Hundreds of thousands of people have been repeatedly taking to the streets of Damascus to show their support for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Photo taken October 12, 2011
While the mainstream media is going to great lengths to convince the world that events in Syria are the result of yet another 'people's revolution', the facts point clearly to yet another US government-sponsored bloody 'regime change'. Given that the US has been a de facto global empire for at least 60 years, with all of the power, infrastructure and influence that entails, how difficult do we think it would be for agents of the empire to manufacture a 'revolution' in any given country? The answer, surprisingly, is 'not so easily'. But it is doable, as long as the empire is willing to murder innocent civilians to create the impression of a brutal regime in need of removal. And the USA has never balked at murdering a few hundred, a few thousand, or even a few million civilians to ensure it gets its geo-political way, to the delight of psychopaths in power everywhere.
A CIA History of Mass Murder and Global NIGYSOB
'Hey, what's in those boxes?' CIA agents living it up in Laos in the 1960's.
Back in the late '60s and '70s, the CIA funded, trained and armed so-called 'anti-Communist' Hmong rebels in Laos, a strategy that ultimately led to the US military dropping more bombs on the innocent civilians of Laos than all the bombs dropped during the second World War. From 1964 through 1973, 580,000 bombing runs were flown over Laos - one every nine minutes for ten years. At the same time, vast quantities of heroin were flown out by the CIA's 'Air America' planes. Previous to, and since then, the CIA has orchestrated dozens of armed insurgencies in dozens of countries around the world, arming bands of mercenaries and death squads in an effort to establish and expand American economic and political hegemony over every corner of the globe.
Since its creation in 1947, the CIA has mounted approximately 3,000 major operations and 10,000 minor operations of this nature, every one of them illegal and many of them "bloody and gory beyond comprehension". According to former CIA agent John Stockwell (who was involved in several such operations), by 1988, over six million people had been killed as a result.
In an interview with Amy Goodman on March 2, 2007, U.S. General Wesley Clark (Ret.), explained that the Bush Administration planned to "take out" seven countries in five years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran. While the sequence of invasions seems to have been revised to some extent, the plan appears to be progressing nicely for the psychopathic lords of empire. But wait! The Bush government isn't in power anymore! Obama's in charge now, right? How can the Obama administration be following a foreign policy of subversion and mass murder that was devised under another president's leadership?! Unless the president really isn't the 'commander in chief'. Unless the position of the president of the USA is little more than a ceremonial one, and some other group, that transcends changes in administrations, actually dictates government policy. But that wouldn't be democratic, so obviously it's not true.
Like Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya before it, Syria is next in line for NATO (aka American/Israeli) regime change, and the hallmarks of CIA, MI6 and Mossad subversion tactics are all over the media reporting of this latest 'Arab revolution'. Syria has been on the Israelis' 'to-do' list for several years, mainly because it is (now) the last independent, secular, multi-ethnic Arab country in the Middle East, a staunch supporter of Iranand, as such, an obstacle to Israeli hegemony over the entire Middle East.
Any questions?
It's actually a grand game of NIGYSOB ('Now I've Got You you Son Of a Bitch') whereby some Arab governments that refuse to submit to Western and Israeli dominance are continually harassed and destabilized to the point that they are forced, in order to survive, to develop a security infrastructure that is, to one extent or another, totalitarian. Western powers and the Israelis can then, when it suits them best, decry the lack of 'freedom' within the targeted nation and begin the process of overthrowing the government. See Hugo Chavez's terms as Venezuelan president as an example of  how this 'game' is played by Western powers.
The origins of the Israeli-Arab conflict are, as many know, based on the fact that the Zionists decided that the Jewish people needed a homeland that belonged to some Arabs. With the help of the British and a liberal dose of ethnic cleansing in the late 1930s and 1940s, the founders of the Jewish state ensured then, and by their actions since, that Israel would be in perpetual conflict with their neighbors. For their part, the American elite's motivation in targeting Syria is that which motivates all psychopaths: greed, power and the compelling desire to make others suffer, as was evidenced most recently by Hilary Clinton's ecstatic delight at the brutal televised murder of Muammar Gaddafi. Of course, there are also more mundane reasons like the fact that, in 2006, the Syrian government switched all of the state's foreign currency transactions from dollars to euros, or that the same year Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad publicly stated the obvious, yet consistently denied, the fact that the Israelis murdered Yasser Arafat.
So far, the Syrian 'revolution' has been a carbon copy of most other CIA-sponsored 'regime changes' over the past 60 years: mercenaries and death squads are imported into the country to 'stir things up' in advance of a bombing campaign when the time is right. In Libya, that's exactly what happened, with the British, Americans and Israelis pooling their resources and sharing the contents of their little black books of 'al-qaeda' fighters they have been recruiting over the years.
Born Again Muslim Terrorists
Me? Muslim terrorist? But I work for the CIA!
Consider the fact that the one of the leaders of the 'rebel' assault on Tripoli and the current military governor of Tripoli (more or less the commander-in-chief of the Libyan military) is Abdelhakim Belhadj. Belhadj has an interesting past. After a stint as a Mujaheddin fighter (trained and funded by the US) in the Soviet-Afghan war, Belhadj travelled across the Middle East and then came back to Libya in the early 1990s. There he joined the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) and tried to overthrow Colonel Gaddafi before being forced to flee in 1998. He then moved to Afghanistan and joined the Taliban. In 2002, after the September 11 attacks and Gaddafi's reconciliation with the West, an arrest warrant was issued for Belhadj by the Libyan authorities. In it, it was alleged that Belhadj had developed "close relationships" with al-Qaeda leaders, and specifically Taliban chief Mullah Omar. Based in Jalalabad, he is alleged to have run and financed training camps for Arab mujaheddin fighters. According to the former Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar, Belhadj was suspected of complicity in the 2004 Madrid train bombings. As a virtual CIA asset, he was being tracked by the agency and was arrested in Bangkok and rendered to a secret prison in Libya in 2004. He stayed there until last year when he escaped and became a CIA-funded leader of the Libyan revolution.
In case you are a little confused by all that, let me spell it out: the CIA is using 'Muslim terrorists', i.e. people against whom America is waging the 'War on Terror', to bring 'freedom and democracy' to states that 'harbor Muslim terrorists'.
Mahdi al-Harat with his wife and some CIA money that he lost, or maybe they just wanted it back.
A fine 'Irish' chap by the name of Mahdi al-Harati was second in command to Belhadj in the Tripoli Military Council until he resigned in October 2011. Married to an Irish national, Mr al-Harati has admitted that he was paid by the CIA to organise anti-Gaddafi fighters in 2011. According to a Sunday World article of November 6, 2011, €200,000 in cash and expensive jewellery was stolen from al-Harati's Dublin home a month previously. The Sunday Worldreported that a criminal gang working the area found two envelopes stuffed with €500 notes during a raid on al-Harati's family home, October 6. The article, apparently relying on police sources, stated that al-Harati, who had been a Dublin resident and employed as an Arabic teacher for 20 years, when contacted by Irish police, claimed that the stolen cash was "given to him by an American intelligence agency."
"Astonished officers made contact with Mahdi al-Harati who told them that he had travelled to France, the United States and Qatar the previous month and that representatives of an American intelligence agency had given him a significant amount of money to help in the efforts to defeat Gaddafi. He said he left two envelopes with his wife in case he was killed and took the rest of the cash with him when he went back to Libya."