Convince anyone of the coming events when noone is speaking as one.
It seems to me that the only fact that is recurring is the constant delaying
tactics of the Galactics..
Yes i know i sound like a petulant child waiting for sweets but the fact remains our task is made much harder by your actions..
it seems like the Latest Fulford offering just moves things backwards
even saying the 21st December will reveal nothing but the start of a transition..
I for one cannot keep giving my readers false hope..
A it makes them disbelieve almost all your messages..
B They will eventually just stop reading or understanding..
Less important but still of relevance your making the lightworkers
look really stupid..
Stop giving out dates..
The masses are not stupid..
They live and breath factual information..
If you cannot back up your messages dont leave your lightworkers
hanging with egg on their faces..
Sorry if i seem down but recent events have taken their toll..
We are already out on a limb your making it harder not easier..
Unless ridicule is another lesson we have to put up with.,.
I am finding harder with every false message of hope i have to give..
Maybe you should trade places for an hour.
Say it does happen on Saturday, then what? We will most likely still look and wait for answers and instructions for the next event or big thing to come up. This will come to past, just don't focus on it.
The only reason is if we don't get dates we won't wait for dates,This will eventualy lead me to turn off the computer and go directly to only my own knowledge.I think that would be a shame because I've really had alot of help in the last years from others.I hope that we start getting information we can go by.Even though I do understand that some times it's hard to understand the information given. I don't blame anyone and my love to all.And we do need to get to the point where we trust ourselves the most. As one of our other members keeps reminding us.But it's fun to get excited and look forward to somthing we have waited for, for thousands of years. So I guess we are to vulnerable now.Because we are so anxious for freedom. I'm still hopeing for the 4th of Aug. And I'll be so glad when my friends and family don't think I'm crazy! With Love Honestangel2012
Fao StarryKnight
You think something is different about Saturday Night..
Many have been misinformed Before..
But i hope it goes well 4 you..
Don't focus on dates. Just focus on making sure the people around you are raising their vibrations. That should be something you want to do anyways, even if EVERYTHING was just some hoopla at least you and yours have a more pure and spiritual approach to life. There's ALWAYS more to learn and more meditation to do in the meantime. There's are touchy times and we are talking about a planetary change not just a national one. People from Africa to Morocco to Spain to Russia to New Zealand are all going to be affected. Plus these 5th dimensional beings operate from a place where there is no time. And have waited a very long time just to make sure things are right. The ones that have been captured by the military have had tests done on them and treated in ways that are truly sad. It's like chess but on a huge level, you can't rush in for the king too early. These beings are intelligent and know what they are doing. We all have to be patient and stay in our hearts. When the dollar flops the world is going to be crazy already enough, people are fragile. This Saturday at the Olympics should be a fun time.