Honey of the Queens


Honey carries the codes of the planets as they beam their energy to earth. The flowers, being of the highest vibration of energy in the physical world, carry the codes of the geometry that interlocks with the paths of the stars. The flowers then hold the information, and release it in their pollen and plant nectar..

Then the worker bees of the honey bee kingdom, graciously collect the sacred nectar and pollen which is the food of the worker bees and drones, which becomes the raw material for the queen making royal jelly..

Pollen is the male seed element of the flowers.. which fertilize the plant, and ultimate the honey bee queen.

  • Royal jelly, in the sense of Gaia’s lactate, is known as bee’s milk..

  • Royal jelly contains the dna and rna, braid of hive memory..

Feeding with sugar water (memory empty: context poor) has been a practice which mysteriously started just before the onset of the world bee destruction arrival of the tracheal mite. 

Requeening prevents natural hive reproduction/swarming. Imagine never having the ecstatic rush of the vortex of the swarm dance of the bees, around a free queen. How would your children look if you systematically deprived them of reproductive ecstasy for generations. Eventually, twinkle would be lost and they would fall ill. The DNA must cross in a free fall, so as to catch gravity that way. The DNA must be free in order to learn, in the same way that the character in your dream must be set free in order for you to learn from it. If, instead of killing the queens, we had to catch the new swarm, we would be proving that we could make a home for the hive worth the service provided later by a certain percentage of the sweetness. 

Queens were intended to live to the seventh generation, just like Indian memories. Imagine what would have happened to the Indian’s immune system if the tribal council were genetically destroyed every two years, like the beekeepers do to queens? 

There is a Sufi myth which says something like From Length is Longing Born. I’ve always fancifully thought this was a nice apology for separateness. As if after the big bang, the little sparks darting about through stubble, were us, imagining ourselves separate, and thus able to have a secret thought. This was a convenient imagination in that it allowed us to experience the way momentum which was continuous, became discontinuous. This is variously known as evil (live/recursion spelled backwards), separateness, wave vs particle, continuum vs quantization, catastrophe theory, energy vs. matter, etc. In essence, it permitted spin in it’s flame like recursion to settle into some of the most dense spin slip knots, with VERY HIGH LEVERAGE. In this sense, we think of spin become recursive (or simply well nested or self embedded) as consciousness, or awareness. Focus spin (image-ine separate), you get little fractals (recursion), and that is conscious self-awareness.

So what does the Sufi saying here mean about creating longing, by creating the illusion of length or separateness?

Yearning or longing in the Gurdjieffian sense, means creating the necessary and desirable force to connect things at a distance. They always said in the Gurdjieff school, that it was good to amp up, or supercharge the batteries of yearning, in order to fire up the universe to bring together things at a distance... things separate. We wrote in our article "Can Intent Steer Waves", about the pine cone, shape of the PINEal gland, which braided light to the super light speed bending time, which was called "PINE-ing" or yearning. We read now in the classic Reptilian style of learn it by eating it, that Pineal glands are the favorite food of the Dracos.

This article was inspired as my friend Deborah and I began studying the disaster (dis-astare: disconnected from stars), of the beekeepers’ practice of killing their queens. We knew that ultimately this was probably the single most awful cause of the death of the entire American bee "industry". The scientist’s scratch their head at the supposed death of the immune strength of virtually every bee hive in the nation, while with their other blind hand they pass laws saying, you beekeepers MUST kill your queens every time your hive burps with ANYTHING even slightly uncomfortable to the... checkbook.

... requeen if you have a failing queen
... call state inspector if you have a failing queen
... requeen if there is a hint of assertiveness in your hive
... requeen if the hive reproduction rate is even slightly inconvenient to your wallet

" In one sense queen producers don’t sell queens, they sell 'traits’ " or their shallow idea of what BEE MEMORY SHOULD BEE...

"A newly arrived queen, fresh from the mailman’s pouch... Alien royalty may not be accepted by your bees. Or she may not be up to the task, not well prepared for the job, and only a drone layer become.." (Discontinuity of memory = weakness to immune identity.) 


quotes from Buying Queens: What do You Need to Know"

by Walter Clark

Bee Culture Magazine, March 94

Deborah advised me that while beekeepers imagined that the natural state of affairs was that new queens killed old queens in some ritual, THEY REALLY HAVE NO IDEA IF CRITICAL TRIBAL/HIVE MEMORY IS PASSED BETWEENS QUEENS IN THAT RITUAL.

