Hello and Thank You

Hello Everyone, 


It was with great anticipation that I checked my email today to find out that I had been accepted for membership and two members had extended the hand of friendship. WOW!!


I wanted to be able to express my heartfelt gratitude to all members of the AC family for their aid in helping me out of 'The Pit of Despair'! 


My confirmation email says my blog is supposed to say something about me and contribute to the community.  I hope this covers that.


It was about 8 weeks ago that I reached a particularly low point.  I have been in 'the pit' before but I don't believe I had managed to go that far down.  The line "Knowledge is Power" kept going around and around in my head but all I could feel was Powerless.  I had managed over a great period of time to isolate myself from the general population, only going out when necessary to shop and work, no socializing.  My work is somewhat of a haven as my collegues believe I am (affectionately) away with the fairies!  Ha ha.   I have lost most of my friends and my sanctuary became my home, where I thought I was free to be ME.  My kids always refer to me as an 'Alien' due to my Universal interests and Spiritual beliefs, as well as not being like anyone else they know. I didn't feel I needed to censor myself in my own home.  Then, one evening whilst I was speaking over dinner (can't remember what now.. yet another social injustice I think) my Mother said to the kids "has your Mum been reading her magazines (alternative media) again, and it is a New Moon" (a New Moon affects me far more than a Full Moon).  Well, my little bulb dimmed and switched off and so began my descent into "The Pit of Despair'.  Dinner time became very quiet after that!!!!


Then one day whilst surfing the net during my lunch break, I somehow ended up with a link to AC and it seemed a lifeline had been thrown to me.  I realised I was not alone with my story, my feelings, frustrations etc etc.  Since that time I have filled every lunch break and evening with a log on to AC and devoured all I could like a greedy child in a sweet shop!!!  I could feel myself becoming stronger and heading toward the light and my levels of confusion from all of the information I had amassed over the years began to clear.  I was learning so much from being a spectator on AC that I was beginning to find my TRUE self again, allowing my heart and not my head to take the lead, along with the clarity that comes from doing so.  I feel that I must make a mention of the rock that I attached my rope to as I made my ascent to the light...Drekx.  I have found your postings to be not only informative but extremely grounding.  Words cannot express how it felt to have that guiding force that pushed me forward and over the edge into the light.  I too got excited at the thought of Sirian Tours of Motherships, where HOPE was once lost it is now found. Many, Many Thanks.


I feel I made a great shift at the weekend appreciating the gift of being here on Earth now in 3D and all it has to offer and will try everyday to see the miracle in everything!!


Ravinda I loved the Laughing clip.  Tears rolled down my face with laughter.  I decided that I would look everyone I meet in the eye and give them the biggest smile from my heart that I possibly can and it really is amazing what can happen for you.  No more hiding away.  I have made a call not to arms but to Joy, Love and Laughter!!!!


With much Love, Gratitude and Blessings to all of you.



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  • welcome jools     here the  sun  is  shining   well  most of the  time   stand in  your  power     live  what you

    are   smile  when   what  normaly  effects  you makes you  discouraged   your  family  will  wonder  at  the

    new  you      love and   god bless  mike

  • Thank you so much everyone for the wonderful loving welcome.  My inbox was overflowing, like all my birthdays had come at once!!! 


    I too love the life of a recluse especially with a good series of books!!!  Traci Harding is a fantastic author listed under Fantasy, however I would call it more past and future historical fact/fiction.  Not to want to spoil the story line but her work has clearly been influenced by her higher self and the work of Zacharia Sitchin, so you can imagine where the story goes!!!  The first book is The Ancient Future - The Dark Age:


    " My name be Tory Alexander

    and my memory burns eternal.

    I have been a traveller

    through the Otherworld,

    through time,reality and dimension,

    I have known no bound.


    I have been with the Dragon

    in his lair at Aberffraw.

    I know the strength of his roar,

    the sweet passion of his fire.

    Proud are his people

    and brave are his warriors.

    The Goddess shall evermore sing thy

    praises, Maelgwn of Gwynedd,

    great King among Britons.


    I have sought the greater mysteries

    from the wisest of souls.

    Myrddin and Taliesin

    know thy plight.

    How wondrous their teachings,

    how widespread their journeys.


    Oh for their reunion,

    and the sweet purification

    of the mother country.

    I have seen the mist rising on the land,

    I hear the four winds,

    seek the four elements,

    I follow the phases of the moon and stars.

    Messenger and warrior of the Goddess,

    I have felt Pan's healing ray,

    sent on the aroma of a thousand flowers,

    and a million tiny beings of light.


    As sure as my name be Tory Alexander,

    my quest shall always lead me

    in search of the greater truths,

    that have been forever lost

    in the Dark Age.

                                Traci Harding, The Ancient Future - The Dark Age


    And really, one could hibernate for eternity if it meant being with Maelgwn!! ha ha 


    Love, Joy and Blessings to all



  • Thank You to your Mom, and children,

    You are definitely not alone,

    and neither are they,

    Thank You for being You, and sharing.

    Lotsa big shoulders here,

    we do have our little wars at times , but overall,

    We do kiss and make up.

    Thanks again for blessing Us with Your presence.

    Take Your shoes off, Love and stay a while,

    Much unconditional love,




    WELCOME ....


    Let Love, Light and Divinity Fill us ALL .........................

  • Hi Jools. Welcome to AC. You were destined to find AC. That is Law of Attraction at work. Enjoy your stay here. The vibration here is always high. At least most of the time. :-)
  • Hey Jools... nice to meets you sister :) .. and yeah.. I know the feeling .. I was busy explaing the Chakra system (as best as I understand it) to a couple here in Berlin last week in a cafe, Starbucks as it happens and I was on a roll.. eventually they stopped me mid sentence and asked me if I was alright in the head, they had no idea about anything divine and eventually began putting their jackets on .. it was one of those moments where you kind of go all quiet .. the very next day, I saw them walking towards me on the street, when they saw me they made a b-line for the other side of the street, exit stage left style.. haha... it happens :) .. but you know, I can thank God for this website because I come home after a weary day and I can just dote on my friends in here.. I feel so much Love for this community and I often think about AC when I am out and about, ever thankfull that there are souls just as bonkers as myself heehee.. nah.. we are all about Love and Light in here... well.. the majority of us.. although there are a few flies in the ointment, its only to be expected.. more Love to em I say...

    Incedently.. are you from the Netherlands by any chance? .. the reason I ask is that if you are.. I would call you Jools Holland .. :) ... sorry, thats a joke.. you may not understand..but no worries :)

    LOVE always forever to you :)





  • really well said ty for sharing this is what was in my heart as well and i couldnt have said it better!
  • Welcome, and nice to meet you Jools !

    I believe you will have a great time here..

  • Welcome starseed ("alien") you are one of us, friend....  :-)
  • Welcome :)

    And as you being Gemini, I really needed to friend you! ;)



    Much Love,


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