dolphin Therapy

Heavenly Dolphin Therapy   
This album contains the Dolphins melodies and frequencies that activate the Music of the Spheres and contains the voices of angelic dolphins, the dolphins who are the lords of our water, the aquafarian dolphins and the Oraphim Braharama Cetacean voices. These dolphin voices and frequencies woven into the magical god language of our Starry Families from Sirius to create the triangulation required for beginning telepathic communication with Dolphins.
Heavenly Dolphin Therapy utilizes the Pre Light and Sound beyond the fifteen spheres of the Music of the Spheres to activate the Re-Birth or Ascension into a higher Dimensional Reality Field. The Cetacean Nation of Dolphins, Whales and other Beings have been working on keeping this planet In Tune with entire Earth's Matrix of the Five Spheres through the Music of the Spheres Technology.
The Cosmic Dolphins within the Etheric Dimensions of Inner Earth are 14 dimensional beings who have been here holding the Frequencies of the Cosmic Form on which the entire layered reality of the Earth's Domain has been built.
The Dolphins in our Seas are Fifth Dimensional Beings. They have been holding the Earth in alignment within the Music of the Spheres until this time when the Earth will finally become able to stabilize into the proper alignment within the Spheres of Music.
The Whales are 8th Dimensional Beings. They are the Over Soul of the Dolphin. The Dolphin is a Soul in itself. The Dolphin's Soul Matrix has been holding our Soul Matrix in place within the Aquafarian Elemental Reality Field.
The Aquafarian Dolphins live within. They are Etheric Water Substance beings in Reality. We see Dolphins as third dimensional because they allow that to happen. These same dolphins are swimming our brains within our DNA subharmonics. It is the activation of the elementals swimming in Joyful Bliss within the omnionic subharmonics of our DNA that activates the Synaptic Cleff to Fire or Project a NEW REALITY on to our Movie Screen - our Reality Field - our Holographic Reality that we create around ourselves.

The great secret of the Dolphin is the Fifth Dimensional reality removes the darkness that creates distance between the spheres within the Music of the Spheres reality field when the proper tunes are sung correctly. We only think that there is a distance between ourselves and the Sun or the Stars, while the Dolphin sees the entire Universe within a three foot radius around his or her body. The Dolphin doesn't perceive of any of the holograms that we create in our 3D world. They don't see filthy oceans of the third dimension. They see the Divine Reality that they choose to create as a result of aligning the dimensional frequencies through the constant song of the Music of the Spheres.
Now, the Dolphins have given this technology that they use to move their consciousness into the a different dimensional reality. There were Eight Earth's within the Place where Earth is. On December 21, 2012, the Earth moved to the Eighth Earth. We can be living on the Third Earth, the Fifth Earth, the Eighth Earth without leaving our homes.
In Song Two the Sonic Wave Interaction from the Dolphin's Consciousness Frequency Waves are sent out into the Five Spheres and then the Spiritual Waves from the Parallel Universe are transmitted back to create a new tone connecting the Resolute Twin of the Tone into the New Resonant Tone of Harmonization. The Dolphin is always interacting within the Spheres within Spheres within Spheres of all fifteen dimensions to maintain the Planet's harmonic place within the Five Spheres.
It is now time for us to become the Christs on Earth who maintain our harmonic realm within the Music of the Spheres. Being a God is being a musician. There is a continuous musical system that holds reality together.
My musical family of Cosmic Dolphins has been teaching me this music theory, which has no relationship between the known music scales and chords. There is a similarity to what is called Solfege. However, Solfege is only useful if the notes and intervals that are being used are known to actually be the spheres within the octaves of the harmonic universes.
For instance, harmonic universe one is dimensions 1,2,3 and harmonic universe two is dimensions 4,5,6. If we were doing a Solfege interval of a 3 and a six, what we would be doing in the TRUE MUSIC OF THE SPHERES is connecting our frequencies of Consciousness from the highest tone of the first sphere into the highest tone of the second sphere. However, in Music of the Spheres technology, both of those tones would then need to be brought into Consciousness and transformed using the parallel spiritual frequencies of those tones, combining the physical and spiritual resolute twins of the tones and then transforming the tones into a new Resonances within the Octave of the new reality. An Octave is the distance between One Harmonic Universe and the Next one up. A key is the dimensional frequencies within the octaves. So, you see there is a similarity between our physical music theory and the spiritual music of the spheres. Unfortunately, the important part has been left out in translation -- that is the frequencies of consciousness must connect the spiritual into the physical at all levels.