Remember in DUNE, when the dying Reverend Mother queen, passed her memory to her successor? The skulls touched, and sparks of memory inhabited the dream space of the younger queen. After that, all of the life memory of the old queen, flowed in the young.

Now let us look at HIVE life, as if memory of shape was the entire economy of the hive. This is in a sense true, in that the physics of a unified field, is only a memory of shape. If you have only one unified substance, then all economies are only those of shape histories... err rather... her stories.

You (the honey bee) wander off into the fields, you are looking for the folder nectar of what the flower produced. The flower harvest the flower shape of MAGNETISM (calledgeomancy), and puts that into blossom. If the magnetic long lines of the bioregion, look like a flower, then you get flowers. If the local geomagnetic lines look like a tangled mess, then you get desert, no flower, no nectar, no honey, no memory.

Therefore nectar is literally the best of the FOLDED SURFACE OF THE LAND. (EL-LAND-GUAGE: the language of the land). Sweetness is always only a measure of how efficient/extensive is the BRAIDING. Braid the magnetism of the land well, you get sweetness.

Then you (the honey bee) arrive back at the hive with your harvest of sweetness.. You say to the rest of the hive with the SHAPE of your elegant little dance, turn at the ley line: align with the sun, then there you find nectar.

If tribal memory lines hold up, the shape of the magnetic lines of the land, become the genepool of the queen. The queens DNA, becomes a folded record of how the land lies. Immune system becomes el-land-guage. It wasn’t only Arthur who was one with the land. The grail serves the principle of embeddedness itself: a honeycombed with memory data, stored in a fractal for best compression/braid/sweetness.

Interrupting the continuity of the genetic memory line of the queens DNA, constantly with the practice of replacing queens, ULTIMATELY HAS TO COMPLETELY INTERRUPT THE HIVE MEMORY OF THE SHAPE OF THE LAND. This coded memory of the shape of magnetism, in the long wave is the lands magnetic braid concrescing/converging into nectar.. Immune identity (eye-dent-I-tie), is a her-story of how fold can be coded in a braid on one folded surface. The most fractal recursive folded surface of the hive, after the honey comb itself is the DNA of the queen. It is the ultimate repository for tribal collective memory. The blood line strength of the hive, has to be the queen. So why do we consider the death of hive immune strength after killing the queen, a mystery. We say there is no mystery here, if the queens continue to be sacrificed with no continuity path for their memories, we will have no bees, no honey, no nectar, no plant pollination, no civilization.

In "Myth of the Birth of the Hero", Otto Rank, in the style of Jung, urges us to know why every mythic hero is born without a father, virgin birth. What was the purpose of "concealment of patriarchy"? Was it the source of the seed or the egg that must be hidden? We later learned that most of the virgin birth hero’s, Christ, Moses, etc... were the result of tantric bloodline crosses with extra terrestrialsKundalini causes virgin births. Mary dreamed of an Angel. Sarah mated with an ET, and gave birth to Joseph (Technicolored Genetic Coat) and Benjamin (Gold).

The key principle that we were missing, was to know that it is simply the charge of lightning spin itself which teases the egg to split. Specifically, in the "Flower of Life" sense, the egg’s membrane, receives spin, decides this spin can fit/phase lock on the flooded surface, so decides to dimple. The geometry of the dimple in the egg, precipitated by seed, is the exquisite path to turning inside out. Ectoderm and Endoderm switch places. The inside becomes the outside, and the outside becomes the inside. This is exactly the electrical geometry of the onset of compassion in the electricity of the heart beat.

We call this onset recursion: birth. The geometry of turning inside out, is a sequence of symmetry operations. Inside out, is pent/hept. Implosion is 5/7 dodec/icos centripedal. Stasis is Hex. Explosion is 7/5 centrifugal.

When Jesus in the Joseph line, seeded Magda of the Benjamin line, the Orion queen blood line survived into the grail/MerovingianPrior de Sion, Baphomet... The queen’s blood continued. The egg’s of the females of the line contained the whole. The seeds, the males contained the part. Fractionation existed in the males, not the females. This was because the egg born in a woman is born with her mother, with her mother.... (The first cellular woman "Lucy" was tracked by the fractality of the mitochondrial foldedness to Africa, not possible with a male..)


