Brothers,I do not want to alarm anyone out there but as the battle draws near to a end. The dark forces are attacking us light warriors and light workers. On the positive side it means we must be doing our jobs getting the word out that the awakening is happening now. Its been a very difficult four years as I worked on the e-book (2012-new-earth-survival.com) and getting it out. Not only because I had to learn to type with a broken finger and learn how to use a computer but because the dark-side did what ever they could to stop me including another motorcycle accident. The book was partly destroyed many times and I had to use back up. Then the web master made off with my money but finally the new web site was up and I sold the first book over the net and also one here. And as soon as that happened I had a near Auto accident nearly everyday .I then learned I had to promote the book myself so I had to learn to write blogs which I have done a lot of in the last year ,even though I have to drive to town to get the internet.

Even more strange things have happened. Some time I had several near accidents in one day, Then strange people from the free masons follow and threaten me. Then demons started hunting my house and posses my dogs. Then they kept entering my mind with negative thoughts. So I turned to the Holy Spirit for help and it was a long battle but I won. Then Sunday they manifested in dark forms , flying over me while I was doing my yoga and affirmations. So I stopped and prayed to Arc Angel Michael to protect me (instead of Jesus as that is his job) and get rid of them as I was sick and tired of there evil games and so he did. They were gone and haven't returned yet. But they did drain my energy.

I wondered If I was the only one. But as I received news letters and check other blogs it seems I was not alone. Mike Quincy (who channels Salusa) stated briefly that his family was attacked. Salusa states that it is happening, as the dark ones are loosing the battle between dark and light, they are going down fighting, so be it. They tell us not to worry that it will all be over soon. This is not meant to cause fear in anyone, in fact it is meant to help all those who encounter this situation and will now know how to over come it. We are Angels of sorts that has not fallen and so we are more powerful than they. Know that you light-workers and warriors are Loved and protected. You only have to ask for help and its there, Ascension on many levels is coming soon. Have Hope and Faith, for we will see this event through. Be Safe,Blessings,rev.Joshua

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