In Song four we focus on going Under water where the Dolphin is the Lord of the Seas.
The water activates the connection of the Christ Grids - 12 th dimensional frequencies in th Earth's crust and then the Dolphins connect the Sonic Waves up to the Cloud Cities and the Sun's plasma waves.
Song Five we are connected into the Sun's Solar Winds or Aroura Belt of Light and Sound Energy Activation. The Dolphins are continuously singing their melodies that combine all of theis cosmic, sonic, solar light and sound clear up to the pre light and sound realms within the Source Field or the Void where all new creation begins.  Source requires this continuous Musical Interaction through the Music of the Spheres. Music is the Language of the Gods and the Creation Tool of Source ITSELF. The Music of the Spheres is the Divine Template of Creation where everything continuously flows in harmonious relationship with each other. When there is a mis alignment created in the Music it results in discord and disharmon throughout the entire octave.
Song Six
Dolphin Therapy
Now the Dolphin has entered the Inner Domain of the Music of the Sphres. The dolphins always appear in circles and lowing bubbles and jumping through hoops because in Consciousness and in Body, they are continuously connecting the Attunement of the Spiritual into the physical. We have entered into that Zero point place where the Dolphins enter in Consciousness to pool the keys or tones from each of the sphres in the Cosmic Pre Light and Sound Spheres into  attunement with the planetary and solar spheres of harmonic universe one and two.
The tone must be completely spiriitual in Consciousness on the Atori or Spiritual Parallel domain and then soven into the physical parallel domain. The Spiritual Frequencies always transmute and transform the physical into a new resonance. So we have the Resolute Twins from here and there becoming a new tone of home or Resonant Twin or a new reality.
This balance must be maintained for our planet continuously. The Cetacean Nation has been performing this function along with the Moon, who is actually our great alchemist in the sky who is an electromagnetic station who continuously monitors our frequency level to tell the dolphins that an adjustment needs to be made.
A moon isn't a normal part of a system. It was put here by our Founders Races to mold us back into a Normal reality Field. The Sirians created the plan of the Cetaceans in our Oceans as a part of this Founders Plan. We will be meeting these great Entities from Sirius, as well as all of Creation and Guardian Races very soon in the near future.
They have told us that the first step in the preparation for their landing on Earth is our ability to Communicate with Dolphins. If we cannot learn to communicate with Dolphins, they know that we are not ready to communicate with them.
Song Seven
Now, the Dolphin is ready to take you through the Diamond Door-- the place where your Mid Brain- Third Eye connects to the Allness of the Mind of God. Your Consciousness connects through that sphere of light that is activated by the candle oor the un or another light. You connect the light out from your forehead and follow the white stream to the end of the corridor and there you see a Diamond made of light energy. You creat a mini me of your self and walk through that door into the Mind of God. This is where we go when we die. That's how far we go. Right there.
We don't have to die to do that any more. We can learn from the dolphins how to live in this fifth dimension of multiple realities and to communicate with Beings from other realms who have their consciousness in a different frequency field than we do.
The Dolphin is continuously singing this song. I am singing the song in the God Language of the Sirians together with the Dolphin who is also singing in frequencies that translate to this same song. The Dolphin works like a translator using frequencies and water and wrapping consicousness in the Full Spectrum of White Light where all is Transformed for the Re birth into a New Reality. This manifestation process or creation process occurs every nano second. We are always flashing on and off into a new reality. The reality appears to be the same until we raise our frequencies into a new reality, a new dimension, a new tone of home.
Song 8. The Heavenly Dolphn Waves represent the Spiritual Babtism and re-birth where all of the old cellular miasms are transmutted int olight and water and create the new hydrolaise based body -H2O2 HE3. We must now add three parts helium to our hydrogen and oxygen to create and new reality from a new frequency. This places us in a new standing wave pattern of a new reality.
The frequencies of transformation penatrate the body as the Dolphin assists us in this babtism that occurs when swimming with Dolphins. This babtism can be done without the presence of the dolphins. It is the Frequencies of Cosnciosuenss recorded on this album that perform the Music of the Spheres re- attunement.
Don't forget that the dolphin already is FIFTH DIMENSIONAL. As we go through our transition into the fifth dimension, so is the Dolphin transitioning into the SIXTH LEVEL of Angelic Consciousness.
My interaction with the dolphins and watching them go through this process of re-birth right before my eyes in Monterey, California is a True Story. The dolphins and whales actually rose into the sky and took their place in the Cloud Cities transforming them into the Etheric Water within and without. They appear as Clouds in the Form of Dolphins after rising into the sky at 10,000 feet, the location of the Christic Grids and the Cities of Light of the Etheric Level of the Sixth Dimension which lies within the 12th dimensional grids and is attuned through the 14th dimensional Aquafarian Realm.
