

This is the second part of a two-part posting on how I meditate. You can read the first part by clicking HERE. Be sure to read the first part before reading this second post as the second post may not make sense to you without reading the first part. I believe that I ended the first part by telling you the affirmations that I do.

Once I complete the affirmations, I say

Angels, please be with me now. It is my deepest intention now to pull out all the love, all the light, all the peace, all the joy, all the energy, all the blessings and all the happiness from my heart. I would like to send all of these things to my mom, to my dad, to my brother, to my wife, to my children, to my pets and to all of my extended family.

I would also like to send these beautiful things to all the souls who I have given a healing to and all the souls who are yet to receive a healing from me and to all the souls who have been touched by my web site. Should these souls choose to accept my love, my light, my peace, my joy, my energy, my blessings and my happiness, allow it to do for them what is in their best and highest good with pure love. Allow it to give them happiness and peace.

So with that intention angels, please reach into my heart now and pull out and send all my love, my light, my happiness, my joy, my peace, and my healing to all of these beautiful souls. Please do this now.

Then I send this by raising my vibration higher and higher. I do this just by being and feeling with the heart. I feel this energy leaving my body and I see the energies around me. They are all around me. Meditation is about just being and feeling, not thinking.
There is much more gold, and so many different energy beings around me when I do this. Then I do another 6 breathing exercises inhaling light and exhaling love and then I send out the love bomb. This love bomb meditation is mind-blowing for me and it works!!

Here is what I say:
Angels it is now my intention to send out a love bomb to the center of the Earth where Gaia resides. Again, it is my deepest intention now to pull out all the love, all the light, all the peace, all the joy, all the energy, all the blessings and all the happiness from my heart. Please pull all of this out of my heart now and allow it to be in front of me to see.

I then wait and feel it leaving my body and being in front of me. I feel this. I then say:
Angels, please add the energies of anyone who has agreed to add their energies to this love bomb and allow this love bomb to grow based on the addition of these energies.

I have a few people who have agreed to allow me to add their energies in the growth of this love bomb. There is strength in numbers.
Then I say:

Saint Germaine, please be here now. Please wrap your beautiful violet flame and energy around this love bomb giving it transformation and transmutation energies.
He will typically acknowledge me and tell me when he has done this and then I thank him. Then I say:
Angels, please raise this love bomb just slightly above the Earth. I now ask Arch Angel Gabrielle to make a clarion call to all the universes, multiverses and omniverses, to wherever anyone may be at so that they can hear me.

I wait a few moments and then I say:
I ask anyone wherever you may be, if you can hear me, to voluntarily send me your love, your light, your energy, your blessing, your happiness, your joy, your support, your healing. Please merge your intentions into this love bomb, all of you! Grow the love bomb with your love and light and blessings for humanity and Gaia.

I then wait and I just feel. I see things that I cannot describe to you in words. Just know that it is wonderful. I feel as if I am a vacuum sucking up all of this love and light from everywhere and everyone, and happiness from every being there is and I am this vacuum bag getting bigger and bigger. I then say:

I will now count down from 12 to zero and when I reach zero, we will all collectively throw this love bomb into the center of Gaia’s heart where it will explode. Once it explodes, it will be a tidal wave of love flowing through Earth in every direction, nothing standing in its path. It will fill every being with love, light, happiness, joy, peace, and healing.

It will affect all the world leaders and all the governments, all judicial systems, police systems, pharmaceutical systems, corporations, religious institutions, everyone and everything. Every heart will be affected. All wrongs will be corrected. All animals will be free. Every heart will be transformed and transmuted with Saint Germaine’s violet flame.

The collective consciousness will rise. Layers of negativity and anger will be shed and peeled off and peace on Earth will rule. Love will prosper and humanity will ascend. As I now count down, please continue to grow this love bomb, making it stronger and stronger.

