11-11 Follow In the Way
Awakened I follow in the way appointed to me,
by the Creator Father,whom all want to see.
Therein lies my Salvation and my happiness,
everything I strive for, this is my eternal bliss.
My God is more than one can describe,
to share in his existence, do I subscribe.
The matchless Love of his innate personality,
drives me forth,forever to change this reality.
To one of Love, a nature that is to become mine,
and not alone,or lost nor forgotten in time.
Its but the Dream we agreed to, a long time ago,
to give courage to the heart of hearts and the soul.
When asked,where is it that we really wont to be,
my answer then,is a state of mind in spirituality.
Be still, my mind, the tides ebb flows forever onward,
To know its a place, where we can go eternally forward.
Sorry ,but there's no stopping now or turning back,
Ascend ever upwards on this Dimensional time-track.
And then to remember what we have never lost,
to re-claim the key to our inheritance,we exhaust.
A game of hide and seek,played with ourselves,
to bring it all back to the Creator Father himself.
We are all part of Gods great Divine eternal mind,
never to be lost again forever in space and time.
But nothing can be done if we choose to work alone,
we must bring our brothers with us to get back home.
For we are all one in this cosmic Creators family,
true forgiveness allows love to flow on inwardly.
Now I invoke the higher self to come forth today,
for to help me make this Peace and Love stay.
For he is that prodigal son of God that lives within,
he's our ticket home when we meld and let him in.
By Rev.Joshua Skirvin..11-11