These Liquid Elementals are also swimming within our DNA. The relationship of the Cosmic Cetacean and the etheric levle of the body is that it actively swims and circles to connect the Music of the Spheres Parallel Reality of Spiritua linto ''physical otactivate  a new subharmonic re-connection with the 12 subharmonic strands of each of the double helix in the DNA.
Allow th etheric dolphins tto swim in circles with the subatomic structures.
That activates the synaptic cleff to FIRE or Project and NEw Reality a New Picture - a New Movie in the holograms around our bodies.
This is the activation of the 144 subharmonics within the 6 DNA of divine reality.
There are 12 subharmonics on each of the double helix. This doesn't appear even at the microscopic level because 12 a in the parallel spiritual realm while the 12 subharmonics of this physical realm are visible. So there are 144 subharmonics in the new 6 dimensional celestial consciousness field that we now have access to through the Dolphins.
24 times 6. Some think the 144 are the 12 subharmonics in 12 strands. Only very invisible entities obtain that domain. Becoming sixth dimensional light consciousness will be just fine for now.
However, we do have infinite choices when we die. We don't have to choose to ascend to the fifth or the sixth. We can choose to move to any place in our movie realm that has ever existed in the infinity of time.

The Cetacean Nation on Earth are the Lords of the Water. The Oraphim Braharama Cetaceans were the Cosmic Grandparents and creators of the Lords of the Water on Earth. The Oraphims were the original Race line of Gaia. When the Oraphims were destroyed in the Electric Wars, our Race line was re-built through hybrid breeding between the racelines of Sirius and the Elohim Angels.
We are now entering the time line of remembering who we are, where we came from and meeting all of our relatives. Our Gauradian and Founders Races have told us that we must first learn to communicate telepathically with the Dolphins because it is their original God Language and sacred geometry within their Souls that will activate the same within our own. This communication is a requirement to prepare us to begin communication with our higher selves, our Soul Matrix and those who are hovering in our skies in their space-ships. They cannot land until we have developed communication with them. That was always the plan. We must invite them to land and we can't do that until we are on their Frequency Channel of Telepathic Communication.
The truth is they have been waiting for the NOISE on Earth to stop that was caused by the Tower of Babel. My mission on Earth since Birth was to remove the Tower of Babel. I have always been on the Team of Transformation that has been working for eons to return the Christ Grids to Earth and to reactivate them. The Grids were are like our telephone lines into the Great Unknown and everything in between. The telephone lines are now ready for us to learn how to use again. We must first learn to talk to the Dolphins because they are the frequency line between Earth and elsewhere.
The Dolphins were stationed here for over 550 million years first in the etheric form in Aquafaria and later our density,
When we regain full consciousness of who we are, we will realize that what seems to be outside of ourselves is acutually inside of our minds. The dolphins we see swimming in circles are actually etheric aquafarian elementals swimming in our DNA inside of our higher minds.
Now is the time to activate the connection with the dolphins who live within our heads in order to develop telecommunication with the dolphins we perceive outside of ourselves.
So why Now? This is first year the frequencies are high enough to transform our brain patterns.
We must first meet the requirement of telepathic communication with dolphins and then our Blue Majaraji, Eieyani Sirius B friends and families from Inner Earth and the Stars will begin communicating more and more before the first landings of space-ships in 2015. (If you are interested in the precise history of the Starry Families who created us, I highly recommend Voyagers 1 by Ashayana Deane). I am not a historian. I am a telepathic frequency channeler for those Starry Races who created us. My full time occupation is collecting and recording the frequencies of our raceline as it begins its evolution.
By 2022 we must be prepared for a complete harvest from the reality that we have become adjusted to believe. It will be our first major opportunity to move within to the Inner Domains of Consciousness that has been called Shamballa. This is not actually a place inside of a Hollow Earth. However, it would appear to look like that to a visionary because it is actually inside of our hearts and our mid brains. It is actually another dimensional reality, in an etheric sense it would appear to be within the Earth because the Earth's density was formed upon the morphogenetic fields of these other dimensional realities.
There must be a group formed now that will be prepared to become the Galactic ambassadors with our families when they arrive. The first step of this training is through learning to telepathically communicate with Dolphins.
That is the purpose of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse at CRYSTAL MAGIC ORCHESTRA.COM.
Please join us. Everything you need to know about Ascension may be read and heard on this website.

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