HOROSCOPE OF BITCOIN (based on 1st time Bitcoin was used in exchange for tangible goods). Mania for bitcoin is probable in 2025, followed by a panic.

Above photo from USA Today. A conclusion at the end is provided for the uninitiated. The first purchase of bitcoin took place on May 22, 2010, in Jacksonville Florida (at a recorded time of 7:17:26 pm). Laszlo Hanyecz traded 10,000 bitcoin (worth about $41 at that time) for two pizzas (and the same trade today would be worth $1,000,000,000 in bitcoin). The photo of the 2024  "one-billion dollar pizza meal" was taken by Laszlo Hanyecz and is below:


Below is the basic horoscope for this event. Koch Houses are used for the housing system of this horoscope.


The Good

The bitcoin phenomena may be a historical repeat of gold being discovered at Sutter's Mill in Coloma, California on Jan. 24, 1848 (at 12:00 pm mean time). Yes, this was the year before the '49'ers' invaded California and left behind many a ghost town. The biwheel horoscope comparing the 1848 Sutter Mill gold-discovery event with the first time that hard goods were purchased with bitcoin (in 2010) is below:


Please note the mixture of Neptune and star of Regulus energies. Neptune Conjunction Star of Regulus took place in summer of 1929, which was right before Joe Kennedy shorted the stock market in September of 1929. You know something is not right when a shoeshine boy gives you stock market tips for buying margin as he shines your shoes. Both of the charts (1848 and 2010) feature Neptune Opposition Star of Regulus at the time of the event, and yes, Neptune rules glamour AND deception. Thus, Bitcoin may be subject to the same treatment of an 1850's gold rush (which means you can either go boom or bust, depending on when you want to get out). This "rhyming of history" indicates fortunes are about to be made, as well as busts. Author Mark Twain once said "a gold mine is a hole in the ground with someone claiming that there is gold in the hole in the ground." Real claims of gold (i.e. a secret gold discovery that is no longer secret [and everybody now knows it]) drew non-stop cross country gold rush migrations of prospectors in 1849 to California. This famous 1849 gold rush was followed by other migrations after 1849 with a "madness" concerning finding and claiming gold (and this madness was called "gold fever." The use of the 1850's term gold fever is currently being used [improperly] for advertising and marketing purposes in many areas more than 100 years later). Note that there was probable mental illness from description of some prospectors in the early 1850's regarding the quest for gold, and Neptune was in the sign of Pisces at this time (as it is today). This prospector "mental illness" was possibly due to non-stop work and lack of sleep that took place in gold rushes (and combined with alcohol after discovery of gold OR facing non-discovery [i.e. a hole in the ground with someone claiming that there is still gold in that there hole]).

The Bad

Below is the basic chart of the 2010 Bitcoin event with my notes. Because of certainty of time, the Ascendant, Midheaven, Vertex, and Black Moon Lilith are added in this time. The results are fascinating because it depicts a probability for financial speculation of some kind; a.k.a. "a mania" (or "a panic." Note that panics usually follow manias). Manias can make one rich quick; panics destroy society in some way (depending on who is sophisticated and who isn't). Thus, there will be losers in the Bitcoin arena (and possibly major losers). There may also be organized crime involvement; the eastern Europe area (and western Russia area) reportedly has much organized crime involvement in cryptocurrency.


The Glamour/Deception

Below is the current biwheel chart for transits to the 2010 bitcoin horoscope chart (for Dec. 7, 2024). Neptune goes direct (and moves forward VERY SLOWLY) in a hot area of 27 degrees Pisces (for late 2024) to 29 degrees Pisces (in Mar. of 2025).


Below is the same chart above, but with my notes.


Again, please think of the gold mine concept. There is about to be serious speculation in Bitcoin (and cryptocurrency) that will make winners out of sophisticated people and losers out of people who chase manias. Note that we may be seeing a similar mania of gambling concerning financial wagering going on in the NFL with rapid expansion of advertising for sports gambling opportunities. For an interesting perspective on this aspect of sports gambling (with organized crime connections), check out the scene at 2:00 from this youtube video from the 1991 movie "The Last Boy Scout." A football franchise owner (played by Noble Willingham) turns to organized crime methods to succeed in a sports gambling operation (with sports gambling being proposed by certain government officials being financed by the franchise owner, except for one U.S. senator he really needs to make it a legit gambling operation). Click https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOYQHLb8Wow


Bitcoin is probable for a mania stage (in buying) from late 2024 through early 2025. It is unknown how long this financial mania phase will last or when it will end. People do become wealthy during financial manias; the problem with any financial-based mania is that these manias are almost always followed by financial panics that financially destroy non-sophisticated individuals (i.e. people who are unexperienced in investing and who arrive "late for the party"). There is an old fear on Wall Street in which one knows it is time to sell equities when a bull appears on the cover of Time magazine. This same concept of "being late for the party" certainly applies to bitcoin; I have never trusted the mainstream media. One must follow the example of Joe Kennedy and get out of the market when it is discovered that there are people investing in the market who have no business being there (such as a shoeshine boy telling you what stocks to go long in).

Thanks for reading.

Love to all,



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