
The peeling away of the layers of the subconscious patterns that have been carried within you are now beginning to be dissolved and dissipated...which in turn brings up more layers that have been deeply hidden within you... Dear Ones, and being willing to experience the uncomfortable feelings and pain involved in this process says much about your inner strength and resolve to see this process through to the victory...Keep your focus...



Beloved Ones,



The peeling away of the layers of the subconscious patterns that have been carried within you are now beginning to be dissolved and dissipated. All that disempowered you before is now leaving your auric field and is being replaced by more Light which in turn brings up more layers that have been deeply hidden within you. This is the way that the Light works its magic, Dear Ones, and being willing to experience the uncomfortable feelings and pain involved in this process says much about your inner strength and resolve to see this process through to the victory celebration that comes when entering the higher dimensions of thinking and doing. The layers are now very thin and are easily dissipated with the tools that you have learnt work best for you.


The days ahead require your persistence and perseverance in the holding of your vision of what you want to see manifest in your World. There are the visions for your personal life and then there are the greater visions of the World you want your children and grandchildren to enjoy and embrace. You are each making the Ascension of the Earth and all upon, within, around and above Her happen. Each day as you persist in your daily disciplines of anchoring the Light within the crystalline diamond core of Earth, you add more Light to the entire crystalline grid that is growing ever more powerful in its activation. It has been many ages since this grid has been at full operating capacity and so there is a joyful tone that emanates from the grid in anticipation of the full restoration of its power.


Life as you have known it and perceived it is rapidly falling away and being replaced with ways that are better and which ensure the good of all, not just the few. As the grid gathers more energy and power it is distributed across the Planet in a way that stabilizes the energies emanating from the Cosmos so that greater harmony and balance is maintained. Those who work with the Light are adding to and connecting to, the knowledge that resonates from the great crystals in the depths of the planet. As this occurs, a shifting takes place within your forms and within all forms including the Earth. Each change creates the opening for more change and this will continue until a total transformation happens. Those of you who have been the vanguard of this movement have now entered a state of Being where your efforts are being supported by these new energies and you will find that it becomes a joyful service rather than a necessary chore.


This is the joy of creation of the new. This is alchemy at its finest and most powerful, for all that you have learned and all the tools that you gained are now a part of your new Template and you are focusing upon your own form and bringing healing within and without. As you do this, you discover the methods that worked for your unique situation and this is a valuable tool to offer others so that their path to a higher consciousness and knowledge can be accomplished with considerably more ease than what you endured. This is your great gift to Humanity, each inroad that has been successfully traversed becomes a shining path for others to follow. So we say to you, Beloved Ones, your individual experiences and stories are so very important for they create markers for others to emulate, ways that were learnt by you through great effort, will and endurance which has created a Lighted path for more people to walk on.




Keep your focus on cleansing your body, mind and feelings of all that does not resonate with the higher aspects of your Being. Stay attuned to your heart and to the heart of Mother Earth, hear Her song, her guidance, her wisdom. She has much to teach you if you are willing to listen. She knows the entire history of the evolving cycles of life within Her domain. She will help you to remember. Honor the Earth and become One with Her in loving and symbiotic relationship. Your acknowledgement brings joy and gladness to Her great Being. She is so very ready to work in unison with you.


Until next week…

I AM Hilarion.



Channel: Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

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  • Oh here I forgot to put this in, it was todays lesson for me.Just incase you didn't see the post, here it is, short and sweet. I think it will help, let me know what you think of it OK. Adonai

    1) What could you want forgiveness could not give? Do you want Peace? Forgiveness offers it. Do you want Happiness, a quiet mind, a certainty of purpose, and a sense of worth and beauty that transcends the world? Do you want care and safety, and the warmth of sure protection always? Do you want a quietness that cannot be distrubed, a gentleness that can never be hurt, a deep, abiding comfort, and a rest so perfect that it cannot be upset?

    2) All this Forgiveness offers you, and more. It sparkles on your eyes as you awake, and gives you joy with which to meet the day. It soothes your forehead while you sleep, and rests upon your eyelids so you see no dreams of Fear and evil, malice and attack. And when you awake again, it offers you another day of happiness and peaceAll of this does Forgiveness offer you and more.JC (acim)

  • From my point of view, I think what saddens us the most is when we go deep inside our heart center and realize there is still garbage to be taken out. In other words we are still hiding past Karma, that we haven't worked out. And time as we know it is very short and most of us came here to make this Ascension thing but we often find we didn't do enough forgiving of others and ourself. So were afraid we wont make it and get rid of all of those skeletons in out closet as time is running out. I had a very had time with this forgiveness thing , for it wasn't in my programing. But we can take control of our programing, de-programing and reprograming, if we so choose. Its the intent and effort that counts the most. And we can learn to ''Forgive'' and reap the rewards everyday. Adonai

  • So if all of the message is correct can anybody please tell me why

    I am consumed my a great sadness..

    Yes i am overjoyed at the coming announcement for all the planet

    But i feel a bit doublecrossed..

    Dont get me wrong i love doing the work of my fellow Blue Ray,

    And my love for Mother Earth and its people.. Its been an honour

    and a privalege..

    First of all i never ever felt worthy of my role but did what i could,

    I just had this feeling my tasks were complete, Only to now find

    out that they have just begun..

    I do what i do best unseen and its my comfort zone, To now find out

    the spotlight may be by arena unsettles me greatly for i dont need any

    of that kind of attention..

    If anyone has any answers i would be so very happy to hear them..



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