So a memory of foldedness survived in the perfect contained, embedded, fractality of the geometry of perfect egg. If you could visualize the spin path into the egg of your mother, inside her mother, inside her mother.... Then you could remember like a wormhole into a fractal, your reason for being and imagining yourself separate in the first place. This was the key visualization necessary to group/hive memory together in the advanced Merkabbah/ fire breath mediation. Only the pine cone spin path to the zero point, back into the memory fractal could keep your collective dream whole, instead of fractionating into separateness.

So why did the Orion queens in the personage of their assigned priests, work so hard to kill the blood line of the queens, slaughtering the brightest women in Europe during the inquisition? It became apparent that the very magnetic body of star systems, with all the attendant psychokinesis (magic/wicca), was being born in the blood line of the descendant queens. The bird tribe Ophanim were about to give birth. The Orion queens, had authorized only gold mining droids here (Sitchin). A self-replicating Isis/Eve was not authorized. The Orion Queens had ruled the galaxy for millennia with male sex-slaves. Freedom to reproduce here on Earth, could upstage their own power. If the DNA brooding here, got free, their harvest of sweetness here might end. The priests feared the women here on Earth, for the same reason they feared them on Orion.

The Magdalen/Orion Queen/Draco blood was exoskeletal. The Draku meant using magnetism from without to create: technology. The Sirian prince, EaEa-Su, Iesu, Jesus, Aku blood was endoskeletal, using magnetism bent from within to create: emotion.

The blood line cross between them (Holy Blood, Holy Grail), was the outside inside, turning inside out, of those blood lines, into a new container for the incarnation ofOphanic, Time Lord, Angelic Logoi family which conceived the plot in the first place. On the practical side, it meant emotions powerful enough to bend galaxies, would be born, here at the nexus.

Priests who killed queens destroyed a memory path backward, preventing leverage forward in time.

What we do to our bees memory, is such a fractal of what has been done to us.

The arrival of the Draco, is like a Dragon knocking at the base of the spine with Kundalini, for our culture. Will the reptilian brain pour sweetness into the high fractal cortex, feeding the eagle with the wings of vision that soars?

Will the reptilian in us learn to turn inside out, passion into compassion, carving the wormhole soul into the hoary braid of DNA? Or will the sweet memory of the Queens die as uncelebrated as the witches? Leaving the priests to fornicate with children. The flowers with only sting to pollinate them.

by Dan Winter with Deborah Louth
from ImplosionGroup Website

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  • The wisdom of the blood......known by Danes and Vikings...

  • Well I'm not fully on board with this theory about orion queens either, but it sure made good reading, so received my positive response... :-) Also, calling you honeybunch was a way of showing my affection, while playing with the blog title... ;-)

    There are many tribal people in contact with the space brethren and that is because they possess a healthy harmony with mother earth and her biosphere, which is actually what all humans are supposed to be traing for...Planetary guardianship....

    However, to effect real transformative change, the space brethren also require to make contactees from within the most "civillised" of human nations, which can really make a difference...as well as others with strong tribal traditions in effect...

    It is not true that the Celtic tribes of Europe had a monopoly on ancient wisdoms, which was passed on to their descendents...Indeed, all tribes of Europe once possessed such qualities, including the Vikings, Jutes, Angles and Saxons...The rule of thumb is that inherited ancestorial memories may spring up in later generations, as directed by spirit, which selects the waning and waxing process, as appropriate...Which explains why some cultures may be dominant in one period and desolate in another, for example the Mongolians of the Khans...


  • Did you know that the average et contactee is of african, native or celtic descent?  There is something in the blood, I think... I had thought it was the pineal gland that was larger in ethnic peoples that allowed a trance state, but it occurs to me that our blood is very metallic and probably carries a wave very well in the embedded geometries Dan discusses in his material.  It makes sense that the bloodlines were targeted by the elite and that women were victimized for so long because of their "eggs"... 

  • Thanks, Drekx :-)  I am not totally on board with his theory about the orion queens because I haven't had time to verify it but the science is fascinating.  

  • Oh yes, very cool honeybunch......!! ;-) Love, Drekx x

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