Dr. Angela Barnett
If you were living in a NORMAL REALITY, you would be entitled to know exactly how your DNA is created to give you ETERNAL LIFE, and how your Normal Body knows how to activate the DNA into new initiations at different ages so that you would become a normal Christ Avatar Child with 12DNA by age 33. This is how the NORMAL REALITY has always been. The only reason we haven't been doing this here on planet Earth is because we had the formula taken away. I was given the formula to return this normal reality to Earth by a group of Ascension Guardians.
DNA are minute crystallized sound tone patterns that become activated by the higher frequencies of the Cosmic Consciousness. When the Consciousness connects to that frequency and inhales the Frequency, it is that Musical Frequency that TRANSFORMS the DNA, by activating it. The Musical Frequencies cause the DNA to come to life, to begin their dance into a new rhythmic pulsation. The music turns on the harpstrings between the neuronets within the DNA. This process of DNA activation can be used transpose a mortal into an immortal through music. Barnett describes this process in detail in this article and in more detail in the articles on her website,
The neuronets reconnect to the Plasma Waves of Cosmic Consciousness. The body cells accelerate , transmute into light and then re manifest within the harmonic universe above. This acceleration of particle spin raises the frequencies into a different consciousness, and this allows the human genetic coding to become manifest in higher harmonics such as 5D of the Tara Consciousness and 8D of Gaia.
The Frequencies that create each Wave Album align 12 DNA in all four templates - of the Physical and Spiritual Parallel Doubles. The 48 DNA are the Genetic Time code of the Indigo’s who were born from the Paradisian Race Line. This is the genetic code required for Biological Ascension. This gift was brought to Earth for Angelic Humans to Plug their Consciousness into.
The fusion of the DNA base codes and acceleration codes cause minute crystalline structures to manifest within the molecular structure of the blood. This crystallization creates what was known as the BLOOD OF CHRIST - the immortal chemical structure within the blood itself. This causes the next DNA Strand to Initiate as a result of the change in chemical, cellular and hormonal acceleration in the body.
DNA is made of electro tonal sound patterns. DNA is the Musical form of Consciousness.There are seals between the DNA that are also made of electro tonal frequency. The seals are frozen and locked closed until the frequencies of concsiousness bring in the 14th dimensional transmutation frequency into the seals to melt them. When my Consciousness connects to the Highest Frequency of the Cosmic 14th Dimension through the Elohim of Hearing, it is collecting the Consciousnesss of Transformation, when I exhale, I'm recording these Frequencies of Transformation into the Musical Recording.
It is that Musical Frequency that TRANSFORMS the DNA, by activating it. The Musical Frequencies of Consciousness melt the Seals between the DNA and cause the DNA to come to life, to begin their dance into a new rhythmic pulsation. The music turns on the harpstrings between the neuronets within the DNA. The neuronets reconnect to the Plasma Waves of Cosmic Consciousness. The body cells become accelerated in frequency and then transmute into light. The cells can then re manifest within the harmonic universe above. This acceleration spin rate, or frequency vibration will allow the entire human genetic code to remanifest within the Taran Time Cycle. Activating DNA alows us to move out of the time and space continuum into the Freedom of Multi Dimensionality.
Frozen Crystal Seals keep the body’s particle base locked away from the anti particle base (spiritual particles). This is what keeps the body locked inside one dimensional band. The polarization of the particle and anti particle bodies at the cellular level is what causes the mortality of the body.The physical body must become tuned into the spiritual body through the process of bringing in more and more of the Light and Sound from the Cosmic Sphere Harmonic Universe Five.
We reconnect the spiritual and physical bodies at the cellular level through the electromagnetic tonal frequencies of the stellar wave activations and infusions. The Confederation of Oraphim Angels from Sun Ra orchestrated the Stellar Wave Activations and Infusions that were prepared to bring the consciousness of each of our original heritage into our morphogenetic field of consciousness. The waves of consciousness included D-4 Sun Spiral, D5 Pleiadian Alcyone Spiral, D-6 Sirian Spiral, D-7 Arcturian Spiral, D-8 Orion Spiral, D-9 Andromeda Spiral, D-10 Lyra -Vega, D-11 Lyra-Aveyon D12- Lyra-Aramatena .
I was trained by the Angels how to inhale the frequencies from each of these waves of Consciousness and how to create the Frequency Music that would bring the entire Morphogenetic Consciousness to Earth from the Music of the Spheres.
