How I Clear My Energetic Field & Balance The Chakras

Apo3D-130417-92501112.jpg?itok=A4oxWNXQ&width=250I want to describe the process I go through to clear stagnant energy from my subtle body and open up the chakras. This is something that has brought enormous joy into my life, peace into my heart, cleared away anxiety and depression, and also brought much greater health and energy to my physical body as well.

I've learned to not worry, and to work with life instead of struggling against it. It's also brought greater intuition, empathy and artistic talent into my life. It's been a holistic change, and I could easily write a whole article just listing the benefits alone.

Before I get into the process more, I need to do a bit of a disclaimer. This is not something to be done ritualistically. It's not meant to encourage unconscious, habitual repetition, in fact it's meant to break you out of that. This is about living life, your life, and how you do that is up to you. You are beautifully unique and this isn't about telling you the right and wrong ways to live your life. This is what has worked for me, and I'm sharing it with the intention that it may assist you as well.

Now the first step is to quiet the mind. To consciously clear the energetic body, you need to be aware of it, and that's very difficult when an overactive mind is constantly demanding attention. This is where meditation comes in, learning to let go of the mind and embrace Consciousness. Meditation is simply quieting the mind, it doesn't matter so much how you do it. I started with sitting closed-eyed, alone, in a quiet room, then gradually expanded the meditation to encompass every aspect of my life. Eventually I stopped needing a peaceful outer environment to have a peaceful inner environment, though at first, a peaceful, quiet spot was very helpful in quieting the mind.

Here's a couple tips when meditating: First, you can't force the mind to be quiet. That's using the mind to try to quiet the mind, which is only going to excite the mind more. Thinking about quieting the mind at all is just going to feed into it more. Meditation is letting go of thinking, which is an enormous paradigm shift from the thinking-based world most people live in. Don't try to silence the mind, don't fight it, don't resist at all, simply observe. Watch your thoughts, be aware of them, but don't get caught up in them. This is difficult because most people operate on the ego level where you believe yourself to be your thoughts. You become very emotionally-invested in all your thoughts, but you really don't need to worry about all that. Wouldn’t it be a relief to just let them go? Watch your thoughts, become the observer, and the more you do this, the less power they'll have over you. The mind is like a parade, let it march on by. It likely won’t happen instantly, but if you can keep watching your thoughts without losing yourself in them, then mind will start to slow down, and then the real cleansing of the energetic body can begin.

While there's similarities between the physical and energetic bodies, they're quite different as well. The feelings that come from the energy body are fundamentally different than the physical senses like sight and smell. It also doesn't help that our language is almost entirely based upon the physical realm so describing the feelings that come from the energy body is a bit of a challenge. It really has to be felt directly, understanding it intellectually isn't enough. Joy, bliss, ecstasy, child-like wonder, those are the kind of feelings that come from a healthy, free-flowing energy body. On the other hand, an unhealthy energy body can create negative emotions like fear and anxiety. Remember that these are just words, and there's a depth to the feelings that goes far beyond such simple labels. The activation of the energy body can also produce sensations such as feeling pressure, tingling, and energy rushing through you. These feelings can range from gentle and soothing, to very very intense.

The most effective way I've found to clear the energy body is to work directly with the energy itself. The mind just gets in the way, it tries to interpret, label and analyze the feelings which makes things unnecessarily complicated. What's needed is a switch from a thinking-based paradigm to a feeling-based one, which assists greatly in understanding the Higher Realms too.  This is also the difference between doing and being, doing is always done with expectations of results, while being is simply present. Presence is essential to feeling the subtle energy body within.

I bring my attention inward, not necessarily to any specific place, though the energy coming from the chakras is usually the easiest to feel, so that's a good place to start. You can also direct your attention to any place you feel muscle tension, discomfort, pleasure, tingling, really any sensation is fine. Look at it, simply feel it, and one of two things will happen. The first possibility is that it will come alive, the feeling may grow, move around, pulsate, and change. This is really what's happening within and around you in every moment, but the movements of these subtle energies only happen subconsciously for most people. These currents of energy flow up and down our bodies, from the base of the feet to the crown of the head, and in and out and through everything around us as well. When you start to tap into this realm of energy, a whole new dimension will be added to your life.

Now I mentioned something else may happen when you bring your attention inwards, something not quite as miraculous, but still equally important to be aware of. In the "past" you had traumatic experiences, and these things you still carry with you. We're taught to not deal with negative emotions fully, but to seek ways to distract ourselves from them. Through TV, computers, food, work, drugs, all these are types of addictions, ways of dealing with negative emotions by distracting ourselves. The emotions aren't cleared at all, but simply pushed into the unconscious. It's like cleaning your house by sweeping all the dirt under the rug. It's all still there, it's just unseen.

When you quiet your mind, and bring your attention inwards, this stuff can't help but come up. When you store all this negative energy in your unconscious, it's really being stored in your energy body and disrupting it's natural flow. By attempting to avoid all your negative emotions, you horde them up, and through this you become a magnet for fear, pain, and disease as well. The energy body, the physical body, and the mind all mirror each other. Imbalance in one is reflected in all the others.

So when you bring your attention inwards, and these negative emotions come up, these memories of the past come up, worries, anxiety or stress comes up, simply be aware. Don't react to them, simply be aware of them, feeling them. Don't try to fight, don't run away, just be aware. It’s only energy and when it’s seen fully for what it is, it can be transformed and released. The mind is going to want to start thinking about these things, and then your attention will shift back towards your mind instead of the more subtle feelings. The emotional baggage you carry stays with you because the original experience was never completed. You didn't want to feel the pain fully, so the emotions were pushed into the unconscious mind, where they remain.

It's good to feel these things, it creates the opportunity for true resolution and healing. That's something that can't happen when you're trying to avoid your pain. Look at the feelings directly and they will start to lose the power they had over you. Hidden in the darkness of unconsciousness, the parts of yourself you don't want to confront can seem like big scary monsters. When brought into the light of consciousness though, they don't seem so big and scary anymore. The old energies are transformed, the once stagnant energies become alive again, and the more you do this, the more you become alive again.

When you really pay attention to your energy field, another miracle starts to happen. The lines between the inner and the outer start to blur. You start to see how the inner and the outer worlds are deeply connected, and how your energy field is constantly interacting with everything around you. When this happens, you can't help but start to feel energy from other people as well.

Now when feeling energy from others, it's very easy to take on that energy yourself. Emotions are contagious, even for people totally unconscious of the fact that they're absorbing energy from other people. These emotions excite the mind, which then draws attention away from the subtle energy body, and makes the kind of healing I'm talking about here all the more difficult. For this reason, the healing of the energy body is generally done alone or with others who are at least somewhat balanced themselves. However, simply because it's easier doesn't mean that's the best way of doing it, and being able to find balance around unbalanced people is enormously beneficial.

Personally, when I'm around people who carry a lot of negative emotions, I have to keep clearing my energy and grounding. If you’re not centered, it’s very easy to start taking on other’s problems and this world is full of people who are more than willing to share their problems with you. I’m not suggesting that you don’t help people, or ignore what they’re going through, but you can do those things without making their problems your own. In fact, by not getting caught up in someone else’s emotional world, you can assist people much better in transcending their problems. Of course, whether or not that occurs is ultimately up to them, not you.

Every moment of your life is an opportunity for growth, healing and expansion. This moment, right now, is the only moment that healing actually occurs. Don’t put conditions on it, don’t push it into the “future”, just be present and aware.


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  • Wonderful post and thank you for sharing Will. 

  • everything you said I agree you on point keep it up :D

  • thanks, Will..

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