HOROSCOPE OF THE F.B.I. (07/26/08; 12 pm) Attorney General Bonaparte's letter that started the F.B.I. Is a big shock about to hit the F.B.I. employees? A look at the Moon placement of the horoscope.

A basic conclusion is at the end for the uninitiated. Basic astrology analysis will be used. A tree for zero derees Aries is presented, but this tree is not strong due to the 12 pm time (and the Mc and As would be helpful; the As and Mc cannot be used since they move one degree every 4 minutes of clock time). The Moon is going to be allowed in this case; a key conjunction of the Moon with both Neptune and Mercury will be accurate within 5 degrees for the hours of 9 am to 3 pm. Also added is slow moving Black Moon Lilith; Black Moon Lilith is strongly related to organized crime (as well as charity functions). I actually met an F.B.I. agent in 1968 when I was eight years old in east New Orleans. My parents were not home, and when I opened the door he presented his badge to me. He wanted to come in to use the telephone. I was in complete shock: wow .. a real F.B.I. agent, just like Efrem Zimbalist Jr. from the tv series "The FBI." There was something glamorous about an F.B.I. agent in 1968 thanks to the television series "The FBI." For an early scene of Efrem Zimbalist Jr. from the television series "The FBI." (and driving a classic Mustang through Washington D.C.) click


My older sister was smarter. She told the F.B.I. agent that he could not come into our house with our parents not present. Invitation denied. And yes, it was revealed later on that some phones in the offices of the New Orleans District Attorney division were bugged. This intro from the F.B.I. agent may have had something to do with my father's job at that time in 1968. My father had a small role in the Jim Garrison investigation of the JFK murder; he told me (before he died) he was investigating Jack Ruby's connection to organized crime in Cleveland and Detroit during this investigation. My father also told me he had several drinks with David Ferry in 1962 at a French Quarter bar (concerning business opportunities in Central America) before he worked for Jim Garrison. David Ferry was reportedly strongly connected with "lone killer" Lee Harvey Oswald (a.k.a. patsy). My father thought Ferry was one of the smartest people he ever met; he also stated Ferry had a very big problem with President Kennedy (and everyone at the bar got to hear about Ferry's big problem with JFK, including my father [and after several drinks]). Okay, enough. Let's get back to astrology. As far as the F.B.I. is concerned, it was started via a memo dated July 26, 1908 (and probable daytime hours for activity with notification of this letter were 9 am - 3 pm since this was a Sunday). The time of 12 pm is thus a reasonable time; many important people in D.C. were involved with morning church ceremonies during that time-frame. It is unknown if such people heard about this significant order before or after religious ceremonies (which were usually 9 am to 12 pm). But serious working and non-church attending people usually began work in D.C. during the regular am hours on Sunday at that time, and not during the pm hours. The order from Attorney General Bonaparte is below:

13464192701?profile=RESIZE_180x180This order from Bonaparte would assign a “regular force of special agents” who would handle all investigative matters from U.S. attorneys. This force, which included some former Secret Service agents, would become the nucleus of the new "Bureau of Investigation." This organization would later be renamed the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The 12 pm horoscope chart (using 0 degrees Aries houses) for this event is below.


The chart above is presented below with my notes.


The Moon placement is important. The 2025 transit of Uranus Semi-Square Moon (and Neptune and Mercury) takes place in 2025, and Uranus is known for bringing surprises (good and bad). This conjunction of Moon, Mercury, and Neptune ("employees of the organization involved with communications and deception") also forms a strong conjunction with the star of Canopus. Below are my notes on this star:

Canopus *
Ship of the Desert

Voyages, journeys, creativity; scandal, violence; great glory, fame, wealth; changes evil to good; the Rishi (Hindu sage) Agasthya; star of St Catharine; helmsman of the Argo

14° Can 51

15° Can 11


Saturn/ Jupiter

α (Alpha) Carinæ
F0 (white) Mg. –0.72

The combination of this star with the Moon Conjunction Mercury Conjunction Neptune placement works well for describing the history of the personnel of the F.B.I. This may be significant because the real-time (not F.B.I. horoscope) transit of Saturn Conjunction Neptune (in the sky in 2025) may indicate some sort of scandal about to be revealed in 2025, and this scandal may include employees (or their activities) of the F.B.I. Note that this real-time transit of Saturn Conjunction Neptune usually represents "exposure of lies; government lies revealed." As far as the other aspects of the horoscope go, Chiron Opposition Black Moon Lilith may represent the F.B.I.'s well-known use of wiretaps on organized crime (since Chiron represents "advanced technology not available to the general public" and Black Moon Lilith is associated with "organized crime"). The transit of Uranus Opposition Neptune took place during the era of organized crime (which may represent Uranus) trying out trade-offs with Neptune areas of crime (i.e. alcohol, heroin, marijuana). This was a big time when "bootleggers" (U.S.A. and Europe) entered their product into the U.S. market in a big way via crime organizations. Times have changed as fentanyl now represents this new drug problem; fentanyl is still a drug and thus also ruled by Neptune (and the F.B.I. horoscope transit of Uranus Semi-Square Neptune will be very hot in 2025. This transit may represent the issues the F.B.I. is about to face with the U.S. fentanyl problem, especially with the sealing of the border). The F.B.I. horoscope transit of Uranus Semi-Square Mercury will also be hot in 2025; this may represent "surprises in the news" concerning the F.B.I. and their communications division. And yes, it may be either good or bad surprises.


The employees of the F.B.I. may experience some shocking surprises as 2025 unfolds. These surprises may be good or bad (or both); the real problem is that a theme of "disappointment and deception" will be strong as the new administration of the F.B.I. enters and becomes a part of this organization in 2025. Politics has always been a part of the F.B.I., as well as blackmail. J. Edgar Hoover was reportedly angry (and impressed) with how the mafia blackmailed him. This use of blackmail on Hoover (and on JFK) may have marked the beginning of what has been the most despicable (but effective) tool used for political purposes in D.C. for most of the 20th century. And it was not just the F.B.I. that was involved; everyone now knows about Epstein and Diddy becoming involved in the use of political blackmail. Hopefully this aspect of the F.B.I. is eliminated and the main focus of this organization concerns crimes against U.S. citizens and business (as opposed to political figures who won't change their vote on something that benefits another person politically or financially).

Thanks for reading.

Love to all,


21st Century Astrology Consulting LLC

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