Hilarion's Weekly Message 2011

March 20-27, 2011



Beloved Ones,

As you move through the Equinox energies, you will find many answers to the burning questions that you have held within your hearts for much too long. Then will come clarity, as though you are standing from a high mountaintop able to see the valley below, looking at all things from that higher perspective. Truly, this is the next step, the next level of your Ascension process – clarity. With clarity comes understanding and greater comprehension of that which has transpired in your lives from the beginning of your incarnation in this lifetime and in others.

The Light is here to stay, Beloveds. It will take some time before this will become apparent in those around you but it will be easier to observe in the people around you and in your own neighborhoods than by watching the spins that come forth from your news media. That way, unfortunately, is the way of distraction, the way into fear. Those of you who avoid watching your news casts and even today’s lower vibrational movies have found that you can maintain balance and equilibrium to a much higher degree than the people around you who do not follow these dictates. You will know, without doubt, that all is well.

There will be more certainty in your thoughts and your actions and you will exude a great confidence in yourselves and your growing abilities. With the blossoming of these greater abilities will also come humility, for you will inherently know that to be given these gifts requires that you share them with others around you and not hold them to yourselves simply because you are afraid to shine. You will simply BE what you truly are and will become magnets for those who will now begin to see and recognize your Light.

This is also where your inherent wisdom that you have earned through the school of Earth and its lessons throughout the ages will come fully into your consciousness and you will begin to walk upon the Earth lightly, in reverence for the Great Spirit that resides within this magnificent Planet. It will become your Passion to restore to Her as quickly as possible the splendor of Her former glory before the grand experiment of duality came into effect. You will be keen to right all the wrongs that have been done to the Earth and to her inhabitants since that time.

In an amazingly short time, restitution will have been made to all for all that was done and the truth of which was then suppressed. All that was hidden will be revealed in all areas of life upon Earth. There will no longer be any place left that one can keep hidden from the view of others. All will be revealed in the fullness of time and it is in this now time that the practice of patience and perseverance in full trust in the Divine Plan will help Humanity to continue to move forward in Love, peace, harmony and good will towards all.

As the knowledge becomes known to all that Humanity was born of the Stars, a great collective moment of remembrance will take place and from that point, there will be even more rapid progress made towards unity in all things. Life as you have known it will be changed through the events that are now occurring and what will come forth will be a more Loving society that cares for and about each other, the Earth and all the kingdoms upon Her. Love is the greatest force in the Universes and Love WILL prevail.

Walk then the Path of Light, of Love, of unity and peace and practice the Golden Rule in all your affairs; in return, the Universe will bless and bring healing, abundance and peace to your World.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff

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