February 27- March 5, 2011



Beloved Lightworkers,

This new week will be seeing each of you completing many projects and issues that have kept you engrossed for many months. You have been passing through many challenging situations that have brought out the very best within yourselves and those with whom you have been working with on these issues. Each challenge between people is bringing forth the higher outcomes that you have all desired, rather than a breaking away from each other. This is a very encouraging sign of the greater good to come.

There will be a greater outpouring of intense energies towards the end of the week and these will express as frequent emotional expressions as their impact reaches the Earth. For those who have done the internal work, these will probably translate into strong creative impulses that will see you working on your innate talents such as art, writing, sculpting, cooking, knitting and so on, whatever gives you joy. For those who are just Awakening or who have not, it will be more challenging in terms of maintaining emotional calm and poise.

Most of you are intensely aligning vertically in terms of spiritual growth by focusing on the present moment, acknowledging that now is the only moment there is, and that here where you are, is the only space. This has been a somewhat difficult concept to wrap your thoughts around as most of you have been used to thinking in terms of past, present and future and to narrow your perceptions to the now moment is proving to be a hard concept to focus upon. As with any thing else that is new, it will require a further expansion before a level of comfort with it will be manifest.

Everywhere you look, people and groups of people in communities are all beginning to look at the concepts of uniting in love, in cooperation with each other, in finding a peaceful solution to the challenges that are before them and making a clear choice for peace, for working together in common purpose and for the higher good of all. This is a movement that is just starting to manifest but will grow stronger and more pronounced as this year progresses.

The Earth and everyone and everything upon Her is in a state of transition from one level of being to another and you have been traveling backwards and forwards on your Paths as you traverse the energetic impulses as they travel in waves upon your Planet, shifting many old paradigms as they pass in a way that leaves the old way of doing things firmly behind as a new way is embraced and accepted. The old simply falls away with barely any notice and those who cling to these former ways of being and doing will find it hard to adapt to all the changes that are taking place moment by moment.

And so Beloved Ones, we advise that you do what you love and keep in the higher state of joy as much as possible during these coming months, for in holding the frequency of joy, you hold the higher energies in place upon the Earth. Be ever the observer of yourselves in order to grasp each lesson that comes to you and keep on climbing each rung of the ladder vertically as you reach for the highest outcomes in all things.

Until next week….

I AM Hilarion

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