Almost everything we do in life is to achieve something: If we do this, then we will get that; if we do that, then this will happen. Weare not used to doing something without an agenda. But in meditation wedo it just because we want to. There is no ulterior motive other than tobe here, in the present, without a goal of succeeding or of trying toget anywhere.
If our purpose is to try to achieve a quiet mind, then the trying itself will create tension and failure. Instead, we are just withwhatever is happening in the moment, whether it is pleasant orunpleasant. No judgment, no right or wrong. Watching whatever arises andletting it go is all that is required. It is more of an undoing than adoing.
It is most important that we make friends with meditation. We are not here to battle with ourselves; meditation is not the enemy. Nor do weneed to make excuses, complaining that our mind is too busy or restless.Rather than resisting stillness, we can let the business and discomfortbecome our meditation.
Excerpt from The Huffington Post.