The picture on the home page of is showing me holding the Violet Sphere in my hands was taken when I was inhaling the Stellar Waves Infusion from the fifth dimensional D5Pleiadian Alcyone Spiral and the Activation of D-6 Sirian Spiral. The process of 5DNA Activation requires the Initiation of the 6DNA. This moment of the picture was when the Infusion and Activation took place to allow the 5DNA human to appear on Earth between 2017-2022.
This is the beginning of the Ultimate Perfect DNA of the Perfect Divine Blue Print of the ORIGINAL Man made in the Image and Likeness of God.
Dr. Barnett channels Crystalai from the Crystalai Cosmic Councils to be guided in her articles. She has been personally trained in DNA ACTIVATION And ETERNAL LIFE PROGRAMMING by a group of Elohim Angels, the Sirian Council, Sun Alcyone, the Cosmic Councils and her original Aquafarian Family. She was trained how to bring the highest frequencies into the music that Activates the DNA. She was personally guided by Zaurak, from the Sirian Council to be in Monterey for the moment of the D5 and D6 Activation and Infusion to provide the Ultimate Foundation for 5DNA activation on Earth.
ULTIMATE DNA ARCHETYPE As each stellar wave infusion and activation took place on Earth, those desiring DNA activation were required to PARTICIPATE in these Waves of Consciousness transformation. This album allows you to participate in the 12 Wave Infusions and Activations that align your DNA into the 12 Waves of Consciousness that returns our Original Divine Immortality Template. This Divine Template is implanted into each neuronet in the body to re-connect to the 12 Stargates through the Mind of God. Those Stargates were closed on Earth. They are re-opening through the participation in the 12 Stellar Waves returning the Universal Life Force Currents of original Consciousness.
Consciousness is a Frequency created from Electro Magnetic Sound Waves. The Music contains all 12 of those Magnetic Sound Waves retrieved through Cosmic Consciousness into Universal Consciousness and Exhaled into the Earth's Consciousness. These Frequencies were also exhaled into the Music. The DNA is assembled by working with the higher chakras 12-15 in the process of bringing in frequency from the Stellar Spirals into the Star Crystal Seals.
This collection of Consciousness Frequencies of the Stellar Spirals create the Complete Consciousness that was scrambled in the Tower of Babel. We will become One Mind with Telepathic Communication into all twelve of the Universal Systems of our New Cosmos. This set of frequencies creates the Original Perfect or Ultimate DNA Archetype of our Original Creation. We will once again be the Race with 12 DNA encoded and activated.
Song names D-4 Sun Spiral D5 Pleiadian Alcyone Spiral, D-6 Sirian Spiral D-7 Arcturian Spiral D-8 Orion Spiral D-9 Andromeda Spiral D-10 Lyra -Vega D-11 Lyra-Aveyon D12- Lyra-Aramatena
COSMIC DNA MASSAGE Luxurious Frequencies that actually massage the neuronets within the DNA to turn on the new Rhythm that awakens the dormant genetic time codes to transmute the body into a new form of life. The perfect Cosmic Spa transforms the body from the inside to allow the blood crystals to glow, the harpstrings within the DNA sing deep within the atomic structure and the blockage of flow of blood that causes the need for normal massage is restored from within. A perfect combination for those who do Massage Therapy, Reiki Therapy, Energy Therapy of any Kind and for Yoga classes.
The music is TUNED IN to the Activity of restructuring our bodies from the inside out. The fusions of the DNA base codes and acceleration codes causes minute crystalline structures to manifest within the molecular structure of the blood creating the BLOOD OF CHRIST--the immortal chemical structure within the blood itself. This prepares the body for bio-chemical, cellular, hormonal, and metabollic systems for acceleration of particle rhythm and transmutations. Particle Rhythm acceleration causes the star crystal seal between that dimension and the dimension above to release. Release of the star crystal seal activates a dormant genetic time code within the two DNA strands corresponding to the Star Crystal Seal. Star Crystal Seals are Frequency Seals. They are an electro tonal frequency. They are a BREATH OF CONSCIOUSNESS.
When the Consciousness connects to that frequency and inhales the Frequency, it is that Musical Frequency that TRANSFORMS the DNA, by activating it. The Musical Frequencies cause the DNA to come to life, to begin their dance into a new rhythmic pulsation. The music turns on the harpstrings between the neuronets within the DNA. The neuronets reconnect to the Plasma Waves of Cosmic Consciousness. The body cells accelerate , transmute into light and then re manifest within the harmonic universe above. This acceleration of particle spin will allow the human genetic code to re-manifest within the Taran Time Cycle.