Then I do a countdown, and I start with 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0. After I say every number, I take a deep breath inhaling light, holding it in for a three count, and then I exhale love. Then I say a lower number, repeating the breathing until I get to zero. My eyes are open at all times. I envision this energy love bomb getting bigger and intensifying as all beings are sending their love to it as the countdown continues.
Their energies are in it. After every number, the gold grows for me and more beings show up. It is a huge spiritual party at Andy’s house and all the beings are there. I feel their energies. They are all looking at me and I so love this and I feel and love them. When I get to zero I say “Checkmate,” like in the movie Independence Day. Then I say:

Now everyone, please hold this energy love bomb and on the count of three, let’s collectively drop it in the center of Earth, and let it explode into Gaia’s heart filling all life on Earth and beyond with pure Love. One, Two, Three.

When I say three, I see this love bomb being projected from the sky past me and blowing up and exploding in Gaia’s heart. And let me tell you when that love bomb explodes, this wave or massive energy comes over me literally jolting me. There is a fish tank in the room that I meditate in and the fish all flutter around and my 2 dogs bark when this love bomb explodes. Animals are more sensitive to energies.
Then I am in a sea of love just floating around with every other energy being. Just GOLD, GOLD, GOLD. I see myself in the ceiling looking down seeing myself with not a care in the world. I am blissful!!!

After I settle down, I say:
Thank you everyone who has been with me during this meditation. Angels please reach in my heart and send out my love and gratitude to my Guardian Angels, my Ascension Angels, my Arch Angels, my Seraphim Angels, my Universal Angels and to all the Angels that are here who I have not mentioned.

Thank you to my Mom, to my Spirit Guide, to my Master Guides, to Jesus, to all the Ascended Masters, to Saint Germaine, to Lady Nada, to Sananda, to Lady Portia and to all the Company of Heaven and of course to Mother / Father God. Please reach in my heart now angels and send this love and gratitude to yourselves now.
Again, when I do this, so much love is projected at me, and so much gold. I just can’t describe it in words.

Then I say:
If there is anyone that is here who would like to give me message feel free to do so now.

Then various Light Beings pop in and talk to me. I feel their energies and I see their energies. All is communicated telepathically. Most of the messages are about how I am doing, personal messages, what I need to be doing, who I am and what my role here is on Earth regarding ascension.

The beings that have talked to me include Lady Nada, Sananda, Jesus, Saint Germaine, Lady Portia, Arch Angel Michael, Arch Angel Metatron, Arch Angel Gabrielle, Arch Angel Raphael, and Mother / Father God. Each has a different energy and a different telepathic voice. It is truly amazing. You do not have to believe me or anything that I say in this post. I know it is real and I know it is truth. It is not a book or channeling I am reading or a YouTube video I am watching. I see it, and I experience it in my conscious state.

Then I say:
Angels, please release any excess energy from my body through my legs into Gaia’s heart so she can use the energy as she sees fit.

I then start coming down to Earth from my meditation. After the meditation, I go to the bathroom and look in the mirror. Again the energy just raises itself, gold surrounds me and I am not myself in the mirror, I am a beautiful glowing light body being, all energy and love. Another confirmation that it is all true.
So that is my daily meditation experience. Now you know why I am always happy when I talk to you. It is real and it is making a difference in raising the collective consciousness. We need this. Meditations help so much. Collective meditations with positive intent are even stronger.

I will be asking in another post for anyone that is interested to consciously allow me to include your energy in the love bomb. Let’s grow the number of people who are participating in this meditation. There is so much strength in numbers. And I want to be reunited with very special person in my life when the twin flame reunion occurs.

You do not have to meditate with me at a certain time. You do not have to meditate at all. All you need to do is give me permission to include you in this meditation, to include your energy for the good of raising the collective consciousness level. So blessings and love to you for taking the time to read these two long posts on how I meditate. I hope it inspired you to laugh and to be happy!!

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Agarther Z left a comment on Comment Wall
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Planning to......
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Have a nice week...
Thanks..take care.....
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