HOROSCOPE OF INFOWARS AND BASIC ASTROLOGY TRANSITS .. A look at the 11/13/99 horoscope and the 11/13/24 transits (which is when ownership transfer of Infowars begins).

Photo above is from CNN. A basic conclusion is provided at the end for the uninitiated. Today (11/13/24) is the reported date of transfer of ownership of Infowars (AND NOT ALEX JONES. Alex Jones is a U.S. citizen not subject to indentured servitude or slavery, as these two practices are still illegal in the United States per the 13th Amendment). Exclusions to this 13th Amendment at this time may involve 2024 U.S.A. immigrant residents (and future voters) who are brand new residents to the U.S.A. in 2024 and just want free stuff (providing that a part of their future wages go to a third party). Note that Alex Jones fits into none of these 13th Amendment descriptions for exclusion; he was born in Dallas and has given away most of his wealth in the form of attorneys fees and discounts on his supplements products. Nevertheless, I kept an old horoscope chart of Infowars in my database from years back, and I was shocked to see the date of 11/13/99 as the being the same date as today. Obviously it is not a happy birthday for Infowars, but there may be light at the end of the tunnel for the C.E.O. (a.k.a. "the guy who runs things"). Let's first look at the horoscope of Infowars; I am aware that Alex Jones reportedly stated that Infowars was founded before 1999. I still like this 1999 chart, and I view this chart as "the opening of the door to allow the public to enter" the entity known as Infowars. The reasoning for this is that the rule for timing the beginning of the entity (or the event) in which the entity gets major exposure to the public is the same (or similar to) the timing rule for marriage charts. The time to use for the marriage is the time of the wedding when "the doors open to allow the congregation in," and not the time when the groom kisses the bride. This rule particularlly applies to Infowars as opposed to using date of incorporation (or getting tax identity number) since Infowars was a public phenomena that featured live-on-air involvement with the public. Infowars woke up a lot of people (myself included), and I picked this horoscope because this was the date and time when the public was first aware of Infowars (especially in Austin, Texas). This horoscope is below.


Below is the same dial above, but with my notes.


The natal Sun position for the Infowars horoscope is within 2 degrees of the star of Unukalhai. Below are what my notes say about this star:

Alpha Serpentis *

Success followed by fall, suicide, insanity, accidents, success in war, politics, writing, problems in love, forgery, shipwreck, loss, earthquake.

22° Sco 04

22° Sco 24


Saturn/ Mars

α (Alpha) Serpens
K2 (pale yellow) Mg.2.8

The real fascinating aspect of this natal Sun position for Infowars is that the Sun usually represents the C.E.O. on business charts, or "the person in charge." The Sextile aspect usually represents "opportunities," and thus the natal Sun Sextile (Moon Conjunction Mars) represents "the C.E.O. (Jones) will be presented with many opportunities for debate and arguments." And then some. Let's now look at the horoscope of Infowars with transits from the date of 11/13/24:13132695056?profile=RESIZE_710x

If this Infowars chart is true, Alex Jones may actually get stronger after this transformation of power and the settlement of ownership claims begin to take place (somewhat similar to Tucker Carlson and his exit from FOX, but Jones' exit is different due to the presence of a lot of lawyers and a lot of Washington D.C. Industrial Complex supporters). Below is the chart above, but with my notes:


Alex Jones may represent the Sun, both transiting (in 2024) and natal (in 1999). Both of these Sun positions (that represent Jones) are getting a Yod formation applied to the Sun at this time. The Yod formation ("finger of God") points at possible "success in supplements and nutrition" (Jupiter Sextile Chiron), but also possible with the Jupiter Sextile Chiron transit is "success in intelligence work (or proving one's intelligence work is truthful)." A concern for Infowars at this time is the Venus Square Venus transit taking place in mid-November 2024. This may represent a legal conflict or an Infowars business partner conflict about to take place. Another real test for this probable legal conflict for Infowars (as 2024 closes out) is the Mars Conjunction North Node transit in Dec. 2024. The natal Infowars placement of the North Node is in the 7th House of "one-on-one challenges in courts or public forums." A non-legal probability with this Mars Conjunction North Node transit is "changes in beliefs concerning the mission or appearance of the entity." The reason for this "change in appearance of the entity" is that the transiting Mars Conjunction North Node placement is within 15' of the midpoint of Uranus / Neptune ("changes in belief or misson; disappointing surprises") in the 1st house ("appearance of the entity") in December of 2024.


The probability is strong that the entity known as Infowars is about to face some legal challenges as 2024 closes out. It may or may not concern Alex Jones; his horoscope is excluded from this analysis. The C.E.O. of the entity Infowars (a.k.a. Alex Jones) stands to get much stronger in terms of public recognition and in terms of being a major public personality. Jones may or may not use this recognition for the advantage of Infowars in some way; my speculation is that he will in some way. There may also be considerable success with the Infowars supplements line (or another supplements line that is associated with Infowars, especially if the main Infowars product line is eliminated or suddenly has quality issues). Finally, there is a possibility of Infowars getting public recognition for the truth in its reporting based on its intelligence gathering provided for the general public. My estimate is that Infowars has been about 90% accurate in terms of reporting, and this is about 10 x the percentage of truth reported by CNN or MSNBC. CNN and MSNBC are losing viewership currently at the same rate that Infowars has gained in viewership; normal people are fundamental suckers for the truth.

Thanks for reading.

Love to all,


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