ETERNAL LIFE HEALING WATER ETERNAL LIFE HEALING WATER contains the Frequencies that transform the body from the Spiritual Water within. First we must transmute the H20 into H2 O2 HE3. We must add the helium to our water to remove the gravity of this matrix. We inhale the Frequencies of the Spiritual Water into the Cells of the Body for Instant Healing and eventual tranformation into a new chemical structure that allows Biological Ascension. This music is going to take you to a place that you need to go to activate the pre-plasma liquid light of the Universal Life Force Spiritual Waters. I have included the H202HE3 HYDROLAISE Water Currents in many albums. The Eternal Life Waters Journey actually takes you beyond this Cosmic Matrix back through the Eye of God Birthing Chambers to soak in the TRYPOLAISE Water for Spiritual Rebirth. The albums are in two parts- The music and the Journeys. You can listen to music only at night and then do the journeys in the morning. ETERNAL LIFE WATERS contains the magical coded frequencies from the Streams of Light and Sound from the Cosmic Sun 8, who is the New Sun born from the Seven Suns reuniting as One. The Frequencies come from the Cosmic Inner Earth Domains of Aquafaria where the Cosmic Water Elementals send their flames of Atomic Radiation to create the Fire Vehicles that will allow the Listener's Plasma Body to ride the Space Ship beyond the Earth's Matrix into the HEAVENLY REALITY that waits beyond this Cosmos.
ETERNAL LIFE WATER HYDRO-PURE SPIN HYDRO PURE HYDROLAISE HYDRO WATER HEALING WATER ETERNAL LIGHT TRYPOLAISE UNDERWATER REBIRTH ETERNAL CALM HYDRO-PURE BASE TONE WATER SWIRLING VORTEX The DNA is assembled by working with the higher chakras 12-15 in the process of bringing in frequency from the Stellar Spirals into the Star Crystal Seals. DNA are minute templates of crystallized frequency-the electro-tonal sound patterns and eletromagnetic light spectra that magnetically group into crystalline form. Each seed crystal plugs into and controls one human DNA strand. There are 15 Seed Crystal Seals within the bio-energetic body of the human, 12 Seed crystal seals govern the function of the DNA seed codes within the the 12 Strand DNA imprint. There are dormant codes within the body that correspond to star crystal seals. The codes in the body remain dormant until they are activated by the Stellar Waves. The dormant codes need to plug into each other for cellular transmutation. These codes are genetic time codes. The 12 genetic time codes plug into each other to create the original gene construction of the human organism. Without these original gene codes, the body cannot achieve the transmutation that allows it to become free from space and time. Frozen Crystal Seals keep the body's particle base locked away from the anti particle base. This is what keeps the body locked inside one dimensional band. The polarization of the particle and anti particle bodies at the cellular level is what causes the mortality of the body. We re-connect the spiritual and physical bodies at the cellualr level through the electromagnetic tonal frequencies of the stellar wave activations and infusions.
48DNA ASCENSION The Frequencies in this album activate the 12 DNA in all four templates- of the Physical and Spiritual Parallel Doubles. The 48 DNA are the Genetic Time code of the Indigo's who were born from the Paradisian Race Line. This is the genetic code required for Biological Ascension. This gift was brought to Earth for Angelic Humans to Plug their Consciousness into. The fusions of the DNA base codes and acceleration codes causes minute crystalline structures to manifest within the molecular structure of the blood creating the BLOOD OF CHRIST--the immortal chemical structure within the blood itself. This prepares the body for bio-chemical, cellular, hormonal, and metabollic systems for acceleration of particle rhythm and transmutations. Particle Rhythm acceleration causes the star crystal seal between that dimension and the dimension above to release. Release of the star crystal seal activates a dormant genetic time code within the two DNA strands corresponding to the Star Crystal Seal. Star Crystal Seals are Frequency Seals. They are an electro tonal frequency. They are a BREATH OF CONSCIOUSNESS. When the Consciousness connects to that frequency and inhales the Frequency, it is that Musical Frequency that TRANSFORMS the DNA, by activating it. The Musical Frequencies cause the DNA to come to life, to begin their dance into a new rhythmic pulsation. The music turns on the harpstrings between the neuronets within the DNA. The neuronets reconnect to the Plasma Waves of Cosmic Consciousness. The body cells accelerate , transmute into light and then re manifest within the harmonic universe above. This acceleration of particle spin will allow the human genetic code to re-manifest within the Taran Time Cycle. SONG NAMES 5DNA 6DNA 12DNA 48DNA 240DNA 288 DNA 384DNA
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