Higher self, a little help here, please.
Really a matter of perspective. Not so much a higher self. More
like access to more of self, an allowance or expanding remembrance.
Each of you are alive in all that is. A facet of this incarnate unto
this experience on purpose. For reasons. When you came into this
realm, as a human being you knew that you could find your way
through it. As an act of service, of love and compassion. You knew
how difficult it is. This experience of “time.” More and more of you
have been finding your way to the knowing that this “time” is not
all you have, nor is it going to last “forever.” You see you are timeless.
Nice it will be, will it not when you flow with Her, whom is so patient
and loving, She and all with her. The reason you are here.
You see that she has already risen, with your assistance and the support
of so many others. She is maintaining this dimension out of shear
strength and love, that more of her children make the trip. You know
that she loves you, no matter how you behave, or how stuck in this
incarnation. Alas, not all are ready. Not all will be ready, and shall
have to be provided means to continue, until ready to step up. No soul
is lost forever separated by choice and free will. So you are tired.
Sick and tired of this service. Ready for ascension, reaching out to
help others, frustrated at the limitations and seemingly slow progress.
Having returned to this higher dimension, is to your credit.
You also see the selfishness in your self wishing it concluded, rite Now!
There is nothing more to do. Your Being, and service here, the
connection with “higher love” flowing fourth unto this realm is powerful
“magic.” It could be called this, as it is not tangible in the third
dimension. Yet it is here, it is you boots on the ground spreading
it, and if not for you it would not be. You have been given the tools,
the teachers and teachings, and you will go on. Ascension is going on.
You can,
You will,
You are.
The Vast Being of all being, can handle the details. You know this
and you trust this. You are on track.
Do not loose sight of this for long, though the “world” seems so
Heavy, go within and hand it to God, and keep up being the
Being of grace you are.
You are given great assistance, and you are great assistance.
Just keep going.
Message free to all.