Below is an excerpt from an article on New Tomorrow and posted on American Kubuki along with pictures of the "players." For those who are trying to make some sense of so many bits and pieces of what's going on in the world of global finance, it's a must-read.
Read entire article posted at:
High Financial Affairs - The Battle for Control of the Global Financial System
If you the reader have not done so already, it is recommended that you take the time to read and absorb the information contained on Part II of the New Tomorrow website, which will bring you up to speed on these affairs, thus enabling you to better grasp the scope of the information being presented here. Certain areas of this paper will only very briefly touch upon the general nature of certain individuals and groups purported to be involved in this global financial battle. Expanding upon their potential roles will be work left to other researchers.
It is this writer's hope that the information contained in this paper will 'draw forth' additional whistle blowers with intimate knowledge of these affairs; most especially those with information that pertains to the 'positive' forces working behind the scenes in high places. There is a growing consensus amongst those of us whom are quietly keeping watch over these affairs: We agree that it is coming time for the 'positive' forces to give us some real concrete evidence as to their existence. We continue to hear of powerful Asian societies, (most notably the Dragon Family), a 140+ nation alliance known as The New League of Free Nations/Non-aligned Movement (said to possibly be centered around the BRICS nations), as well as positive forces at work in the united States of America; in particular a purported group of wealthy Americans who draw their bloodlines back to the time of the Pilgrims. There is also much talk concerning oath keeping forces within the Pentagon whom are pushing back hard against the globalist cabal and their attempts to implement a world-wide fascist dictatorship under the control of the United Nations that, from the mouths of some of the leading members within this framework of power, has come to be called a New Word Order for the future. We hear that the most dangerous and perhaps most powerful of these groups is the 'Texas Camp' overseen by President George H.W. Bush, his son George W. Bush, The Clintons, and their minions. Further research has brought forth information that possibly links these men to Nazi factions which escaped from Germany in the aftermath of World War II via the so-called Vatican Rat Lines and the subsequent Project Paperclip.
We are told that all of these purported 'positive' groups are said to be working on a 'plan' to wrest control of the global financial system away from the hands of nefarious forces and thus reset the system for the betterment of all mankind, and that some of those in high positions of power whom are trying to assist in this effort are members of the banking and bloodline families themselves (i.e. some whom we ‘think’ are allies are really enemies, and some whom we perceive as ‘enemies’ are actually our allies). This 'plan' to free the planet from the bonds of financial servitude is said to be global in scope.
There is a growing body of evidence to support the fact that the IMF, spearheaded by Christine Lagarde, is part of this effort. Also involved in this is said to be a one Madame Wu Yi, the former Vice Premiere of China. Russian President Vladimir Putin is also said to be a major player in this. We are told that the impending revaluation of the Iraqi Dinar will be a key part of this global financial reset. We also continue to hear murmuings of NESARA, the National Economic Security and Reformation Act, which is said to be the centerpiece of a new asset-backed financial system in the united States.