Learn why so many of the enlightened members of our society embrace the Hollow Earth theory in this revealing article that describes the true nature of mankind's existence. Delve into the mystery behind the Hollow Earth concept, how planets are formed and what happened to the ancient civilizations of Atlantis and Lemuria.
This article Hollow Earth Reveals The Truth was designed and written to inspire readers to research, investigate and contemplate the truth behind this mystery. It helps to explain the many books written on the subject, offers links to to other books and websites and details the dimensions not commonly known about our planet.
This article helps to explain the myths about hybrids such as the Centaur and Griffen, the Aurora Borealis, Freemasons secrets, UFOs and such much more.
Yeah, I know but I'm always searching for new info on one of my favorite subjects and so if I write an article about it, then that inspires me to dig a little deeper, excuse the pun. I did find a book I hadn't read called Timeless Earth and ordered it on Amazon, so maybe it will shed a little more light on the topic, thanks for reading and commenting.